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2010 ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) Relationship File Record Layouts

2010 ZCTA to County Relationship File Layout (zcta_county_rel_10.txt)

Each record in this file shows the totals for the entire ZCTA and county for the ZPOP, ZHU, ZAREA, ZAREALAND, COPOP, COHU, COAREA, and COAREALAND columns.  As only the intersections between the two entities are shown in the relationship file, the sum of the part columns for all records representing a specific county may not add up to the totals for the county.

Column Name Maximum Length Column Description

2010 ZIP Code Tabulation Area
STATE 2 2010 State FIPS Code
COUNTY 3 2010 County FIPS Code
GEOID 5 Concatenation of 2010 State and County
POPPT 14 Calculated 2010 Population for the relationship record
HUPT 14 Calculated 2010 Housing Unit Count for the relationship record
AREAPT 14 Total Area for the record
AREALANDPT 14 Land Area for the record
ZPOP 14 2010 Population of the 2010 ZCTA
ZHU 14 2010 Housing Unit Count of the 2010 ZCTA
ZAREA 14 Total Area of the 2010 ZCTA
ZAREALAND 14 Total Land Area of the 2010 ZCTA
COPOP 14 2010 Population of the 2010 County
COHU 14 2010 Housing Unit Count of the 2010 County
COAREA 14 Total Area of the 2010 County
COAREALAND 14 Total Land Area of the 2010 County
ZPOPPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Population of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZHUPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Housing Unit Count of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZAREAPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZAREALANDPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Land Area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
COPOPPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Population of the 2010 County represented by the record
COHUPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Housing Unit Count of the 2010 County represented by the record
COAREAPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Area of the 2010 County represented by the record
COAREALANDPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Land Area of the 2010 County represented by the record

2010 ZCTA to County Subdivision Relationship File Layout (zcta_cousub_rel_10.txt)

Each record in this file shows the totals for the entire ZCTA and county subdivision for the ZPOP, ZHU, ZAREA, ZAREALAND, CSPOP, CSHU, CSAREA, and CSAREALAND columns.  As only the intersections between the two entities are shown in the relationship file, the sum of the part columns for all records representing a specific county subdivision may not add up to the totals for the county subdivision.

Column Name Maximum Length Column Description
ZCTA5 5 2010 ZIP Code Tabulation Area
STATE 2 2010 State FIPS Code
COUNTY 3 2010 County FIPS Code
COUSUB 5 2010 County Subdivision FIPS Code
CLASSFP 2 2010 County Subdivision FIPS Class Code
GEOID 10 Concatenation of 2010 State, County, and County Subdivision
POPPT 14 Calculated 2010 Population for the relationship record
HUPT 14 Calculated 2010 Housing Unit Count for the relationship record
AREAPT 14 Total Area for the record
AREALANDPT 14 Land Area for the record
ZPOP 14 2010 Population of the 2010 ZCTA
ZHU 14 2010 Housing Unit Count of the 2010 ZCTA
ZAREA 14 Total Area of the 2010 ZCTA
ZAREALAND 14 Total Land Area of the 2010 ZCTA
CSPOP 14 2010 Population of the 2010 County Subdivision
CSHU 14 2010 Housing Unit Count of the 2010 County Subdivision
CSAREA 14 Total Area of the 2010 County Subdivision
CSAREALAND 14 Total Land Area of the 2010 County Subdivision
ZPOPPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Population of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZHUPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Housing Unit Count of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZAREAPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZAREALANDPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Land Area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
CSPOPPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Population of the 2010 County Subdivision represented by the record
CSHUPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Housing Unit Count of the 2010 County Subdivision represented by the record
CSAREAPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Area of the 2010 County Subdivision represented by the record
CSAREALANDPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Land Area of the 2010 County Subdivision represented by the record

2010 ZCTA to Place Relationship File Layout (zcta_place_rel_10.txt)

Each record in this file shows the totals for the entire ZCTA and place entity for the ZPOP, ZHU, ZAREA, ZAREALAND, PLPOP, PLHU, PLAREA, and PLAREALAND columns.  As only the intersections between the two entities are shown in the relationship file, the sum of the part columns for all records representing a specific ZCTA or place may not add up to the totals for the ZCTA or place.

As Places are not wall-to-wall entities and do not cover the entire nation, this file may not contain all ZCTAs.

