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Congressional District and State Legislative District Relationship File Record Layouts

Record Layouts On This Page:

These layouts use <sss> to indicate the congressional session number in the relationship files. For example, 118 is the 118th Congressional Session, 119 is the 119th Congressional Session. Additionally, these layouts use <lsy> to indicate the year of the state legislative session (2022, 2024).



Congressional District to 2020 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area (AIANNH) Relationship File Layout

(tab20_cd<sss>20_aiannh20_natl.txt, tab20_cd<sss>20_aiannh20_st.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_CD<sss>_20 22 OID of CD<sss>
GEOID_CD<sss>_20 4 GEOID of the CD<sss>
NAMELSAD_CD<sss>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of CD<sss>
AREALAND_CD<sss>_20 14 Total land area of CD<sss> in square meters
AREAWATER_CD<sss>_20 14 Total water area of CD<sss> in square meters
MTFCC_CD<sss>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of CD<sss>
CLASSFP_CD<sss>_20 2 FIPS class code of CD<sss>
FUNCSTAT_CD<sss>_20 1 Functional status of CD<sss>
NAMELSAD_AIANNH 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 AIANNH
AREALAND_AIANNH 14 Land area of 2020 AIANNH in square meters
AREAWATER_AIANNH 14 Water area of 2020 AIANNH in square meters
MTFCC_AIANNH 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 AIANNH
CLASSFP_AIANNH 2 FIPS class code of 2020 AIANNH
FUNCSTAT_AIANNH 1 Functional status of 2020 AIANNH
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

Congressional District to 2020 Census Tract relationship file layout

(tab20_cd<sss>20_tract20_natl.txt, tab20_cd<sss>20_tract20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_CD<sss>_20 22 OID of CD<sss>
GEOID_CD<sss>_20 4 GEOID of the CD<sss>
NAMELSAD_CD<sss>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of CD<sss>
AREALAND_CD<sss>_20 14 Total land area of CD<sss> in square meters
AREAWATER_CD<sss>_20 14 Total water area of CD<sss> in square meters
MTFCC_CD<sss>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of CD<sss>
CLASSFP_CD<sss>_20 2 FIPS class code of CD<sss>
FUNCSTAT_CD<sss>_20 1 Functional status of CD<sss>
OID_TRACT_20 22 OID of 2020 census tract
GEOID_TRACT_20 11 GEOID of the 2020 census tract
NAMELSAD_TRACT_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 census tract
AREALAND_TRACT_20 14 Land area of 2020 census tract in square meters
AREAWATER_TRACT_20 14 Water area of 2020 census tract in square meters
MTFCC_TRACT_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 census tract
CLASSFP_TRACT_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 census tract
FUNCSTAT_TRACT_20 1 Functional status of 2020 census tract
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

Congressional District to 2020 County Relationship File Layout

(tab20_cd<sss>20_county20_natl.txt, tab20_cd<sss>20_county20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_CD<sss>_20 22 OID of CD<sss>
GEOID_CD<sss>_20 4 GEOID of the 2020 CD<sss>
NAMELSAD_CD<sss>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of CD<sss>
AREALAND_CD<sss>_20 14 Total land area of CD<sss> in square meters
AREAWATER_CD<sss>_20 14 Total water area of CD<sss>in square meters
MTFCC_CD<sss>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of CD<sss>
CLASSFP_CD<sss>_20 2 FIPS class code of CD<sss>
FUNCSTAT_CD<sss>_20 1 Functional status of CD<sss>
OID_COUNTY_20 22 OID of 2020 county
GEOID_COUNTY_20 5 GEOID of the 2020 county 
NAMELSAD_COUNTY_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 county
AREALAND_COUNTY_20 14 Land area of 2020 county in square meters
AREAWATER_COUNTY_20 14 Water area of 2020 county in square meters
MTFCC_COUNTY_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 county
CLASSFP_COUNTY_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 county
FUNCSTAT_COUNTY_20 1 Functional status of 2020 county
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

