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2010 Census Program for Evaluations and Experiments (CPEX)

The 2010 Census Program for Evaluations and Experiments (CPEX) was designed to document and evaluate the 2010 Census programs and operations, as well as test new methods that were suggested from previous evaluation work. Results from the 2010 CPEX served as the background or basis from which the 2020 Census was designed, tested, and implemented.

In August 2006, members of the Census Bureau's executive staff formed an Executive Steering Committee to provide overall direction for 2010 CPEX planning and implementation. The 2010 CPEX Executive Steering Committee identified and recommended 2010 CPEX research topics, with assistance from external statistical agencies.

The list of critical research topics was distributed to staff with a request to propose studies to be included in the 2010 CPEX. Each proposed study was briefed to the 2010 Census Integration Group to determine if the study was sufficiently addressing one or more of the prescribed research questions. With the 2010 Census Integration Group's approval, study plans were finalized and work began.

Once the results for each study were drafted, the study reports were distributed to subject matter experts for critical review. Subject matter experts throughout the Census Bureau provided comprehensive comments related to the report's design and methodology.

Once the results were critically reviewed, they were presented to the Executive Steering Committee for the 2010 Census Assessments and Research, which comprised of Associate Directors and Division Chiefs from relevant areas within the Census Bureau. With the approval of this Executive Steering Committee, results were finalized for release.

For additional information on the review process mentioned above, see the Quality Process Handbook.

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Studies by Type

These studies are designed to analyze, interpret, and synthesize the effectiveness of census components and their impact on data quality and coverage using data collected from census operations, processes, systems, and auxiliary data collections.

Here is a list of all the evaluations produced in the 2010 CPEX.

Comparative Ethnographic Studies of Enumeration Methods and Coverage
Evaluation of types & sources of possible census coverage errors in counting some minority populations.

Evaluation of Address List Maintenance Using Supplemental Data Source
Evaluating whether using additional information available to the Census Bureau can improve the address list for future censuses & surveys.

Administrative Records Use for Coverage Problems Evaluation Report
Investigation into whether to expand the use of administrative records during a decennial census for various types of coverage problems.

Evaluation of Address Frame Accuracy and Quality
This report evaluated the operation to estimate the number and percent of housing units correctly added and correctly deleted by census operations.

Observing Census Enumeration of Non-English Speaking Households
Study conducted during the 2010 Census to observe Nonresponse Followup interviews with households that speak a language other than English.

Behavior Coding Report of Coverage Measurement Person Interviews
Report describing how Census Bureau conducted the 2010 Census Service-Based Enumeration Operation & documenting its results.

2010 Census Match Study
Study providing a foundation for decennial census operational research on administrative records.

Alternative Coverage Followup Questions and Design Evaluation
Evaluation of questions on the initial 2010 Census forms that attempted to identify census omissions and erroneous enumerations.

Effectiveness of Unduplication Evaluation
Evaluation of the universe of duplication cases identified in the 2010 Census & results of the interviews conducted with duplication cases.

Investigation of Methods to Evaluate the Coverage of Group Quarters
The main purpose of the project was to explore feasible methods for conducting a within group quarters’ person coverage measurement study in future censuses.

2010 Census Evaluation to Assess CCM Search Area & Address List Rules
Evaluation of the 135 missing housing units found that were not matched to census deletes.

Global Positioning System Evaluation
Evaluation of the 2010 Census Address Canvassing operation, implemented to improve the completeness and accuracy of the initial census address list.

2010 Census Avoid Followup Evaluation
The 2010 Census Avoid Followup Evaluation reports the results of the 2010 Census Alternative Individual Census Return questionnaire.

Behavior Coding of 2010 Census Coverage Followup Interviews
2010 Census study to determine how well Coverage Followup survey questions perform in interviews.

Address Canvassing Targeting and Cost Reduction Evaluation Report
Report on the national level study to examine the cost reduction and coverage impact that would result from conducting a targeted Address Canvassing operation.

