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Urban Area Relationship Files Record Layouts

2010 Urban Area to County Relationship File Layout (ua_county_rel_10.txt)

This relationship file contains the population, housing unit count, total area, and land area for each unique urban area-county combination; the population, housing unit count, total area, and land area of the entire participating urban area and county entities; and the percent population, housing unit count, total area, and land area that each combination represents of the entire participating urban area and county entities.

For records corresponding to parts of or entire county entities that do not overlap any 2010 urban area, the urban area code is 99999, the urban area name is “Not in a 2010 urban area”, and the urban area population, housing unit count, total area, and land area values are null. The percent values relating to the urban area are also null.

Area measurements are in square meters.

Column name
Maximum length Column description
UA 5 Five digit code that uniquely identifies 2010 urban area entities
UANAME 100 2010 urban area name and legal/statiscal area description
STATE 2 2010 state FIPS code
COUNTY 3 2010 county FIPS code
GEOID 5 Concatenation of 2010 state and county FIPS codes
CNAME 100 2010 county name and legal/statistical area description
POPPT 9 Calculated 2010 population for the relationship record
HUPT 9 Calculated 2010 housing unit count for the relationship record
AREAPT 14 Total area for the record
AREALANDPT 14 Land area for the record
UAPOP 9 2010 population of the 2010 urban area
UAHU 9 2010 housing unit count of the 2010 urban area
UAAREA 14 Total area of the 2010 urban area
UAAREALAND 14 Total land area of the 2010 urban area
CPOP 9 2010 population of the 2010 county
CHU 9 2010 housing unit count of the 2010 county
CAREA 14 Total area of the 2010 county
CAREALAND 14 Total land area of the 2010 county
UAPOPPCT 6 The percentage of total population of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAHUPCT 6 The percentage of total housing unit count of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAAREAPCT 6 The percentage of total area of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAAREALANDPCT 6 The percentage of total land area of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
CPOPPCT 6 The percentage of total population of the 2010 county represented by the record
CHUPCT 6 The percentage of total housing unit count of the 2010 county represented by the record
CAREAPCT 6 The percentage of total area of the 2010 county represented by the record
CAREALANDPCT 6 The percentage of total land area of the 2010 county represented by the record

2010 Urban Area to County Subdivision Relationship File Layout (ua_cousub_rel_10.txt)

This relationship file contains the population, housing unit count, total area, and land area for each unique urban area-county subdivision combination; the population, housing unit count, total area, and land area of the entire participating urban area and county subdivision entities; and the percent population, housing unit count, total area, and land area that each combination represents of the entire participating urban area and county subdivision entities.

For records corresponding to parts of or entire county subdivision entities that do not overlap any 2010 urban area, the urban area code is 99999, the urban area name is “Not in a 2010 urban area”, and the urban area population, housing unit count, total area, and land area values are null. The percent values relating to the urban area are also null.

Area measurements are in square meters.

Note that only urban areas and county subdivisons that occur in states with governmental county subdivisions (minor civil divisions) are included in this file: Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wisconsin.

Column name
Maximum length Column description
UA 5 Five digit code that uniquely identifies 2010 urban area entities
UANAME 100 2010 urban area name and legal/statiscal area description
STATE 2 2010 state FIPS code
COUNTY 3 2010 county FIPS code
COUSUB 5 2010 county subdivision FIPS code
GEOID 10 Concatenation of 2010 state, county, and county subdivision FIPS codes
CSNAME 100 2010 county subdivision name and legal/statistical area description, and county name and legal/statistical area description
POPPT 9 Calculated 2010 population for the relationship record
HUPT 9 Calculated 2010 housing unit count for the relationship record
AREAPT 14 Total area for the record
AREALANDPT 14 Land area for the record
UAPOP 9 2010 population of the 2010 urban area
UAHU 9 2010 housing unit count of the 2010 urban area
UAAREA 14 Total area of the 2010 urban area
UAAREALAND 14 Total land area of the 2010 urban area
CSPOP 9 2010 population of the 2010 county subdivision
CSHU 9 2010 housing unit count of the 2010 county subdivision
CSAREA 14 Total area of the 2010 county subdivision
CSAREALAND 14 Total land area of the 2010 county subdivision
UAPOPPCT 6 The percentage of total population of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAHUPCT 6 The percentage of total housing unit count of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAAREAPCT 6 The percentage of total area of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAAREALANDPCT 6 The percentage of total land area of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
CSPOPPCT 6 The percentage of total population of the 2010 county subdivision represented by the record
CSHUPCT 6 The percentage of total housing unit count of the 2010 county subdivision represented by the record
CSAREAPCT 6 The percentage of total area of the 2010 county subdivision represented by the record
CSAREALANDPCT 6 The percentage of total land area of the 2010 county subdivision represented by the record

2010 Urban Area to Place Relationship File Layout (ua_place_rel_10.txt)

This relationship file contains population, housing unit count, total area, and land area for each unique urban area-place combination; population, housing unit count, total area, and land area of the entire participating urban area and place entities; and percent population, housing unit count, total area, and land area that each combination represents of the entire participating urban area and place entities.