Congressional District to 2020 County Subdivision Relationship File Layout

(tab20_cd<sss>20_cousub20_natl.txt, tab20_cd<sss>20_cousub20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_CD<sss>_20 22 OID of CD<sss>
GEOID_CD<sss>_20 4 GEOID of the CD<sss>
NAMELSAD_CD<sss>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of CD<sss>
AREALAND_CD<sss>_20 14 Total land area of CD<sss> in square meters
AREAWATER_CD<sss>_20 14 Total water area of CD<sss> in square meters
MTFCC_CD<sss>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of <sss>
CLASSFP_CD<sss>_20 2 FIPS class code of CD<sss>
FUNCSTAT_CD<sss>_20 1 Functional status of CD<sss>
OID_COUSUB_20 22 OID of 2020 county subdivision
GEOID_COUSUB_20 10 GEOID of the 2020 county subdivision
NAMELSAD_COUSUB_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 county subdivision
AREALAND_COUSUB_20 14 Land area of 2020 county subdivision in square meters
AREAWATER_COUSUB_20 14 Water area of 2020 county subdivision in square meters
MTFCC_COUSUB_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 county subdivision
CLASSFP_COUSUB_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 county subdivision
FUNCSTAT_COUSUB_20 1 Functional status of 2020 county subdivision
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

Congressional District To Land Area Relationship File Layout


Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
STATE 2 2 digit statefp code of the CD<sss> entity
CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 2 2 digit cdfp code of the CD<sss> entity
LANDAREA_SQMI 9 Total land area of the CD<sss> entity expressed in square miles

Congressional District to 2020 Place Relationship File Layout

(tab20_cd<sss>20_place20_natl.txt, tab20_cd<sss>20_place20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_CD<sss>_20 22 OID of 2020 CD<sss>
GEOID_CD<sss>_20 4 GEOID of the CD<sss>
NAMELSAD_CD<sss>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of CD<sss>
AREALAND_CD<sss>_20 14 Total land area of <sss> in square meters
AREAWATER_CD<sss>_20 14 Total water area of CD<sss> in square meters
MTFCC_CD<sss>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of CD<sss>
CLASSFP_CD<sss>_20 2 FIPS class code of CD<sss>
FUNCSTAT_CD<sss>_20 1 Functional status of CD<sss>
OID_PLACE_20 22 OID of 2020 place
GEOID_PLACE_20 7 GEOID of the 2020 place 
NAMELSAD_PLACE_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 place
AREALAND_PLACE_20 14 Land area of 2020 place in square meters
AREAWATER_PLACE_20 14 Water area of 2020 place in square meters
MTFCC_PLACE_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 place
CLASSFP_PLACE_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 place
FUNCSTAT_PLACE_20 1 Functional status of 2020 place
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

Congressional District to 2020 School District Relationship File Layout

Combines Elementary and Unified School Districts

(tab20_cd<sss>20_sdcombo20_natl.txt, tab20_cd<sss>20_sdcombo20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_CD<sss>_20 22 OID of CD<sss>
GEOID_CD<sss>_20 4 GEOID of the CD<sss>
NAMELSAD_CD<sss>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of CD<sss>
AREALAND_CD<sss>_20 14 Total land area of CD<sss> in square meters
AREAWATER_CD<sss>_20 14 Total water area of <sss> in square meters
MTFCC_CD<sss>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of CD<sss>
CLASSFP_CD<sss>_20 2 FIPS class code of CD<sss>
FUNCSTAT_CD<sss>_20 1 Functional status of CD<sss>
OID_SDCOMBO_20 22 OID of 2020 combined school districts
GEOID_SDCOMBO_20 7 GEOID of the 2020 combined school districts
NAMELSAD_SDCOMBO_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 combined school districts
AREALAND_SDCOMBO_20 14 Land area of 2020 combined school districts in square meters
AREAWATER_SDCOMBO_20 14 Water area of 2020 combined school districts in square meters
MTFCC_SDCOMBO_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 combined school districts*
CLASSFP_SDCOMBO_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 combined school districts
FUNCSTAT_SDCOMBO_20 1 Functional status of 2020 combined school districts
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters
    *MTFCC = 'G5400' for Elementary school districts
    *MTFCC = 'G5420' for Unified school districts