Eval. of Automation in Field Data Collection in Address Canvassing
Evaluation of operational improvements, efficiencies, & cost savings achieved through increased automation in the 2010 Census Address Canvassing operation.

Evaluation of Data-Based Extraction Processes for the Address Frame
Evaluation of possible improvements to the ACS filter rules following analysis using data mining techniques.

Census Barriers, Attitudes, and Motivators Survey II Final Report
Report on a survey to determine the degree to which census mindsets have changed since the implementation of the 2010 Census Integrated Communications Campaign.

Emerging Trends and Best Practice: The Census Bureau and Web 2.0
Initiative to address the gap between current dissemination practices and recommended emerging best practices based on the results of a web discovery process.

2010 Census Content Reinterview Survey Evaluation Report
Report on the 2010 Content Reinterview Survey - an evaluation of the reliability of the census data items collected in the 2010 Census.

2010 Census Evaluation of National Partnership Research Report
This report presents the findings from a research project on the Partnership Program for 2010.

2010 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Participant Survey
Report on the results of the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2010 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Participant Survey.

2010 Census Integrated Communications Program Evaluation (CICPE)
Report on the broad-based, multi-faceted 2010 Integrated Communications Campaign (ICC) to encourage participation in the Census.

Census in Schools Research Final Report
Findings from a research project undertaken on the Census in Schools (CIS) program for 2010.

2010 Census Evaluation of Small Multi-Unit Structures Report
Evaluation to judge the effectiveness of a Job-Aid at improving address list updating for small multi-unit structures.

2010 Census Quality Survey
A census reinterview evaluation, using nearly identical content as the 2010 Census, with both a mailback and an Internet response component.

Behavior Coding of the 2010 NRFU Interviews Report
The purpose of this study is to determine how accurately interviewers ask questions as well as how well respondents answer them.

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These studies are designed to provide quantitative or qualitative results for tests that occur during a decennial census in order to have meaningful results to inform planning of future decennial censuses.

Here is a list of all the experiments produced in the 2010 CPEX.

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These studies are designed to document final volumes, rates, and costs for individual operations or processes, using data from production files and activities; quality assurance files and activities; and information collected from debriefings and lessons learned.

Here is a list of all the assessments produced in the 2010 CPEX.

2010 Census Group Quarters Enumeration Assessment Report
Report on 2010 Group Quarters Enumeration operation to enumerate people who lived or stayed in group quarters.

2010 Census Group Quarters Validation Operation Assessment Report
Results for the combined elements of the 2010 Census Address Canvassing Operation & the Group Quarters Validation Operation.

2010 Census Service-Based Enumeration Operation Assessment Report
Report describing how Census Bureau conducted the 2010 Census Service-Based Enumeration Operation & documenting its results.

2010 Census Late Adds Mailout Operation Assessment Report
Assessment of the 2010 Census Late Adds Mailout Operation.

Coverage Measurement Person Matching and Followup Operation Report
Provides estimates of net coverage error and components of census coverage (including omissions, erroneous enumerations, and correct enumerations).

2010 Census Content and Forms Design Program Assessment Report
Results and major findings from the operations of the 2010 Census Content and Forms Design Program.

2010 Census Update Enumerate Operations Assessment
This assessment of the Update Enumerate Operations documents the results of four 2010 Census field enumeration operations.

2010 Census of Puerto Rico Assessment Report
Analysis identifying what aspects of the 2010 Census of Puerto Rico worked well, what needs improvement, and what issues affected the operations.

2010 Census Enumeration at Transitory Locations Assessment Report
Assessment documenting the results of the Enumeration at Transitory Locations & Enumeration at Transitory Locations Reinterview.

2010 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Assessment
Assessment of the Local Update of Census Addresses Program to improve the accuracy and completeness of the Master Address File.

Address List Update Program for Service-Based Enumeration, etc.
Report on results of the program, issues encountered & how they were resolved, & recommendations for future census frame development programs.

The 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Recall Bias Study
This study aims to determine if future research is needed into the influences and reasons for recall bias.

