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Economic Data

Economic data refer to the Economic Census of establishments and various surveys and data for establishments and firms. With very few exceptions, the public use versions for these files are limited to data presented in aggregate form. The following tables list establishment and firm based data, the survey period, the frequency of data collection, the years of data available, and the sponsoring federal agency. Access to these data will only be granted to qualified researchers on approved projects with authorization to use specific data sets. All external researcher access to restricted–use data occurs at one of the secure Federal Statistical Research Data Centers.

Some Census Bureau surveys are sponsored in whole or in part by other federal agencies. Sponsorship of data collections may also change over time. External research projects using these data may require permission of the sponsoring agency. Most economic data contain Federal Tax Information (FTI). Use of these data requires approval of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

You can apply for access to restricted-use microdata at FSRDCs via the Standard Application Process (SAP) Portal at www.ResearchDataGov.org. The SAP Portal is a web-based data catalog and common application that serves as a “front door” to apply for confidential data from any of the 16 principal federal statistical agencies and units for evidence building purposes. To learn more about the SAP, please visit the Standard Application Process Overview webpage. Information about applying for access to restricted-use Census Bureau microdata in the FSRDCs using the SAP portal is available on the Census Bureau’s Standard Application Process website.  

Note: the SAP Portal has the definitive list of restricted-use Census Bureau datasets available to potential FSRDC researchers. Datasets are added and removed from the SAP portal as their availability status changes.

Assistance from an FSRDC administrator will greatly reduce the need for future revisions to your application. If you are unsure which FSRDC to contact or have a general question, please reach out to the Census Bureau at ced.fsrdc.info@census.gov.

Restricted–Use Economic Census* Microdata

Data Set Frequency Unit of Enumeration Availability
Census of Auxiliary Establishments (AUX)
Every 5 Years Establishment 1977–2012
Census of Construction Industries (CCN) Every 5 Years Establishment 1972–2022
Census of Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate (CFI) Every 5 Years Establishment 1992–2022
Census of Island Areas – Puerto Rico (CIAPR) Every 5 Years Establishment 1992–2017
Census of Manufactures (CMF) Every 5 Years Establishment 1963,
Census of Manufactures Total Factor Productivity** Every 5 Years Establishment 1972-2012
Census of Mining (CMI) Every 5 Years Establishment 1987–2022
Census of Retail Trade (CRT) Every 5 Years Establishment 1977–2022
Census of Services (CSR) Every 5 Years Establishment 1977–2022
Census of Transportation, Communications, and Utilities (CUT) Every 5 Years Establishment 1987–2022
Census of Wholesale Trade (CWH) Every 5 Years Establishment 1977–2022

*All economic censuses are sponsored by Census Bureau

**Available to projects approved to use CMF

Restricted–Use Business Register Microdata

Data Set Frequency Unit of Enumeration Availability
Compustat–SSEL Bridge (CSB)* Annually Firm 1976– 2016
Form 5500 Bridge File Annually Establishment 1992-2018
Integrated Longitudinal Business Database (ILBD) Various Establishment 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1994–2020
Longitudinal Business Database (LBD) Annually Establishment 1976–2021
Ownership Change Database (OCD) Every 5 Years
Establishment 1963, 1967–2002
Report of Organization Survey
Also known as Company Organization Survey (COS); Now under SSEL
Annually Firm 2002–2019
Standard Statistical Establishment List/Business Register (SSEL)/County Business Patterns Business Register (CBPBR)
Annually Establishment 1974–2021

*The CSB is only available with a current Compustat license.

Restricted–Use Establishment Microdata

Data Set Frequency Unit of Enumeration Availability Sponsor
Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM)
Annually (except Economic Census years) Establishment 1973–2021 Census Bureau
Annual Survey of Manufactures Total Factor Productivity* Annually Establishments 1973-2016 (selected years) Census Bureau
Current Industrial Reports (CIR) Annually
Establishment 1993–2011 Census Bureau
Management and Organizational Practices Survey (MOPS)** Various Establishment 2010, 2015 Census Bureau
Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS) Various Establishment 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018 Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey – Insurance Component (MEPS–IC) Annually Establishment 1996–2006, 2008–2022 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
National Employer Survey (NES) Various Establishment 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998 Department of Education (DOE)
Quarterly Survey of Plant Capacity Utilization (QPC) / Survey of Plant Capacity Utilization (PCU) Quarterly Establishment 1974–2023 Federal Reserve (FED)
Survey of Manufacturing Technology (SMT) Various
Establishment 1988,
1991, 1993
Census Bureau
Survey of Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditures (PACE) Various
Establishment 1974–1982, 1984–1986, 1988–1994, 1999, 2005 Census Bureau / Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

*Available to projects approved to use ASM

**MOPS does not contain federal tax information (FTI). These data are a supplement to the ASM and are requested for use in the Federal Statistical Research Data Centers (FSRDCs) with the ASM.