Congressional District to 2020 Urban and Rural Population and Land Area Relationship File Layout


Column name
Maximum length Column definition
GEOID_CD<sss>20 4 GEOID of the Congressional District
BLK_POP_CD 6 Sum of the population for the 2020 tabulation blocks of the CD
URBAN_BLK_POP 6 Urban block population of the CD
URBAN_BLK_POP_PCT 5 Percentage of population in the urban blocks of the CD
RURAL_BLK_POP 6 Rural block population of the CD
RURAL_BLK_POP_PCT 5 Percentage of population in the rural blocks of the CD
AREALAND_SQMI 9 Land area of the CD in square miles
URBAN_AREALAND_SQMI 9 Land area of the urban blocks of the CD
URBAN_AREALAND_PCT 5 Percentage of the land area in the urban blocks of the CD
RURAL_AREALAND_SQMI 9 Land area of the rural blocks of the CD
RURAL_AREALAND_PCT 5 Percentage of the land area in the rural blocks of the CD


Congressional District to 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) Relationship File Layout

(tab20_cd<sss>20_zcta520_natl.txt, tab20_cd<sss>20_zcta520_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_CD<sss>_20 22 OID of CD<sss>
GEOID_CD<sss>_20 4 GEOID of the CD<sss>
NAMELSAD_CD<sss>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of CD<sss>
AREALAND_CD<sss>_20 14 Total land area of CD<sss> in square meters
AREAWATER_CD<sss>_20 14 Total water area of CD<sss> in square meters
MTFCC_CD<sss>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of CD<sss>
CLASSFP_CD<sss>_20 2 FIPS class code of CD<sss>
FUNCSTAT_CD<sss>_20 1 Functional status of CD<sss>
OID_ZCTA5_20 22 OID of 2020 ZCTA5
GEOID_ZCTA5_20 5 GEOID of the 2020 ZCTA5 
NAMELSAD_ZCTA5_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 ZCTA5
AREALAND_ZCTA5_20 14 Land area of 2020 ZCTA5 in square meters
AREAWATER_ZCTA5_20 14 Water area of 2020 ZCTA5 in square meters
MTFCC_ZCTA5_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 ZCTA5
CLASSFP_ZCTA5_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 ZCTA5
FUNCSTAT_ZCTA5_20 1 Functional status of 2020 ZCTA5
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

State Legislative District-Lower Chamber (SLDL) to 2020 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area (AIANNH) Relationship File Layout

(tab20_sldl<lsy>20_aiannh20_natl.txt, tab20_sldl<lsy>20_aiannh20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_SLDL<lsy>_20 22 OID of SLDL
GEOID_SLDL<lsy>_20 5 GEOID of the SLDL
NAMELSAD_SLDL<lsy>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of SLDL
AREALAND_SLDL<lsy>_20 14 Total land area of SLDL in square meters
AREAWATER_SLDL<lsy>_20 14 Total water area of SLDL in square meters
MTFCC_SLDL<lsy>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of SLDL
CLASSFP_SLDL<lsy>_20 2 FIPS class code of SLDL
FUNCSTAT_SLDL<lsy>_20 1 Functional status of SLDL
NAMELSAD_AIANNH_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 AIANNH
AREALAND_AIANNH_20 14 Land area of 2020 AIANNH in square meters
AREAWATER_AIANNH_20 14 Water area of 2020 AIANNH in square meters
MTFCC_AIANNH_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 AIANNH
CLASSFP_AIANNH_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 AIANNH
FUNCSTAT_AIANNH_20 1 Functional status of 2020 AIANNH
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

State Legislative District-Lower Chamber (SLDL) to 2020 Census Tract Relationship File Layout