Earned Media Public Relations Assessment Report
Assessment of Earned Media and Public Relations, a component of the 2010 Census Integrated Communications Program.

Universe Control and Management/Response Processing Systems Assessment
Assessment of the Universe Control and Management system developed to control and track the enumeration activities of the 2010 Census.

Assessment for the Initial Housing Unit Independent Operations
Results of the 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Initial Housing Unit Independent Listing, Matching, and Followup Operations.

2010 Census Island Areas Assessment
Assessment of the management of data collection operations conducted in the Island Areas and the efforts leading up to the data collection.

2010 Census Integrated Communications Program Summary Assessment
Assessment of the 2010 Census Integrated Communications Program working with DraftFCB to develop a communications campaign for the 2010 Census.

2010 Census Telephone Questionnaire Assistance Assessment Report
Assessment to document aspects of the Telephone Questionnaire Assistance operation related to the performance of the program & provide recommendations for 2020.

Mail Response Rates/Take 10 Assessment Report
Assessment of the processes and operations used to deliver and post 2010 Census and Census 2000 mail response data at various levels of census geography.

Integrated Communications Program Census in Schools Assessessment
Report assessing the activities of the 2010 Census in Schools program, part of the 2010 Census Integrated Communications Program.

Integrated Communications Program National Partnership Assessment
Assessment of the 2010 National Partnership Program, part of the 2010 Census Integrated Communications Program.

Integrated Communications Program Paid Advertising Assessment
Assessment of the 2010 Census Paid Advertising Campaign to develop media schedules for creating and placing 2010 Census advertisements.

Integrated Communications Program Promotional Materials Assessment
Assessment of the program to ensure the 2010 Census Integrated Communications Campaign was diverse enough to reach the entire population of the US.

Integrated Communications Program Research Assessment Report
Assessment of the research program that informed & validated marketing decisions for the 2010 Census Integrated Communications Program.

Assessment of the Coverage Measurement Final Housing Unit Operations
Results of the 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Final Housing Unit Matching and Followup Operations.

2010 Census Update/Leave Operational Assessment
Assessment providing the results, statistics, and analyses from the 2010 Census Update/Leave operation.

2010 Census Portrait of America Road Tour Assessessment Report
Assessment of the 2010 Census of America Road Tour promoting census participation across the country.

Integrated Communications Program Regional Partnership Assessment
Assessment of 2010 Census Regional Partnership Program to promote census participation among Hard-to-Count populations.

2010 Census Field Office Administration and Payroll Assessment
Assessment of the hiring, training, and paying of 857,185 census workers to complete the 2010 Census.

Rapid Response Assessment Report
Assessment of the Rapid Response program that worked proactively with the media and through public relations to respond to stories and events as they developed.

2010 Census Non-ID Processing Assessment Report
Assessment documenting and analyzing what happened during the 2010 Census Non-ID Processing operation.

2010 Census Language Program Assessment Report
Assessment of the results and major findings from the operations of the 2010 Census Language Program.

2010 Census Count Review Program Assessment Report
Assessment of the 2010 Census Count Review Program to enhance the accuracy of results from the census.

2010 Census Forms Printing and Distribution Program Assessment Report
Assessment measuring the success of the activities of the 2010 Census Forms Printing and Distribution Program.

Mail Response/Return Rates Assessment
Report on the 2010 Census Mail Response/Return Rates Assessment of respondent behavior & implementation of a mailing strategy with a replacement mailing.

2010 Census Website Assessment Report
Assessment of the 2010 Census Website page, 2010Census.gov, implemented by the Census 2010 Publicity Office.

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These studies are designed to provide the results from the quality assurance program for an operation.

Here is a list of all the quality profiles produced in the 2010 CPEX.

2010 Census Enumeration at Transitory Locations Quality Profile
Results of the 2010 Census Enumeration at Transitory Locations Reinterview Operation.

2010 Census Update Enumerate Quality Profile
The Update Enumerate operation assigned enumerators to interview and update addresses in selected rural areas.

