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Home Page Archive

Circus Poster
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Visit the July 2016 home page to learn more about P.T. Barnum and the circus industry using census data and records.

Photo courtesy of the Library of Congress.

The home page of the U.S. Census Bureau's History Web site changes every month. If you missed a month or have been directed to the home page by an older link, visit the archived home pages included in this section. Archived pages contain the same content, links, and photos featured in past home pages.

For example, if you visit the archived home page from February 2018, you will find census data and records celebrating the life of Civil Rights activist Rosa Parks.

Civil War buffs may enjoy pages dedicated to the battles of Antietam (September 2017), Gettysburg (July 2018), and the Confederate Surrender at Appomattox Court House (April 2015).

Music aficionados might like visiting pages dedicated to Scott Joplin and the Ragtime music he helped popularize and the January 2015 page commemorating the 80th anniversary of Elvis Presley's birth.

Movie, television, and literature fans should find something that interests them about favorite authors and films at the archived pages featuring American Poets, Walt Disney, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Gone With the Wind, Public Broadcasting, Mark Twain, and the Academy Awards.

Return to the Home Page Archive often to catch up on all the content you may have missed. From Automobiles to Hurricanes and National Parks to the Super Bowl, you may be surprised how much you can learn from census data and records!

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