Restricted–Use Firm Microdata

Business Research & Development and Innovation Survey (BRDIS)
(see also SIRD)

Data Set Frequency Unit of Enumeration Availability Sponsor
Annual Business Survey (ABS) Annually Firm 2018-2022 (For reference years 2017-2020) National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics and the Census Bureau
Annual Capital Expenditures Survey (ACES)

Includes Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Supplement in 2003-2011 and 2013 (discontinued)
Annually Firm 1993-2022 Census Bureau
Annual Retail Trade Survey (ARTS) Annually Firm 1999–2022 Census Bureau
Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs (ASE) Annually (superseded by ABS) Firm 2014–2016 Census Bureau
Annual Wholesale Trade Survey (AWTS) Annually Firm 1995–2022 Census Bureau
Business Expenditures Survey (BES)
Also known as Business Expenses Supplement
Every 5 Years
Firm 1992–2007 Census Bureau
Business Research & Development and Innovation Survey (BRDIS) (see also SIRD, BRDS)
Annually (superseded by ABS and BRDS) Firm 2008–2016 National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics  
Business Research and Development Survey (BRDS)
Annually Firm 2017-2018 National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
Business Trends and Outlook Survey (BTOS)  (includes discontinued Small Business Pulse Survey (SBPS) 2020-2022)
Biweekly Firm 2022-2023 Census Bureau
Enterprise Summary Report (ESR) Every 5 Years Firm 1977–1992 Census Bureau
Exporter Database (EDB) Annually Firm 1992, 1996–2021 International Trade Administration
Importer Database (IDB) Annually Firm 2008-2021 International Trade Administration
Kauffman Firm Survey (KFS)
Must be used in conjunction with Census Bureau restricted-use microdata
Annual Firm 2004–2010 Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders (M3) Monthly Firm 1992–2022 Census Bureau
Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders Survey (M3UFO) Monthly Firm 2009-2021
Census Bureau
Monthly Retail Trade Survey (MRTS) Monthly Firm 1997–2023 Census Bureau
Monthly Wholesale Trade Survey (MWTS) Monthly Firm 2006–2022 Census Bureau
Nonemployer Statistics by Demographics - External (NES-D-EXT) Annually Firm 2017-2020 Census Bureau
Quarterly Financial Report (QFR)* Annually Firm 1977–2022 Census Bureau
Quarterly Financial Report Census Years (QFRCEN)* Every 5 years Firm 1977-2022 Census Bureau
Quarterly Services Survey (QSS) Quarterly Firm 2000, 2003–2022 Census Bureau
Service Annual Survey (SAS) Annually Firm 1991–2022 Census Bureau
Survey of Business Owners (SBO) Every 5 Years (superseded by ABS) Firm 1982–2012 Census Bureau
Survey of Industrial Research and Development (SIRD) (see also BRDIS) Annually
Firm 1972–2007 National Science Foundation

*The Quarterly Financial Report Census Years (QFRCEN) must be used if the Economic Census data is being used for a project. The QFRCEN contains data only for the Economic Census years.

Restricted–Use Transactions Microdata

Data Set Frequency Unit of Enumeration Availability Sponsor
Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) Various Establishment 1993, 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017 Department of Transportation (DOT)
Commodity Flow Survey Title 13 Version (CFS_T13) Various Establishment 2012, 2017 Department of Transportation (DOT)
Foreign Trade Data - Exports (EXP) Monthly Transaction 1992-2023 Census Bureau
Foreign Trade Data – Imports (IMP) Monthly Transaction 1992-2023 Census Bureau
Longitudinal Firm Trade Transactions Database (LFTTD) Monthly Transaction 1992–2021 Census Bureau

Page Last Revised - June 25, 2024
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