2010 Census Address Canvassing Quality Profile
Report providing the results of the 2010 Census Address Canvassing Quality Control Program which was conducted in the United States and Puerto Rico.

2010 Census: Nonresponse Followup Quality Profile
Assessment of the operation assigning enumerators to interview all addresses that had not yet provided information for the 2010 Census in prior operations.

2010 Census: Update/Leave Quality Profile
The purpose of the program was to make sure the Enumerators understood canvassing procedures and to make sure the address list & associated maps were complete.

2010 Census Coverage Measurement Independent Listing Quality Profile
This quality profile presents the results of the 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Independent Listing Quality Assurance program.

2010 Census Coverage Measurement Initial HU Followup Quality Profile
This quality profile presents the results of the Quality Assurance program of the 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Initial Housing Unit Followup Operation.

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Studies by Topic Area

The Program Management area analyzes the cost, schedule, and scope of 2010 Census operations.

Here is a list of all studies related to Program Management in the 2010 CPEX.

Earned Media Public Relations Assessment Report
Assessment of Earned Media and Public Relations, a component of the 2010 Census Integrated Communications Program.

2010 Census Integrated Communications Program Summary Assessment
Assessment of the 2010 Census Integrated Communications Program working with DraftFCB to develop a communications campaign for the 2010 Census.

Mail Response Rates/Take 10 Assessment Report
Assessment of the processes and operations used to deliver and post 2010 Census and Census 2000 mail response data at various levels of census geography.

Integrated Communications Program Census in Schools Assessessment
Report assessing the activities of the 2010 Census in Schools program, part of the 2010 Census Integrated Communications Program.

Integrated Communications Program National Partnership Assessment
Assessment of the 2010 National Partnership Program, part of the 2010 Census Integrated Communications Program.

Integrated Communications Program Paid Advertising Assessment
Assessment of the 2010 Census Paid Advertising Campaign to develop media schedules for creating and placing 2010 Census advertisements.

Integrated Communications Program Promotional Materials Assessment
Assessment of the program to ensure the 2010 Census Integrated Communications Campaign was diverse enough to reach the entire population of the US.

Integrated Communications Program Research Assessment Report
Assessment of the research program that informed & validated marketing decisions for the 2010 Census Integrated Communications Program.

2010 Census Portrait of America Road Tour Assessessment Report
Assessment of the 2010 Census of America Road Tour promoting census participation across the country.

Integrated Communications Program Regional Partnership Assessment
Assessment of 2010 Census Regional Partnership Program to promote census participation among Hard-to-Count populations.

Rapid Response Assessment Report
Assessment of the Rapid Response program that worked proactively with the media and through public relations to respond to stories and events as they developed.

Emerging Trends and Best Practice: The Census Bureau and Web 2.0
Initiative to address the gap between current dissemination practices and recommended emerging best practices based on the results of a web discovery process.

2010 Census Website Assessment Report
Assessment of the 2010 Census Website page, 2010Census.gov, implemented by the Census 2010 Publicity Office.

2010 Census Evaluation of National Partnership Research Report
This report presents the findings from a research project on the Partnership Program for 2010.

2010 Census Risk Management Process Operational Assessments Report
Assessment of the 2010 Census Risk Management Process Operational Assessments Report to assess how well the formal risk management process was implemented.

2010 Census Integrated Communications Program Evaluation (CICPE)
Report on the broad-based, multi-faceted 2010 Integrated Communications Campaign (ICC) to encourage participation in the Census.

Census in Schools Research Final Report
Findings from a research project undertaken on the Census in Schools (CIS) program for 2010.

2010 Census Issues Management Process Assessment Report
Assessment of the formal 2010 Census Issues Management process & how it was used to manage issues that arose during prep & implementation of the 2010 Census.

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The Systems Engineering area evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of integrated 2010 Census systems.

Here is the study related to Systems Engineering in the 2010 CPEX.

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The Frame area updates the Census Bureau's address list by capturing any new addresses, verifying existing addresses, and deleting any addresses that no longer exist. These addresses include housing units and group quarters.