For records corresponding to parts of or entire place entities that do not overlap any 2010 urban area, the urban area code is 99999, the urban area name is “Not in a 2010 urban area”, and the urban area population, housing unit count, total area, and land area values are null. The percent values relating to the urban area are also null.

For records corresponding to parts of or entire urban area entities that do not overlap any 2010 place, the place code is 99999, the place name is “Not in a census designated place or incorporated place”, the GEOID values is <ST>99999 (where <ST> is the state FIPS code), and the class code, place population, housing unit count, total area, and land area values are null. The percent values relating to the place are also null.

Area measurements are in square meters.

Note that the term “place” here refers collectively to incorporated places and census designated places.

Column name
Maximum length Column description
UA 5 Five digit code that uniquely identifies 2010 urban area entities
UANAME 100 2010 urban area name and legal/statiscal area description
STATE 2 2010 state FIPS code
PLACE 5 2010 place FIPS code
PLNAME 100 2010 place name and legal/statistical area description
CLASSFP 2 2010 place FIPS class code
GEOID 7 Concatenation of 2010 state and place FIPS codes
POPPT 9 Calculated 2010 population for the relationship record
HUPT 9 Calculated 2010 housing unit count for the relationship record
AREAPT 14 Total area for the relationship record
AREALANDPT 14 Land area for the relationship record
UAPOP 9 2010 population of the 2010 urban area
UAHU 9 2010 housing unit count of the 2010 urban area
UAAREA 14 Total area of the 2010 urban area
UAAREALAND 14 Total land area of the 2010 urban area
PLPOP 9 2010 population of the 2010 place
PLHU 9 2010 housing unit count of the 2010 place
PLAREA 14 Total area of the 2010 place
PLAREALAND 14 Total land area of the 2010 place
UAPOPPCT 6 The percentage of total population of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAHUPCT 6 The percentage of total housing unit count of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAAREAPCT 6 The percentage of total area of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAAREALANDPCT 6 The percentage of total land area of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
PLPOPPCT 6 The percentage of total population of the 2010 place represented by the record
PLHUPCT 6 The percentage of total housing unit count of the 2010 place represented by the record
PLAREAPCT 6 The percentage of total area of the 2010 place represented by the record
PLAREALANDPCT 6 The percentage of total land area of the 2010 place represented by the record

2010 Urban Area to Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Area (CBSA) Relationship File Layout (ua_cbsa_rel_10.txt)

This relationship file contains the population, housing unit count, total area, and land area for each unique urban area-metropolitan and micropolitan statistical area (CBSA)  combination; the population, housing unit count, total area, and land area of the entire participating urban area and CBSA entities; and the percent population, housing unit count, total area, and land area that each combination represents of the entire participating urban area and CBSA entities.

For records corresponding to parts of CBSA entities that do not overlap any 2010 urban area, the urban area code is 99999, the urban area name is “Not in a 2010 urban area”, and the urban area population, housing unit count, total area, and land area values are null. The percent values relating to the urban area are also null.

For records corresponding to parts of or entire urban area entities that do not overlap any 2010 CBSA, the CBSA code is 99999, the CBSA name is “Not in a metro/micro area”, and the CBSA population, housing unit count, total area, and land area values are null. The percent values relating to the CBSA are also null.

Area measurements are in square meters.

These metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas, current on April 1, 2010 (Census Day), were created in 2009. New metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas defined using the results of the 2010 Census are scheduled for release in 2013.

Column name
Maximum length Column description
UA 5 Five digit code that uniquely identifies 2010 urban area entities
UANAME 100 2010 urban area name and legal/statiscal area description
CBSA 5 2010 CBSA FIPS code
MNAME 100 2010 CBSA name and legal/statiscal area description
MEMI 1 Metropolitan/micropolitan status indicator: 1 = metropolitan and 2 = micropolitan
POPPT 9 Calculated 2010 population for the relationship record
HUPT 9 Calculated 2010 housing unit count for the relationship record
AREAPT 14 Total area for the record
AREALANDPT 14 Land area for the record
UAPOP 9 2010 population of the 2010 urban area
UAHU 9 2010 housing unit count of the 2010 urban area
UAAREA 14 Total area of the 2010 urban area
UAAREALAND 14 Total land area of the 2010 urban area
MPOP 9 2010 population of the 2010 CBSA
MHU 9 2010 housing unit count of the 2010 CBSA
MAREA 14 Total area of the 2010 CBSA
MAREALAND 14 Total land area of the 2010 CBSA
UAPOPPCT 6 The percentage of total population of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAHUPCT 6 The percentage of total housing unit count of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAAREAPCT 6 The percentage of total area of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAAREALANDPCT 6 The percentage of total land area of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
MPOPPCT 6 The percentage of total population of the 2010 CBSA represented by the record
MHUPCT 6 The percentage of total housing unit count of the 2010 CBSA represented by the record
MAREAPCT 6 The percentage of total area of the 2010 CBSA represented by the record
MAREALANDPCT 6 The percentage of total land area of the 2010 CBSA represented by the record

2010 Urban Area to New England City and Town Area (NECTA) Relationship File Layout (ua_necta_rel_10.txt)

This relationship file contains the population, housing unit count, total area, and land area for each unique urban area-New England city and town metropolitan and micropolitan statistical area (NECTA) combination; the population, housing unit count, total area, and land area of the entire participating urban area and NECTA entities; and the percent population, housing unit count, total area, and land area that each combination represents of the entire participating urban area and NECTA entities.

