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Employment Working Papers

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Working Paper
Comparison of ACS and CPS Data on Employment Status
This report compares national and state employment status estimates based on data from the ACS with those based on data from the CPS.

Working Paper
Are We There Yet? Women’s to Men’s Earnings Gap in the 21st Century
This paper considers the effects of this shifting gender structure by age, education, and occupation, using the large sample size of the ACS for its analyses.

Working Paper
The Impact of the 2007-2009 Recession on Mothers’ Employment
This recession has been particularly severe for men and women, as they are both experiencing unprecedented levels of long-term unemployment.

Working Paper
Field of Degree and Occupational Outcome
Are foreign-born workers less likely to be in occupations that match their field of study?

Working Paper
Research on Commuting Expenditures & Geographic Adjustments in the SPM
This paper discusses how to estimate commuting expenses and seeks to enhance and refine the SPM so that it adjusts commuting expenses for geographic difference.

Working Paper
Estimates of Nongroup Health Insurance in the ACS
This paper investigates the estimates of multiple types of coverage in the working-age adult population from the American Community Survey (ACS).

Working Paper
Estimating Measurement Error in SIPP Annual Job Earnings
We quantify sources of variation in annual job earnings data collected by the SIPP to determine how much of the variation is the result of measurement error.

Working Paper
Metros, Money, Manpower: Exploring the Gender Earnings Gap
In 2009, median earnings of full-time, year-round workers were $40,409 with women's earnings typically 78% that of men's earnings.

Working Paper
Large Decline in Job Creation for Startups and Existing Firms
This working paper Historically Large Decline in Job Creation from Startup and Existing Firms in the 2008-2009 Recession is from the BDS Statistical Briefs.

Working Paper
Evolving Labor Force Outcomes for Married Couples
This paper seeks to study the changes in labor market outcomes among married couples based on their level of education relative to their spouse.

Working Paper
Health Insurance Coverage After Losing or Leaving a Job
This paper uses data from the SIPP to observe how health insurance coverage changes in the aftermath of a job separation followed by a period of unemployment.

Working Paper
Longitudinal Analysis of Labor Market Performance of the Working Poor
This study uses ten waves of the 2004 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) data to analyze the labor market performance of the working poor.

Page Last Revised - November 20, 2021
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