(tab20_sldl<lsy>20_tract20_natl.txt, tab20_sldl<lsy>20_tract20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_SLDL<lsy>_20 22 OID of SLDL
GEOID_SLDL<lsy>_20 5 GEOID of the SLDL 
NAMELSAD_SLDL<lsy>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of SLDL
AREALAND_SLDL<lsy>_20 14 Total land area of SLDL in square meters
AREAWATER_SLDL<lsy>_20 14 Total water area of SLDL in square meters
MTFCC_SLDL<lsy>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of SLDL
CLASSFP_SLDL<lsy>_20 2 FIPS class code of SLDL
FUNCSTAT_SLDL<lsy>_20 1 Functional status of SLDL
OID_TRACT_20 22 OID of 2020 census tract
GEOID_TRACT_20 11 GEOID of the 2020 census tract 
NAMELSAD_TRACT_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 census tract
AREALAND_TRACT_20 14 Land area of 2020 census tract in square meters
AREAWATER_TRACT_20 14 Water area of 2020 census tract in square meters
MTFCC_TRACT_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 census tract
CLASSFP_TRACT_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 census tract
FUNCSTAT_TRACT_20 1 Functional status of 2020 census tract
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

State Legislative District-Lower Chamber (SLDL) to 2020 County Relationship File Layout

(tab20_sldl<lsy>20_county20_natl.txt, tab20_sldl<lsy>20_county20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_SLDL<lsy>_20 22 OID of SLDL
GEOID_SLDL<lsy>_20 5 GEOID of the SLDL 
NAMELSAD_SLDL<lsy>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of SLDL
AREALAND_SLDL<lsy>_20 14 Total land area of SLDL in square meters
AREAWATER_SLDL<lsy>_20 14 Total water area of SLDL in square meters
MTFCC_SLDL<lsy>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of SLDL
CLASSFP_SLDL<lsy>_20 2 FIPS class code of SLDL
FUNCSTAT_SLDL<lsy>_20 1 Functional status of SLDL
OID_COUNTY_20 22 OID of 2020 county
GEOID_COUNTY_20 5 GEOID of the 2020 county 
NAMELSAD_COUNTY_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 county
AREALAND_COUNTY_20 14 Land area of 2020 county in square meters
AREAWATER_COUNTY_20 14 Water area of 2020 county in square meters
MTFCC_COUNTY_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 county
CLASSFP_COUNTY_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 county
FUNCSTAT_COUNTY_20 1 Functional status of 2020 county
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

State Legislative District-Lower Chamber (SLDL) to 2020 County Subdivision Relationship File Layout

(tab20_sldl<lsy>20_cousub20_natl.txt, tab20_sldl<lsy>20_cousub20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_SLDL<lsy>_20 22 OID of SLDL
GEOID_SLDL<lsy>_20 5 GEOID of the SLDL 
NAMELSAD_SLDL<lsy>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of SLDL
AREALAND_SLDL<lsy>_20 14 Total land area of SLDL in square meters
AREAWATER_SLDL<lsy>_20 14 Total water area of SLDL in square meters
MTFCC_SLDL<lsy>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of SLDL
CLASSFP_SLDL<lsy>_20 2 FIPS class code of SLDL
FUNCSTAT_SLDL<lsy>_20 1 Functional status of SLDL
OID_COUSUB_20 22 OID of 2020 county subdivision
GEOID_COUSUB_20 10 GEOID of the 2020 county subdivision
NAMELSAD_COUSUB_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 county subdivision
AREALAND_COUSUB_20 14 Land area of 2020 county subdivision in square meters
AREAWATER_COUSUB_20 14 Water area of 2020 county subdivision in square meters
MTFCC_COUSUB_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 county subdivision
CLASSFP_COUSUB_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 county subdivision
FUNCSTAT_COUSUB_20 1 Functional status of 2020 county subdivision
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

State Legislative District-Lower Chamber (SLDL) to 2020 Place Relationship File Layout