Column Name Maximum Length Column Description
ZCTA5 5 2010 ZIP Code Tabulation Area
STATE 2 2010 State FIPS Code
PLACE 5 2010 Place FIPS Code
CLASSFP 2 2010 Place FIPS Class Code
GEOID 7 Concatenation of 2010 State and Place
POPPT 14 Calculated 2010 Population for the relationship record
HUPT 14 Calculated 2010 Housing Unit Count for the relationship record
AREAPT 14 Total Area for the record
AREALANDPT 14 Land Area for the record
ZPOP 14 2010 Population of the 2010 ZCTA
ZHU 14 2010 Housing Unit Count of the 2010 ZCTA
ZAREA 14 Total Area of the 2010 ZCTA
ZAREALAND 14 Total Land Area of the 2010 ZCTA
PLPOP 14 2010 Population of the 2010 Place
PLHU 14 2010 Housing Unit Count of the 2010 Place
PLAREA 14 Total Area of the 2010 Place
PLAREALAND 14 Total Land Area of the 2010
ZPOPPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Population of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZHUPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Housing Unit Count of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZAREAPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZAREALANDPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Land Area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
PLPOPPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Population of the 2010 Place represented by the record
PLHUPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Housing Unit Count of the 2010 Place represented by the record
PLAREAPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Area of the 2010 Place represented by the record
PLAREALANDPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Land Area of the 2010 Place represented by the record

2010 ZCTA to Census Tract Relationship File Layout (zcta_tract_rel_10.txt)

Each record in this file shows the totals for the entire ZCTA and tract for the ZPOP, ZHU, ZAREA, ZAREALAND, TRPOP, TRHU, TRAREA, and TRAREALAND columns.  As only the intersections between the two entities are shown in the relationship file, the sum of the part columns for all records representing a specific tract may not add up to the totals for the tract.

Column Name Maximum Length Column Description
ZCTA5 5 2010 ZIP Code Tabulation Area
STATE 2 2010 State FIPS Code
COUNTY 3 2010 County FIPS Code
TRACT 6 2010 Census Tract Code
GEOID 11 Concatenation of 2010 State, County, and Tract
POPPT 14 Calculated 2010 Population for the relationship record
HUPT 14 Calculated 2010 Housing Unit Count for the relationship record
AREAPT 14 Total Area for the record
AREALANDPT 14 Land Area for the record
ZPOP 14 2010 Population of the 2010 ZCTA
ZHU 14 2010 Housing Unit Count of the 2010 ZCTA
ZAREA 14 Total Area of the 2010 ZCTA
ZAREALAND 14 Total Land Area of the 2010 ZCTA
TRPOP 14 2010 Population of the 2010 Census Tract
TRHU 14 2010 Housing Unit Count of the 2010 Census Tract
TRAREA 14 Total Area of the 2010 Census Tract
TRAREALAND 14 Total Land Area of the 2010 Census Tract
ZPOPPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Population of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZHUPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Housing Unit Count of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZAREAPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZAREALANDPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Land Area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
TRPOPPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Population of the 2010 Census Tract represented by the record
TRHUPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Housing Unit Count of the 2010 Census Tract represented by the record
TRAREAPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Area of the 2010 Census Tract represented by the record
TRAREALANDPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Land Area of the 2010 Census Tract represented by the record

2010 ZCTA to 111th Congressional District Relationship File Layout (zcta_cd111_rel_10.txt)

Each record in this file shows the totals for the entire ZCTA and congressional district for the ZPOP, ZHU, ZAREA, ZAREALAND, CDPOP, CDHU, CDAREA, and CDAREALAND columns.  As only the intersections between the two entities are shown in the relationship file, the sum of the part columns for all records representing a specific ZCTA or congressional district may not add up to the totals for the ZCTA or congressional district.

Column Name Maximum Length Column Description
ZCTA5 5 2010 ZIP Code Tabulation Area
STATE 2 2010 State FIPS Code
CD 2 111th Congressional District Code
POPPT 14 Calculated 2010 Population for the relationship record
HUPT 14 Calculated 2010 Housing Unit Count for the relationship record
AREAPT 14 Total Area for the record
AREALANDPT 14 Land Area for the record
ZPOP 14 2010 Population of the 2010 ZCTA
ZHU 14 2010 Housing Unit Count of the 2010 ZCTA
ZAREA 14 Total Area of the 2010 ZCTA
ZAREALAND 14 Total Land Area of the 2010 ZCTA
CDPOP 14 2010 Population of the 111th Congressional District
CDHU 14 2010 Housing Unit Count of the 111th Congressional District
CDAREA 14 Total Area of the 111th  Congressional District
CDAREALAND 14 Total Land Area of the 111th Congressional District
ZPOPPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Population of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZHUPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Housing Unit Count of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZAREAPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZAREALANDPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Land Area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
CDPOPPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Population of the 111th  Congressional District represented by the record
CDHUPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Housing Unit Count of the 111th  Congressional District represented by the record
CDAREAPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Area of the 111th  Congressional District represented by the record
CDAREALANDPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Land Area of the 111th Congressional District represented by the record