Here is a list of all studies related to Frame in the 2010 CPEX.

Evaluation of Address List Maintenance Using Supplemental Data Source
Evaluating whether using additional information available to the Census Bureau can improve the address list for future censuses & surveys.

Evaluation of Address Frame Accuracy and Quality
This report evaluated the operation to estimate the number and percent of housing units correctly added and correctly deleted by census operations.

2010 Census Group Quarters Validation Operation Assessment Report
Results for the combined elements of the 2010 Census Address Canvassing Operation & the Group Quarters Validation Operation.

2010 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Assessment
Assessment of the Local Update of Census Addresses Program to improve the accuracy and completeness of the Master Address File.

Address List Update Program for Service-Based Enumeration, etc.
Report on results of the program, issues encountered & how they were resolved, & recommendations for future census frame development programs.

Evaluation of Data-Based Extraction Processes for the Address Frame
Evaluation of possible improvements to the ACS filter rules following analysis using data mining techniques.

2010 Census Count Review Program Assessment Report
Assessment of the 2010 Census Count Review Program to enhance the accuracy of results from the census.

2010 Census New Construction Assessment Report
Results of the 2010 New Construction program to account for new housing units built after the 2010 Census Address Canvassing Operation was completed.

2010 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Participant Survey
Report on the results of the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2010 Census Local Update of Census Addresses Participant Survey.

2010 Census Evaluation of Small Multi-Unit Structures Report
Evaluation to judge the effectiveness of a Job-Aid at improving address list updating for small multi-unit structures.

2010 Census Address Canvassing Operational Assessment
The 2010 Census Address Canvassing Operational Assessment documents planning assumptions, activities, results, statistics, and analysis.

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The Enumeration area attempts to count every person in the United States only one time and in the correct location.

Here is a list of all studies related to Enumeration in the 2010 CPEX.

Comparative Ethnographic Studies of Enumeration Methods and Coverage
Evaluation of types & sources of possible census coverage errors in counting some minority populations.

Race and Hispanic Origin Alternative Questionnaire Experiment
Results of 2010 Census Race & Hispanic Origin AQE to improve the race and Hispanic origin questions.

2010 Census Group Quarters Enumeration Assessment Report
Report on 2010 Group Quarters Enumeration operation to enumerate people who lived or stayed in group quarters.

2010 Census Service-Based Enumeration Operation Assessment Report
Report describing how Census Bureau conducted the 2010 Census Service-Based Enumeration Operation & documenting its results.

Observing Census Enumeration of Non-English Speaking Households
Study conducted during the 2010 Census to observe Nonresponse Followup interviews with households that speak a language other than English.

2010 Census Late Adds Mailout Operation Assessment Report
Assessment of the 2010 Census Late Adds Mailout Operation.

Alternative Coverage Followup Questions and Design Evaluation
Evaluation of questions on the initial 2010 Census forms that attempted to identify census omissions and erroneous enumerations.

Effectiveness of Unduplication Evaluation
Evaluation of the universe of duplication cases identified in the 2010 Census & results of the interviews conducted with duplication cases.

2010 Census Content and Forms Design Program Assessment Report
Results and major findings from the operations of the 2010 Census Content and Forms Design Program.

2010 Census Update Enumerate Operations Assessment
This assessment of the Update Enumerate Operations documents the results of four 2010 Census field enumeration operations.

2010 Census of Puerto Rico Assessment Report
Analysis identifying what aspects of the 2010 Census of Puerto Rico worked well, what needs improvement, and what issues affected the operations.

Global Positioning System Evaluation
Evaluation of the 2010 Census Address Canvassing operation, implemented to improve the completeness and accuracy of the initial census address list.

2010 Census Avoid Followup Evaluation
The 2010 Census Avoid Followup Evaluation reports the results of the 2010 Census Alternative Individual Census Return questionnaire.