(tab20_sldl<lsy>20_place20_natl.txt, tab20_sldl<lsy>20_place20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_SLDL<lsy>_20 22 OID of SLDL
GEOID_SLDL<lsy>_20 5 GEOID of the SLDL 
NAMELSAD_SLDL<lsy>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of SLDL
AREALAND_SLDL<lsy>_20 14 Total land area of SLDL in square meters
AREAWATER_SLDL<lsy>_20 14 Total water area of SLDL in square meters
MTFCC_SLDL<lsy>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of SLDL
CLASSFP_SLDL<lsy>_20 2 FIPS class code of SLDL
FUNCSTAT_SLDL<lsy>_20 1 Functional status of SLDL
OID_PLACE_20 22 OID of 2020 place
GEOID_PLACE_20 7 GEOID of the 2020 place 
NAMELSAD_PLACE_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 place
AREALAND_PLACE_20 14 Land area of 2020 place in square meters
AREAWATER_PLACE_20 14 Water area of 2020 place in square meters
MTFCC_PLACE_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 place
CLASSFP_PLACE_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 place
FUNCSTAT_PLACE_20 1 Functional status of 2020 place
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

State Legislative District-Lower Chamber (SLDL) to 2020 School District Relationship File Layout

Combines Elementary and Unified School Districts

(tab20_sldl<lsy>20_sdcombo20_natl.txt, tab20_sldl<lsy>20_sdcombo20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_SLDL<lsy>_20 22 OID of SLDL
GEOID_SLDL<lsy>_20 5 GEOID of the SLDL 
NAMELSAD_SLDL<lsy>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of SLDL
AREALAND_SLDL<lsy>_20 14 Total land area of SLDL in square meters
AREAWATER_SLDL<lsy>_20 14 Total water area of SLDL in square meters
MTFCC_SLDL<lsy>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of SLDL
CLASSFP_SLDL<lsy>_20 2 FIPS class code of SLDL
FUNCSTAT_SLDL<lsy>_20 1 Functional status of SLDL
OID_SDCOMBO_20 22 OID of 2020 combined school districts
GEOID_SDCOMBO_20 7 GEOID of the 2020 combined school districts
NAMELSAD_SDCOMBO_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 combined school districts
AREALAND_SDCOMBO_20 14 Land area of 2020 combined school districts in square meters
AREAWATER_SDCOMBO_20 14 Water area of 2020 combined school districts in square meters
MTFCC_SDCOMBO_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 combined school districts*
CLASSFP_SDCOMBO_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 combined school districts
FUNCSTAT_SDCOMBO_20 1 Functional status of 2020 combined school districts
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters
    *MTFCC = 'G5400' for Elementary school districts
    *MTFCC = 'G5420' for Unified school districts

State Legislative District-Lower Chamber (SLDL) to 2020 Urban and Rural Population and Land Area Relationship File Layout


Column name
Maximum length Column definition
GEOID_SLDL<lsy>20 5 GEOID of the State Legislative District - Lower Chamber
BLK_POP_SLDL 7 Sum of the population for the tabulation blocks of the SLDL
URBAN_BLK_POP 7 Urban block population of the SLDL
URBAN_BLK_POP_PCT 5 Percentage of population in the urban blocks of the SLDL
RURAL_BLK_POP 6 Rural block population of the SLDL
RURAL_BLK_POP_PCT 5 Percentage of population in the rural blocks of the SLDL
AREALAND_SQMI 9 Land area of the SLDL in square miles
URBAN_AREALAND_SQMI 9 Land area of the urban blocks of the SLDL
URBAN_AREALAND_PCT 5 Percentage of the land area in the urban blocks of the SLDL
RURAL_AREALAND_SQMI 9 Land area of the rural blocks of the SLDL
RURAL_AREALAND_PCT 5 Percentage of the land area in the rural blocks of the SLDL

State Legislative District-Lower Chamber (SLDL) to 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) Relationship File Layout

