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Director's Blog

The “Director’s Blog” webpage launched in October 2009 as former U.S. Census Bureau Director Robert Groves wrote about the 2010 Census and provided a director’s point of view on everything from news to topics about statistics.

In August 2012, Acting Director Tom Mesenbourg began contributing to the blog. Starting in August 2013, former Director John H. Thompson contributed to the blog, providing updates on vast intercensal surveys and programs as preparations began for the 2020 Census. In 2018, Dr. Ron Jarmin contributed to the blog while performing the non exclusive functions and duties of the director. From January 2019 to January 2020, former Director Steven Dillingham made contributions to the blog about the 2020 Census.

Beginning January 2022, Director Robert L. Santos will be contributing to the blog, providing updates on the many ways we measure America’s people and economy.


54 Results
Showing 36 Results

Director's Blog
Celebrating Tribal Identity with Data
During November, we have been celebrating National Native American Heritage Month, also referred to as American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Heritage Month.

Director's Blog
Valuable New Datasets on Race and Ethnicity From the U.S. Census Bureau
During my tenure as director of the U.S. Census Bureau, I have met with hundreds of users of Census Bureau data across America.

Director's Blog
Sus comentarios para el Censo del 2030 ayudan a nuestra nación.
El pasado otoño anunciamos con mucho entusiasmo que la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. estaba intentando captar activamente sus ideas para lograr un mejor Censo del 2030.

Director's Blog
Your 2030 Census Feedback Helps Our Nation. Thank you, and Here’s What’s Next.
Last fall, we eagerly announced that the U.S. Census Bureau actively sought your ideas for a better 2030 Census.

Director's Blog
A Look Ahead: 2023
The U.S. Census Bureau has endured the throes of 2020, when multiple challenges including a global pandemic threatened the completion of our constitutionally mandated decennial census.

Director's Blog
It's not too late to submit your ideas for the 2030 Census!
In case you missed my blog post a few weeks ago, for the first time ever, the Census Bureau is seeking your ideas for the planning and design of the decennial census.

Census Operations
We welcome your ideas for a better 2030 Census!
We can overcome challenges when we help each other, when we work together toward a common good.

Director's Blog
Datos para la redistribución legislativa: qué esperar y cuándo
Hemos tenido varios equipos trabajando arduamente en el próximo conjunto de datos del Censo 2020 : los datos de redistritación.

Director's Blog
Redistricting Data: What to Expect and When
Since releasing the apportionment results in April, we’ve had several teams working hard on the next set of 2020 Census data — the redistricting data.

Director's Blog
The 2020 Census: Our Growing Nation
The U.S. Census Bureau released results from the 2020 Census, marking the 24th time the nation’s population has been counted.

Director's Blog
2020 Census Processing Updates
I’m writing to provide an update on data processing for the 2020 Census.

Director's Blog
To the Outstanding Women and Men of the U.S. Census Bureau: A little over two years ago, I took an oath to serve you as the 25th Director of the U.S. Census Bureau.

Director's Blog
Final Director's Blog from Dr. Steven Dillingham
Today, I write my last update on the 2020 Census. I have just informed the outstanding staff at the U.S. Census Bureau that that I will retire from federal service on January 20, 2021 at noon.

2020: A Year in Review
I want to thank each member of the Census Bureau community for the work done to help support our mission.

Director's Blog
2020 Census Outreach — Final Stretch
Right now, thousands of census takers across the United States are knocking on doors and calling households that have not yet filled out their 2020 Census questionnaire.

Director's Blog
Thank You to Our Dedicated Field Team
As dedicated and resilient census takers, you have successfully wrapped up data collection in the Census Bureau’s quest to get a complete and accurate count of our great and vast country.

Director's Blog
The End of 2020 Census Data Collection, Next Steps, and a Heartfelt Thanks
We completed data collection for the 2020 Census on October 15, 2020. Every decennial census makes history, but this was like no other in living memory.

Director's Blog
2020 Census and Tribal Communities
As the end of the 2020 Census response period approaches, the U.S. Census Bureau remains committed to a complete and accurate count of people living on tribal reservations.

Director's Blog
Celebrate Constitution Day by Completing the 2020 Census
Today, I am on the road partnering with state and local leaders to urge communities to respond to the 2020 Census.

Director's Blog
Getting a Census Taker Visit When You've Already Responded
These visits are part of our efforts to be absolutely sure that we count everyone.

Update From Director Dillingham: More Than 80% of Households Counted
We are extremely proud to report that more than 80 percent of households have been enumerated nationwide.

Director's Blog
Visiting Hard-to-Count Communities
Since our census takers began hitting the streets earlier this month, I wanted to put myself in their shoes and see what it takes to do their job.

Director's Blog
Census in the Time of COVID
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we quickly adapted our plans and adjusted the 2020 Census schedule.

Director's Blog
Statement: Delivering a Complete and Accurate 2020 Census Count
Today, we announced updates to accelerate the completion of data collection and apportionment counts by our statutory deadline of December 31, 2020.

Director's Blog
Prepared Statement Before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform
Today U.S. Census Bureau Director Steven Dillingham testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform.

Director's Blog
Update on the 2020 Census
The leadership and staff of the U.S. Census Bureau are fully committed to a complete and accurate count of all people living in the United States, without exception.

Director's Blog
Half of U.S. Households Have Responded to the 2020 Census
The country has reached an important milestone in the 2020 Census.

Director's Blog
All 2020 Census Systems Go: How Smart Planning, Thorough Testing, and Backup Systems Will Deliver a Secure and Successful Count
The 2020 Census is important because responses help determine congressional representation for each state, and guide how billions of dollars are distributed across the country.

Director's Blog
Address Canvassing Operation Begins
When dealing with a diverse nation of over 330 million people living in more than 140 million housing units, the challenges of conducting a census can be quite complex.

Director's Blog
Census Bureau Adopts Cutting Edge Privacy Protections for 2020 Census
The Census Bureau takes seriously its legal and professional obligation to safeguard the information it gathers from the public.

Census Operations
The Balancing Act of Producing Accurate and Confidential Statistics
Several months ago, Dr. John Abowd, our chief scientist at the Census Bureau, blogged about the need for disclosure avoidance measures and the considerations that went into our decision to implement differential privacy.

Director's Blog
Counting Everyone Once, Only Once and in the Right Place
U.S. Census Bureau staff presented to the National Advisory Committee (NAC) and gave an update on how we plan to efficiently and effectively reach hard-to-count communities.

Director's Blog
Research Sets the Stage for 2020 Census Communications
For the 2020 Census, the U.S. Census Bureau has placed a premium on outreach and communications to reach every person throughout the United States no matter where they live or what language they speak.

Director's Blog
The 2020 Census and American Indian and Alaska Native Areas
As we gear up for the 2020 Census, the U.S. Census Bureau recognizes the unique challenges associated with conducting the census as accurately as possible in American Indian and Alaska Native areas.

Director's Blog
Thank You, Providence
Last week I had the opportunity to visit Providence, Rhode Island, where the 2018 Census Test is wrapping up.

Director's Blog
Final Census Test Proves Successful
With less than two years away from Census Day 2020, the 2018 Census Test is proving that we are on track and well on our way for the full count — the 2020 Census.

Page Last Revised - December 5, 2023
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