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Director's Blog

The “Director’s Blog” webpage launched in October 2009 as former U.S. Census Bureau Director Robert Groves wrote about the 2010 Census and provided a director’s point of view on everything from news to topics about statistics.

In August 2012, Acting Director Tom Mesenbourg began contributing to the blog. Starting in August 2013, former Director John H. Thompson contributed to the blog, providing updates on vast intercensal surveys and programs as preparations began for the 2020 Census. In 2018, Dr. Ron Jarmin contributed to the blog while performing the non exclusive functions and duties of the director. From January 2019 to January 2020, former Director Steven Dillingham made contributions to the blog about the 2020 Census.

Beginning January 2022, Director Robert L. Santos will be contributing to the blog, providing updates on the many ways we measure America’s people and economy.


Director's Blog
Announcing a Historic Data Sharing Agreement
The Census Bureau announces a historic agreement with the Osage Nation to share information for the benefit of the Osage people.

Director's Blog
Continued Insights From Our Community-of-the-Whole Approach
Here’s an insight to think about that emerged from my travel engagements: Public service can take many forms.

Director's Blog
Expanding Our Knowledge on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
In June our nation celebrates the accomplishments and resilience of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) community.

Director's Blog
An Update on Our Community-of-the-Whole Approach
As many of you may know, the U.S. Census Bureau is implementing a community-of-the-whole effort to accomplish our mission.

Director's Blog
Improving Race/Ethnicity Data With Updated Federal Standards
OMB published the results of its review of SPD 15 and issued updated standards for collecting and reporting race and ethnicity data across federal agencies.

Director's Blog
Looking Ahead to 2024 on Our Collective Journey to Excellence
As we navigate the first quarter of the new year, I have been reflecting upon our collective journey to excellence.

Director's Blog
Next Steps on the American Community Survey Disability Questions
The American Community Survey (ACS) is the premier source for detailed population and housing information about our nation.

Director's Blog
Remembering Katherine Wallman
With great sadness, we share the news of the passing of Katherine Wallman, former Chief Statistician of the United States.

Director's Blog
Recapping a Phenomenal 2023 at the U.S. Census Bureau
As my second year as director of the U.S. Census Bureau draws to a close, I have been reflecting on all that we’ve accomplished in 2023 – and it’s a lot.

Director's Blog
Celebrating Tribal Identity with Data
During November, we have been celebrating National Native American Heritage Month, also referred to as American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Heritage Month.

Director's Blog
Research Will Help Enumerate Undercounted People in the 2030 Census
The Census Bureau conducts research to develop better methods to reach and collect data from the historically hard to count.

Director's Blog
Realizing Our Public Service Through Continuous Community Engagement
When’s the last time you thought about what being a public servant really means for us at the U.S. Census Bureau?

Director's Blog
Submit Your Nominations for Our New 2030 Census Advisory Committee
A new Federal Advisory Committee is being established to focus on the 2030 Census.

Director's Blog
Celebrating World Population Day
We live in a global society. It’s been that way for a while, even as we continue to see ourselves and our lives through the geographic parochial lens of our choosing.

Director's Blog
Valuable New Datasets on Race and Ethnicity From the U.S. Census Bureau
During my tenure as director of the U.S. Census Bureau, I have met with hundreds of users of Census Bureau data across America.

Director's Blog
Celebrating Census Bureau Employees During Public Service Recognition Week
One of the most rewarding roles is that of being a public servant. It puts a smile on my face each morning.

Director's Blog
Remembering Steven Murdock
It is with great sadness I share the news of the passing of Steven Harold Murdock, our former U.S. Census Bureau director.

Director's Blog
How we’re continuing to engage with everyone in 2023
And that is why it’s critical that I – and more importantly, we, at the U.S. Census Bureau – reach out to you in your roles as partners, stakeholders, data users, policymakers and the public.

Director's Blog
Sus comentarios para el Censo del 2030 ayudan a nuestra nación.
El pasado otoño anunciamos con mucho entusiasmo que la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. estaba intentando captar activamente sus ideas para lograr un mejor Censo del 2030.

Director's Blog
Your 2030 Census Feedback Helps Our Nation. Thank you, and Here’s What’s Next.
Last fall, we eagerly announced that the U.S. Census Bureau actively sought your ideas for a better 2030 Census.

Director's Blog
2022 Economic Census is Underway – Have You Responded?
The March 15, 2023 deadline to respond to the 2022 Economic Census is fast approaching! Have you responded yet? Let me tell you why it’s important to do so.

Director's Blog
Remembering Barbara Bryant
I am sad to share the news of the passing of Barbara Everitt Bryant, former director of the U.S. Census Bureau and the first woman to hold that office, at age 96.

Director's Blog
Recognizing 2023 Black History Month
In recognition of Black History Month, let’s commit to doing our part to help our nation come together as the great nation we aspire to be.

Director's Blog
A Look Ahead: 2023
The U.S. Census Bureau has endured the throes of 2020, when multiple challenges including a global pandemic threatened the completion of our constitutionally mandated decennial census.

Director's Blog
In the Year 2022…
I was sworn in by Secretary Raimondo as the U.S. Census Bureau’s 26th director at the Department of Commerce Hoover Building on the afternoon of January 5, 2022. It was an honor of a lifetime and incredibly humbling.

Director's Blog
It's not too late to submit your ideas for the 2030 Census!
In case you missed my blog post a few weeks ago, for the first time ever, the Census Bureau is seeking your ideas for the planning and design of the decennial census.

Director's Blog
Reflexiones sobre identidad y diversidad en el Mes de la Herencia Hisp
A medida que el Mes de la Herencia Hispana llega a su final, quiero dejarles algunas reflexiones finales sobre identidad y diversidad.

Director's Blog
Thoughts on Identity and Diversity for Hispanic Heritage Month (pt 5)
As Hispanic Heritage Month draws to a close, I want to leave you with some final thoughts on identity and diversity.

Director's Blog
Reflexiones sobre identidad y diversidad en el Mes de la Herencia Hispana (pt 4)
A medida que continué con mi educación, mis puntos de vista sobre mi identidad siguieron evolucionando, pero a un ritmo más acelerado.

Director's Blog
Thoughts on Identity and Diversity for Hispanic Heritage Month (pt 4)
As I continued my education, my views on my identity continued to evolve but the momentum picked up pace.

Director's Blog
Reflexiones de identidad y diversidad en el Mes de Herencia Hispana 3
Esta semana quiero reflexionar sobre mi recorrido de identidad como un joven latino a través de otros lentes: los lentes de los medios de comunicación.

Director's Blog
Thoughts on Identity and Diversity for Hispanic Heritage Month (pt 3)
This week, I want to consider my journey of identity as a young Latino through a different lens – the lens of media.

Director's Blog
Reflexiones sobre identidad y diversidad en el Mes de la Herencia Hisp
Esta es la segunda publicación de una serie de blogs sobre el Mes de la Herencia Hispana.

Director's Blog
Thoughts on Identity and Diversity for Hispanic Heritage Month (part 2)
Today I’ll share with you more about the genesis of my ethnic identity. This blog post is the second in a series on Hispanic Heritage Month.

Director's Blog
Reflexiones sobre identidad y diversidad en el Mes de la Herencia Hispana (parte 1)
Esta es la primera publicación de una serie de blogs sobre el Mes de la Herencia Hispana.

Director's Blog
Thoughts on Identity and Diversity for Hispanic Heritage Month (part 1)
Today marks the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month. This blog post is the first in a series from the Director on Hispanic Heritage Month.

Page Last Revised - December 5, 2023
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