(tab20_sldl<lsy>20_zcta520_natl.txt, tab20_sldl<lsy>20_zcta520_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_SLDL<lsy>_20 22 OID of SLDL
GEOID_SLDL<lsy>_20 5 GEOID of the SLDL 
NAMELSAD_SLDL<lsy>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of SLDL
AREALAND_SLDL<lsy>_20 14 Total land area of SLDL in square meters
AREAWATER_SLDL<lsy>_20 14 Total water area of SLDL in square meters
MTFCC_SLDL<lsy>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of SLDL
CLASSFP_SLDL<lsy>_20 2 FIPS class code of SLDL
FUNCSTAT_SLDL<lsy>_20 1 Functional status of SLDL
OID_ZCTA5_20 22 OID of 2020 ZCTA5
GEOID_ZCTA5_20 5 GEOID of the 2020 ZCTA5 
NAMELSAD_ZCTA5_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 ZCTA5
AREALAND_ZCTA5_20 14 Land area of 2020 ZCTA5 in square meters
AREAWATER_ZCTA5_20 14 Water area of 2020 ZCTA5 in square meters
MTFCC_ZCTA5_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 ZCTA5
CLASSFP_ZCTA5_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 ZCTA5
FUNCSTAT_ZCTA5_20 1 Functional status of 2020 ZCTA5
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

State Legislative District-Upper Chamber (SLDU) to 2020 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area (AIANNH) Relationship File Layout

(tab20_sldu<lsy>20_aiannh20_natl.txt, tab20_sldu<lsy>20_aiannh20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_SLDU<lsy>_20 22 OID of SLDU
GEOID_SLDU<lsy>_20 5 GEOID of the SLDU 
NAMELSAD_SLDU<lsy>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of SLDU
AREALAND_SLDU<lsy>_20 14 Total land area of SLDU in square meters
AREAWATER_SLDU<lsy>_20 14 Total water area of SLDU in square meters
MTFCC_SLDU<lsy>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 SLDU
CLASSFP_SLDU<lsy>_20 2 FIPS class code of SLDU
FUNCSTAT_SLDU<lsy>_20 1 Functional status of SLDU
NAMELSAD_AIANNH_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 AIANNH
AREALAND_AIANNH_20 14 Land area of 2020 AIANNH in square meters
AREAWATER_AIANNH_20 14 Water area of 2020 AIANNH in square meters
MTFCC_AIANNH_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 AIANNH
CLASSFP_AIANNH_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 AIANNH
FUNCSTAT_AIANNH_20 1 Functional status of 2020 AIANNH
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters


State Legislative District-Upper Chamber (SLDU) to 2020 Census Tract Relationship File Layout

(tab20_sldu<lsy>20_tract20_natl.txt, tab20_sldu<lsy>20_tract20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_SLDU<lsy>_20 22 OID of SLDU
GEOID_SLDU<lsy>_20 5 GEOID of the SLDU 
NAMELSAD_SLDU<lsy>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of SLDU
AREALAND_SLDU<lsy>_20 14 Total land area of SLDU in square meters
AREAWATER_SLDU<lsy>_20 14 Total water area of SLDU in square meters
MTFCC_SLDU<lsy>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 SLDU
CLASSFP_SLDU<lsy>_20 2 FIPS class code of SLDU
FUNCSTAT_SLDU<lsy>_20 1 Functional status of SLDU
OID_TRACT_20 22 OID of 2020 tract
GEOID_TRACT_20 11 GEOID of the 2020 tract 
NAMELSAD_TRACT_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 tract
AREALAND_TRACT_20 14 Land area of 2020 tract in square meters
AREAWATER_TRACT_20 14 Water area of 2020 tract in square meters
MTFCC_TRACT_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 tract
CLASSFP_TRACT_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 tract
FUNCSTAT_TRACT_20 1 Functional status of 2020 tract
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

State Legislative District-Upper Chamber (SLDU) to 2020 County Relationship File Layout