2010 Census Enumeration at Transitory Locations Assessment Report
Assessment documenting the results of the Enumeration at Transitory Locations & Enumeration at Transitory Locations Reinterview.

Behavior Coding of 2010 Census Coverage Followup Interviews
2010 Census study to determine how well Coverage Followup survey questions perform in interviews.

Universe Control and Management/Response Processing Systems Assessment
Assessment of the Universe Control and Management system developed to control and track the enumeration activities of the 2010 Census.

2010 Census Island Areas Assessment
Assessment of the management of data collection operations conducted in the Island Areas and the efforts leading up to the data collection.

2010 Census Update/Leave Operational Assessment
Assessment providing the results, statistics, and analyses from the 2010 Census Update/Leave operation.

Address Canvassing Targeting and Cost Reduction Evaluation Report
Report on the national level study to examine the cost reduction and coverage impact that would result from conducting a targeted Address Canvassing operation.

Eval. of Automation in Field Data Collection in Address Canvassing
Evaluation of operational improvements, efficiencies, & cost savings achieved through increased automation in the 2010 Census Address Canvassing operation.

2010 Census Non-ID Processing Assessment Report
Assessment documenting and analyzing what happened during the 2010 Census Non-ID Processing operation.

2010 Census Language Program Assessment Report
Assessment of the results and major findings from the operations of the 2010 Census Language Program.

Census Barriers, Attitudes, and Motivators Survey II Final Report
Report on a survey to determine the degree to which census mindsets have changed since the implementation of the 2010 Census Integrated Communications Campaign.

2010 Census Content Reinterview Survey Evaluation Report
Report on the 2010 Content Reinterview Survey - an evaluation of the reliability of the census data items collected in the 2010 Census.

2010 Census Forms Printing and Distribution Program Assessment Report
Assessment measuring the success of the activities of the 2010 Census Forms Printing and Distribution Program.

Mail Response/Return Rates Assessment
Report on the 2010 Census Mail Response/Return Rates Assessment of respondent behavior & implementation of a mailing strategy with a replacement mailing.

2010 Census Coverage Followup Assessment Report
Assessment is to document many aspects of the Coverage Followup operation.

2010 Census Be Counted and Questionnaire Assistance Centers Assessment
The 2010 Be Counted and Questionnaire Assistance Centers Assessment reports the results of the 2010 Census Be Counted /Quality Assistance Center operation.

2010 Census Nonresponse Followup Operations Assessment
The 2010 Nonresponse Followup Operation assessment reports the results of four 2010 Census field operations.

2010 Census Shipboard Enumeration Operation Assessment Report
Assessment of the 2010 Census Shipboard Enumeration Operation Assessment to document the results of the enumeration for historical and informational purposes.

2010 Census Postal Tracking Assessment
Assessment of the implementation of United States Postal Service postal tracking technologies (specifically, the Confirm services) during the 2010 Census.

2010 Decennial Applicant, Personnel, and Payroll System Assessment
Assessment of the Decennial Applicant, Personnel, and Payroll System (DAPPS) - a commercial off-the-shelf software from Oracle/Peoplesoft.

2010 Census Federally Affiliated Overseas Count Operation Assessment
Assessment of operation to obtain counts by home state of U.S. military and federal civilian employees stationed overseas and their dependents living with them.

2010 Census Cost & Progress Assessment Report
This assessment determines if the estimated level of effort was sufficient for the lifecycle phases for 2010 Census C&P System reports.

2010 Census Field Verification Operational Assessment
This assessment provides results, statistics, and analyses from the 2010 Field Verification operation.

2010 Census Nonresponse Followup Contact Strategy Experiment Report
The objective of this experiment was to understand the effects of reducing the maximum number of Nonresponse Followup contacts.

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The Evaluative Programs area measures and evaluates the accuracy and coverage of the 2010 Census. In addition, this area conducts experiments to understand and improve decennial operations.

Here is a list of all studies related to Evaluative Programs in the 2010 CPEX.

Behavior Coding Report of Coverage Measurement Person Interviews
Report describing how Census Bureau conducted the 2010 Census Service-Based Enumeration Operation & documenting its results.