2010 ZCTA to Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas Relationship File Layout (zcta_cbsa_rel_10.txt

This file shows the totals for the entire ZCTA and metropolitan/micropolitan statistical area (also known as core-based statistical area (CBSA)) for the ZPOP, ZHU, ZAREA, ZAREALAND, MPOP, MHU, MAREA, and MAREALAND columns.  As only the intersections between the two entities are shown in the relationship file, the sum of the part columns for all records representing a specific ZCTA or metropolitan/micropolitan statistical area may not add up to the totals for the ZCTA or metropolitan/micropolitan statistical area.

As metropolitan/micropolitan statistical areas are not wall-to-wall entities and do not cover the entire nation, this file may not contain all ZCTAs in the nation.

The metropolitan and micropolitan statistical codes appearing in the relationship file reflect the updates to metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas as of December 2009, announced by the Office of Management and Budget on December 1, 2009, and in effect for the 2010 Census.

Column Name

Maximum Length Column Description
ZCTA5 5 2010 ZIP Code Tabulation Area
CBSA 5 Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area FIPS Code
MEMI 1 Metropolitan/Micropolitan Statistical Status Indicator
POPPT 14 Calculated 2010 Population for the relationship record
HUPT 14 Calculated 2010 Housing Unit Count for the relationship record
AREAPT 14 Total Area for the record
AREALANDPT 14 Land Area for the record
ZPOP 14 2010 Population of the 2010 ZCTA
ZHU10 14 2010 Housing Unit Count of the 2010 ZCTA
ZAREA 14 Total Area of the 2010 ZCTA
ZAREALAND 14 Total Land Area of the 2010 ZCTA
MPOP 14 2010 Population of the  Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area
MHU 14 2010 Housing Unit Count of the Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area
MAREA 14 Total Area of the Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area
MAREALAND 14 Total Land Area of the Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area
ZPOPPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Population of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZHUPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Housing Unit Count of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZAREAPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZAREALANDPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Land Area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
MPOPPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Population of the Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area represented by the record
MHUPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Housing Unit Count of the Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area represented by the record
MAREAPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Area of the Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area represented by the record
MAREALANDPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Land Area of the Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area represented by the record

2010 ZCTA to New England City and Town Area (NECTA) Relationship File Layout (zcta_necta_rel_10.txt)

This file shows the totals for the entire ZCTA and NECTA for the ZPOP, ZHU, ZAREA, ZAREALAND, NPOP, NHU, NAREA, and NAREALAND columns.  As only the intersections between the two entities are shown in the relationship file, the sum of the part columns for all records representing a specific ZCTA or NECTA may not add up to the totals for the ZCTA or NECTA.

As NECTAs are not wall-to-wall entities and do not cover the entire nation, this file may not contain all ZCTAs in the nation.

The NECTA statistical codes appearing in the relationship file reflect the updates to metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas as of December 2009, announced by the Office of Management and Budge on December 1, 2009, and in effect for the 2010 Census.

Column Name Maximum Length Column Description
ZCTA5 5 2010 ZIP Code Tabulation Area
NMEMI 1 NECTA Metropolitan/Micropolitan Status Indicator
POPPT 14 Calculated 2010 Population for the relationship record
HUPT 14 Calculated 2010 Housing Unit Count for the relationship record
AREAPT 14 Total Area for the record
AREALANDPT 14 Land Area for the record
ZPOP 14 2010 Population of the 2010 ZCTA
ZHU10 14 2010 Housing Unit Count of the 2010 ZCTA
ZAREA 14 Total Area of the 2010 ZCTA
ZAREALAND 14 Total Land Area of the 2010 ZCTA
NPOP 14 2010 Population of the NECTA
NHU 14 2010 Housing Unit Count of the NECTA
NAREA 14 Total Area of the NECTA
NAREALAND 14 Total Land Area of the NECTA
ZPOPPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Population of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZHUPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Housing Unit Count of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZAREAPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
ZAREALANDPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Land Area of the 2010 ZCTA represented by the record
NPOPPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Population of the NECTA represented by the record
NHUPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Housing Unit Count of the NECTA represented by the record
NAREAPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Area of the NECTA represented by the record
NAREALANDPCT 5 The Percentage of Total Land Area of the NECTA represented by the record

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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