(tab20_sldu<lsy>20_county20_natl.txt, tab20_sldu<lsy>20_county20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_SLDU<lsy>_20 22 OID of SLDU
GEOID_SLDU<lsy>_20 5 GEOID of the SLDU 
NAMELSAD_SLDU<lsy>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of SLDU
AREALAND_SLDU<lsy>_20 14 Total land area of SLDU in square meters
AREAWATER_SLDU<lsy>_20 14 Total water area of SLDU in square meters
MTFCC_SLDU<lsy>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of SLDU
CLASSFP_SLDU<lsy>_20 2 FIPS class code of SLDU
FUNCSTAT_SLDU<lsy>_20 1 Functional status of SLDU
OID_COUNTY_20 22 OID of 2020 county
GEOID_COUNTY_20 5 GEOID of the 2020 county 
NAMELSAD_COUNTY_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 county
AREALAND_COUNTY_20 14 Land area of 2020 county in square meters
AREAWATER_COUNTY_20 14 Water area of 2020 county in square meters
MTFCC_COUNTY_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 county
CLASSFP_COUNTY_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 county
FUNCSTAT_COUNTY_20 1 Functional status of 2020 county
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

State Legislative District-Upper Chamber (SLDU) to 2020 County Subdivision Relationship File Layout

(tab20_sldu<lsy>20_cousub20_natl.txt, tab20_sldu<lsy>20_cousub20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_SLDU<lsy>_20 22 OID of SLDU
GEOID_SLDU<lsy>_20 5 GEOID of the 2020 SLDU 
NAMELSAD_SLDU<lsy>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of SLDU
AREALAND_SLDU<lsy>_20 14 Total land area of SLDU in square meters
AREAWATER_SLDU<lsy>_20 14 Total water area of SLDU in square meters
MTFCC_SLDU<lsy>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of SLDU
CLASSFP_SLDU<lsy>_20 2 FIPS class code of SLDU
FUNCSTAT_SLDU<lsy>_20 1 Functional status of SLDU
OID_COUSUB_20 22 OID of 2020 county subdivision
GEOID_COUSUB_20 10 GEOID of the 2020 county subdivision
NAMELSAD_COUSUB_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 county subdivision
AREALAND_COUSUB_20 14 Land area of 2020 county subdivision in square meters
AREAWATER_COUSUB_20 14 Water area of 2020 county subdivision in square meters
MTFCC_COUSUB_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 county subdivision
CLASSFP_COUSUB_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 county subdivision
FUNCSTAT_COUSUB_20 1 Functional status of 2020 county subdivision
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

State Legislative District-Upper Chamber (SLDU) to 2020 Place Relationship File Layout

(tab20_sldu<lsy>20_place20_natl.txt, tab20_sldu<lsy>20_place20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_SLDU<lsy>_20 22 OID of SLDU
GEOID_SLDU<lsy>_20 5 GEOID of the SLDU 
NAMELSAD_SLDU<lsy>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of SLDU
AREALAND_SLDU<lsy>_20 14 Total land area of SLDU in square meters
AREAWATER_SLDU<lsy>_20 14 Total water area of SLDU in square meters
MTFCC_SLDU<lsy>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of SLDU
CLASSFP_SLDU<lsy>_20 2 FIPS class code of SLDU
FUNCSTAT_SLDU<lsy>_20 1 Functional status of SLDU
OID_PLACE_20 22 OID of 2020 place
GEOID_PLACE_20 7 GEOID of the 2020 place 
NAMELSAD_PLACE_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 place
AREALAND_PLACE_20 14 Land area of 2020 place in square meters
AREAWATER_PLACE_20 14 Water area of 2020 place in square meters
MTFCC_PLACE_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 place
CLASSFP_PLACE_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 place
FUNCSTAT_PLACE_20 1 Functional status of 2020 place
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

State Legislative District-Upper Chamber (SLDU) to 2020 School District Relationship File Layout