For records corresponding to parts of NECTA entities that do not overlap any 2010 urban area, the urban area code is 99999, the urban area name is “Not in a 2010 urban area”, and the urban area population, housing unit count, total area, and land area values are null. The percent values relating to the urban area are also null.

For records corresponding to parts of or entire urban area entities that do not overlap any 2010 NECTA, the NECTA code is 99999, the NECTA name is “Not in a NECTA”, and the NECTA population, housing unit count, total area, and land area values are null. The percent values relating to the NECTA are also null.

Area measurements are in square meters.

Note that only urban areas and NECTAs that occur in the New England states are included in this file: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

These NECTAs, current on April 1, 2010 (Census Day), were created in 2009. New NECTAs defined using the results of the 2010 Census are scheduled for release in 2013.

Column name
Maximum length Column description
UA 5 Five digit code that uniquely identifies 2010 urban area entities
UANAME 100 2010 urban area name and legal/statiscal area description
NECTA 5 2010 NECTA FIPS code
NNAME 100 2010 NECTA name and legal/statiscal area description
MEMI 1 Metropolitan/micropolitan status indicator: 1 = metropolitan and 2 = micropolitan
POPPT 9 Calculated 2010 population for the relationship record
HUPT 9 Calculated 2010 housing unit count for the relationship record
AREAPT 14 Total area for the record
AREALANDPT 14 Land area for the record
UAPOP 9 2010 population of the 2010 urban area
UAHU 9 2010 housing unit count of the 2010 urban area
UAAREA 14 Total area of the 2010 urban area
UAAREALAND 14 Total land area of the 2010 urban area
NPOP 9 2010 population of the 2010 NECTA
NHU 9 2010 housing unit count of the 2010 NECTA
NAREA 14 Total area of the 2010 NECTA
NAREALAND 14 Total land area of the 2010 NECTA
UAPOPPCT 6 The percentage of total population of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAHUPCT 6 The percentage of total housing unit count of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAAREAPCT 6 The percentage of total area of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAAREALANDPCT 6 The percentage of total land area of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
NPOPPCT 6 The percentage of total population of the 2010 NECTA represented by the record
NHUPCT 6 The percentage of total housing unit count of the 2010 NECTA represented by the record
NAREAPCT 6 The percentage of total area of the 2010 NECTA represented by the record
NAREALANDPCT 6 The percentage of total land area of the 2010 NECTA represented by the record

2010 Urban Area to ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) Relationship File Layout (ua_zcta_rel_10.txt)

This relationship file contains the population, housing unit count, total area, and land area for each unique urban area-ZIP Code tabulation area (ZCTA) combination; the population, housing unit count, total area, and land area of the entire participating urban area and ZCTA entities; and the percent population, housing unit count, total area, and land area that each combination represents of the entire participating urban area and ZCTA entities.

For records corresponding to parts of or entire ZCTA entities that do not overlap any 2010 urban area, the urban area code is 99999, the urban area name is “Not in a 2010 urban area”, and the urban area population, housing unit count, total area, and land area values are null. The percent values relating to the urban area are also null.

For records corresponding to parts of or entire urban area entities that do not overlap any 2010 ZCTA, the ZCTA5 code is 99999 and the ZCTA population, housing unit count, total area, and land area values are null. The percent values relating to the ZCTA are also null.

Area measurements are in square meters.

Column name
Maximum length Column description
UA 5 Five digit code that uniquely identifies 2010 urban area entities
UANAME 100 2010 urban area name and legal/statiscal area description
ZCTA5 5 2010 ZIP Code tabulation area
POPPT 9 Calculated 2010 population for the relationship record
HUPT 9 Calculated 2010 housing unit count for the relationship record
AREAPT 14 Total area for the record
AREALANDPT 14 Land area for the record
UAPOP 9 2010 population of the 2010 urban area
UAHU 9 2010 housing unit count of the 2010 urban area
UAAREA 14 Total area of the 2010 urban area
UAAREALAND 14 Total land area of the 2010 urban area
ZPOP 9 2010 population of the 2010 ZCTA
ZHU 9 2010 housing unit count of the 2010 ZCTA
ZAREA 14 Total area of the 2010 ZCTA
ZAREALAND 14 Total land area of the 2010 ZCTA
UAPOPPCT 6 The percentage of total population of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAHUPCT 6 The percentage of total housing unit count of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAAREAPCT 6 The percentage of total area of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
UAAREALANDPCT 6 The percentage of total land area of the 2010 urban area represented by the record
ZPOPPCT 6 The percentage of total population of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZHUPCT 6 The percentage of total housing unit count of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZAREAPCT 6 The percentage of total area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZAREALANDPCT 6 The percentage of total land area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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