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Respond to the 2024 National Census Survey 

Select a button to begin the survey:

Did you receive a letter or postcard requesting your response to this survey?

You will need the 12-digit Census ID to get started. It can be found in the letter you received, or below the barcode on the postcard or paper questionnaire.

The last day to submit your response is October 31, 2024.

About the Survey

The 2024 National Census Survey will provide insight into how people engage with the online questionnaire and the invitation materials they receive in the mail. This survey is being conducted as part of a small-scale testing program aimed at gathering initial data about proposed enhancements for the 2030 Census design.

This survey invites households across the country to respond to the census survey questionnaire online or by mail.

The data that respondents provide are solely for research purposes, and any personally identifiable information will never be released in any format. The Census Bureau will not produce census counts from this survey. However, respondents’ participation in this survey will help the Census Bureau prepare for the 2030 Census.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you are required by law to respond to this survey. The 2024 National Census Survey is used to plan the upcoming 2030 Census. We are conducting this survey under the authority of Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections 141, 193, and 221.

This collection of information has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The eight-digit OMB approval number is 0607-0971. This number is displayed on your invitation. If this number were not displayed, we could not conduct the survey.


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Your Census ID is a series of 12 digits found on the front of the letter. If you receive a postcard or questionnaire, the 12-digit Census ID is located below the barcode and separated by dashes.

How to Find Census ID
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The U.S. Census Bureau chose your address, not you personally, as part of a randomly selected sample. Your address was selected to represent a cross section of other households in your community.

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The U.S. Census Bureau chose addresses, not people, as part of a randomly selected sample. Your address was not among the addresses selected for this survey.

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Please look at the return address on the envelope. If the Census Bureau sent the letter, the return address will include Jeffersonville, IN, where the Census Bureau has a mail processing center. It will also include “U.S. Census Bureau” or “U.S. Department of Commerce,” which is the Census Bureau’s parent agency.

For more information about how to verify that a mailing from the Census Bureau is legitimate, please visit the use the following link: Verify a Census Bureau Survey, Mailing, or Contact

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Please complete the survey as soon as possible. Your response is due by October 31, 2024.

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The Census Bureau is minimizing the use of paper questionnaires. If you do not want to respond to the survey online, a paper questionnaire will be mailed to you in early October.


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The Census Bureau estimates that completing the questionnaire will take 10 minutes on average. Send comments regarding this time estimate or any other feedback about time spent completing the questionnaire to adrm.pra@census.gov. Use “Paperwork Reduction Project 0607-0971” as the subject.

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If you have already responded to the 2024 National Census Survey, the reminder may have been sent before we received your response. Thank you for your response. You do not need to do anything else.

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By law, the Census Bureau can only use your responses for statistical purposes. This survey was specifically designed to help inform 2030 Census planning.

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Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect your information (Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9). The Census Bureau is not permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify you or your household. Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protected from cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that transmit your data. All web data submissions are encrypted in order to protect your confidentiality.

Title 13 of the U.S. Code protects the confidentiality of all your information. Violating the confidentiality of a respondent is a federal crime with serious penalties, including a federal prison sentence of up to five years, a fine of up to $250,000, or both. Only authorized individuals have access to the stored data, and the information you provide to the Census Bureau may only be used by a restricted number of authorized individuals who are sworn for life to protect the confidentiality of your individual responses. Your answers cannot be used by any government agency or court.

For more information about how we protect your information, please use the following link: Data Protection and Privacy Policy. This page also includes information about the collection, storage, and use of these records. Click on "System of Records Notices (SORN)" or visit https://osec.doc.gov/opog/PrivacyAct/PrivacyAct_SORNs.html. Look for Privacy Act System of Records Notice COMMERCE/CENSUS-5, Decennial Census Program.

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Page Last Revised - August 19, 2024
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