Combines Elementary and Unified School Districts

(tab20_sldu<lsy>20_sdcombo20_natl.txt, tab20_sldu<lsy>20_sdcombo20_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_SLDU<lsy>_20 22 OID of SLDU
GEOID_SLDU<lsy>_20 5 GEOID of the SLDU 
NAMELSAD_SLDU<lsy>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of SLDU
AREALAND_SLDU<lsy>_20 14 Total land area of SLDU in square meters
AREAWATER_SLDU<lsy>_20 14 Total water area of SLDU in square meters
MTFCC_SLDU<lsy>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of SLDU
CLASSFP_SLDU<lsy>_20 2 FIPS class code of SLDU
FUNCSTAT_SLDU<lsy>_20 1 Functional status of SLDU
OID_SDCOMBO_20 22 OID of 2020 combined school districts
GEOID_SDCOMBO_20 7 GEOID of the 2020 combined school districts
NAMELSAD_SDCOMBO_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 combined school districts
AREALAND_SDCOMBO_20 14 Land area of 2020 combined school districts in square meters
AREAWATER_SDCOMBO_20 14 Water area of 2020 combined school districts in square meters
MTFCC_SDCOMBO_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 combined school districts*
CLASSFP_SDCOMBO_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 combined school districts
FUNCSTAT_SDCOMBO_20 1 Functional status of 2020 combined school districts
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters
    *MTFCC = 'G5400' for Elementary school districts
    *MTFCC = 'G5420' for Unified school districts

State Legislative District-Upper Chamber (SLDU) to 2020 Urban and Rural Population and Land Area Relationship File Layout


Column name
Maximum length Column definition
GEOID_SLDU<lsy>20 5 GEOID of the State Legislative District - Upper Chamber
BLK_POP_SLDU 7 Sum of the population for the tabulation blocks of the SLDU
URBAN_BLK_POP 7 Urban block population of the SLDU
URBAN_BLK_POP_PCT 5 Percentage of population in the urban blocks of the SLDU
RURAL_BLK_POP 6 Rural block population of the SLDU
RURAL_BLK_POP_PCT 5 Percentage of population in the rural blocks of the SLDU
AREALAND_SQMI 9 Land area of the SLDU in square miles
URBAN_AREALAND_SQMI 9 Land area of the urban blocks of the SLDU
URBAN_AREALAND_PCT 5 Percentage of the land area in the urban blocks of the SLDU
RURAL_AREALAND_SQMI 9 Land area of the rural blocks of the SLDU
RURAL_AREALAND_PCT 5 Percentage of the land area in the rural blocks of the SLDU

State Legislative District-Upper Chamber (SLDU) to 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) Relationship File Layout

(tab20_sldu<lsy>20_zcta520_natl.txt, tab20_sldu<lsy>20_zcta520_st<##>.txt)

Relationship File Column Name Maximum Length Column Definition
OID_SLDU<lsy>_20 22 OID of SLDU
GEOID_SLDU<lsy>_20 5 GEOID of the SLDU
NAMELSAD_SLDU<lsy>_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of SLDU
AREALAND_SLDU<lsy>_20 14 Total land area of SLDU in square meters
AREAWATER_SLDU<lsy>_20 14 Total water area of SLDU in square meters
MTFCC_SLDU<lsy>_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of SLDU
CLASSFP_SLDU<lsy>_20 2 FIPS class code of SLDU
FUNCSTAT_SLDU<lsy>_20 1 Functional status of SLDU
OID_ZCTA5_20 22 OID of 2020 ZCTA5
GEOID_ZCTA5_20 5 GEOID of the 2020 ZCTA5 
NAMELSAD_ZCTA5_20 100 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 ZCTA5
AREALAND_ZCTA5_20 14 Land area of 2020 ZCTA5 in square meters
AREAWATER_ZCTA5_20 14 Water area of 2020 ZCTA5 in square meters
MTFCC_ZCTA5_20 5 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 ZCTA5
CLASSFP_ZCTA5_20 2 FIPS class code of 2020 ZCTA5
FUNCSTAT_ZCTA5_20 1 Functional status of 2020 ZCTA5
AREALAND_PART 14 Calculated land area of the overlapping part in square meters
AREAWATER_PART 14 Calculated water area of the overlapping part in square meters

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