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Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders (M3UFO) Survey


The Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders (M3UFO) Survey transitioned to the Annual Integrated Economic Survey (AIES).  The data formerly collected for the M3UFO Survey will now be collected as part of the AIES, which began data collection in March 2024.


Welcome to the main page for the Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders (M3UFO) Survey.

The data collected in the Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders (M3UFO) Survey was used to benchmark the new and unfilled orders information published in the monthly Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders (M3) Survey, which is an economic indicator survey based on a panel of domestic manufacturers. The collected annual sales data was used to analyze differences in reporting between the company-based survey and plant level data from the Annual Survey of Manufactures, the source of benchmark data for the monthly shipments and inventory data.

Page Last Revised - May 13, 2024
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