Coverage Measurement Person Matching and Followup Operation Report
Provides estimates of net coverage error and components of census coverage (including omissions, erroneous enumerations, and correct enumerations).

Investigation of Methods to Evaluate the Coverage of Group Quarters
The main purpose of the project was to explore feasible methods for conducting a within group quarters’ person coverage measurement study in future censuses.

2010 Census Evaluation to Assess CCM Search Area & Address List Rules
Evaluation of the 135 missing housing units found that were not matched to census deletes.

The 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Recall Bias Study
This study aims to determine if future research is needed into the influences and reasons for recall bias.

Assessment for the Initial Housing Unit Independent Operations
Results of the 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Initial Housing Unit Independent Listing, Matching, and Followup Operations.

Assessment of the Coverage Measurement Final Housing Unit Operations
Results of the 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Final Housing Unit Matching and Followup Operations.

2010 Census Coverage Measurement Person Interview Operation Assessment
Documents the operational implementation and presents results to the assessment research questions to ascertain the operations' effectiveness and improvements.

Operational Assessment of the Development of the 2010 DA Estimates
The assessment of the 2010 Demographic Analysis operation focuses on the overall schedule, staffing, and outreach.

2010 Census AQE: Census 2000 Form Replication Panel
The purpose of the Alternative Questionnaire Experiment was to determine the effects of all questionnaire changes made to the 2010 Census mail questionnaire.

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The Infrastructure area evaluates the support systems and resources used to conduct 2010 Census operations.

Here is a list of all studies related to Infrastructure in the 2010 CPEX.

Administrative Records Use for Coverage Problems Evaluation Report
Investigation into whether to expand the use of administrative records during a decennial census for various types of coverage problems.

2010 Census Match Study
Study providing a foundation for decennial census operational research on administrative records.

2010 Census Field Office Administration and Payroll Assessment
Assessment of the hiring, training, and paying of 857,185 census workers to complete the 2010 Census.

2010 Census Enumeration at Transitory Locations Quality Profile
Results of the 2010 Census Enumeration at Transitory Locations Reinterview Operation.

2010 Census Update Enumerate Quality Profile
The Update Enumerate operation assigned enumerators to interview and update addresses in selected rural areas.

2010 Census Address Canvassing Quality Profile
Report providing the results of the 2010 Census Address Canvassing Quality Control Program which was conducted in the United States and Puerto Rico.

2010 Census: Nonresponse Followup Quality Profile
Assessment of the operation assigning enumerators to interview all addresses that had not yet provided information for the 2010 Census in prior operations.

2010 Census Space Acquisition Assessment
Assessment of the space acquisition program established to lease the temporary office space to manage the collection of decennial data for the 2010 Census.

2010 Census ELCO/LCO IT Eqpt. Deployment/De-installation Assessment
This assessment covers the Early Local Census Offices (ELCOs) and Local Census Offices (LCOs) Information Technology (IT) Equipment processes and support.

2010 Census Confidentiality Notification Experiment Report
Experiment to determine the effect of confidentiality-related messages embedded in the cover letter that accompanied the initial census questionnaire mailing.

2010 Census Logistics Assessment
The 2010 Census Logistics Program provided logistics support for field materials, kits, and supplies.

2010 Census: Update/Leave Quality Profile
The purpose of the program was to make sure the Enumerators understood canvassing procedures and to make sure the address list & associated maps were complete.

2010 Census Coverage Measurement Independent Listing Quality Profile
This quality profile presents the results of the 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Independent Listing Quality Assurance program.

2010 Census Coverage Measurement Initial HU Followup Quality Profile
This quality profile presents the results of the Quality Assurance program of the 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Initial Housing Unit Followup Operation.

The 2010 Census Recruiting and Hiring Assessment
The U.S. Census Bureau’s 2010 Census Recruiting Program was a success; the 2010 Census recruiting goals were met on time and significantly under budget.

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Page Last Revised - September 13, 2022
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