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America Counts

America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers

We feature stories on various topics such as families, housing, employment, business, education, the economy, emergency management, and population.

Disminuyó la población de Puerto Rico nacida en el extranjero
La población de la Isla nacida en el extranjero bajó de los 100,000 habitantes del 2018 al 2022, un descenso de casi 15,000 comparado con la década anterior.
Puerto Rico’s Foreign-Born Population Has Declined
The island’s foreign-born population dropped below 100,000 in 2018-2022, a decline of roughly 15,000 from a decade earlier.
Families and Living Arrangements
National Marriage and Divorce Rates Declined From 2011 to 2021
Puerto Rico had among the lowest marriage and divorce rates in 2021.
How Socially Vulnerable Is Puerto Rico to Disasters?
All municipios and 87% of census tracts in Puerto Rico showed higher social vulnerability than the United States.
¿Cuánta vulnerabilidad social ante desastres tiene Puerto Rico?
Todos los municipios y el 87 % de los sectores censales en Puerto Rico muestran una mayor vulnerabilidad social que los Estados Unidos.
Data Products Built by and for Puerto Rican Communities
The Opportunity Project tackled challenges specific to Puerto Rico using open data from the U.S. Census Bureau and other federal agencies.
Trabajadores jóvenes y mayores impulsaron empleos después de María
Primeros Indicadores trimestrales de la fuerza laboral de Puerto Rico publicados hoy proporcionan un perfil demográfico del empleo después del huracán María.
Youngest and Oldest Workers Drove Job Recovery After Hurricane Maria
The first Quarterly Workforce Indicators for Puerto Rico released today provide a demographic profile of employment after Hurricane Maria.
The Opportunity Project Tackles Six New Challenges to Help Communities
New challenges include finding ways to support children in Puerto Rico and help communities transition to renewable energy.
Net Outmigration from Puerto Rico Slows During Pandemic
The U.S. Census Bureau is now using flight data to more accurately measure migration flows in and out of Puerto Rico.
PUERTO RICO: 2020 Census
The Isle of Enchantment lost 439,915 people last decade, dropping 11.8% to 3,285,874.
Puerto Rico Has Tougher Workplace Vaccine Requirements Than U.S.
Puerto Rico leads U.S. states in small businesses requiring proof their employees are vaccinated against COVID-19 before returning to work.
Estimating Puerto Rico’s Population After Hurricane Maria
Airline traffic data helped to more accurately estimate the Puerto Rico July 1, 2019, population.
Street Addresses Are Simple, Right? Not in Puerto Rico
Parts of the island have the same street names and house numbers. The Census Bureau and other federal agencies join forces to manage Puerto Rico's addresses.
More Puerto Ricans Move to Mainland United States, Poverty Declines
Migration from Puerto Rico to the mainland United States increased by 36.9% between 2017 and 2018. Poverty in Puerto Rico decreased by 1.3 percentage points.
Page Last Revised - May 19, 2023
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