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2020 Census Supplemental Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (S-DHC)

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About the S-DHC

The Supplemental Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (S-DHC) provides tables that combine the characteristics of households and the people living in them. These tables supplement the data about households and people  released in the 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (DHC).

Combining details about the structure of households and the people living in them required stronger disclosure avoidance techniques. Therefore, S-DHC tables are only available at the nation and state levels to both protect respondent confidentiality and provide quality statistics.

Subjects: Average household size and counts of people living in certain types of households:

  • Average household size by age.*
  • Household type (e.g. family or nonfamily households for the population in households).
  • Population under the age of 18 years, by relationship and household type.*
  • Population in families by age.*
  • Average family size by age.*
  • Family type and age for own children under the age of 18 years.
  • Total population in occupied housing units by tenure (e.g., whether the home is owned or rented).*
  • Average household size of occupied housing units by tenure.*

Geographies: Nation and state, including District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

Note: The tables marked with an asterisk (*) are also available by the following race and Hispanic origin groups: White alone; Black or African American alone; American Indian and Alaska Native alone; Asian alone; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone; Some Other Race alone; Two or More Races; Hispanic or Latino; White alone, not Hispanic or Latino.

Which 2020 Census Data Product Should I Use?

Do you need counts of people living in certain types of households or average household size? The Supplemental Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (S-DHC) is the only 2020 Census data product that provides this information. An earlier 2020 Census data product, the Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (DHC), provides counts of households mostly separate from counts of people.  S-DHC tables are only available at the national and state level.

Do you need detailed race and ethnicity data on people and households? Many S-DHC tables are available by nine race and Hispanic origin groups, however, the S-DHC does not provide data on detailed race and ethnicity groups nor American Indian and Alaska Native tribes and villages. The Detailed DHC-A and Detailed DHC-B provide demographic and household data on these detailed race and ethnicity groups.

Do you need data at lower levels of geography, like county, city, or census tract? The S-DHC does not provide data below the state level, but many other 2020 Census data products do. View a summary of these products and their levels of geographies on the About 2020 Census Data Products webpage. If you need average household size for total population or by certain characteristics, they can be created using DHC data although there are some limitations. For more guidance on this, reference this fact sheet.

In addition, certain American Community Survey (ACS) tables provide substate sample estimates for similar data subjects to those in the S-DHC. Some examples are:

Do you need redistricting data? The 2020 Census Redistricting Data (P.L. 94-171) Summary File consists of six tables that together provide demographic and housing characteristics for selected topics: voting age, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, housing occupancy status, and group quarters population by major group quarters type.

Do you need microdata from the 2020 Census? The 2020 Census Privacy-Protected Microdata File (PPMF)  provides all privacy-protected records from the 2020 Census. The PPMF incorporates all data included in the 2020 Census Redistricting Data (P.L. 94-171) Summary File, DHC, and Demographic Profile.

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The 2020 S-DHC tables were provided in the 2010 Census Summary File 1 (SF1). The S-DHC tables supplement the data released in the 2020 Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (DHC), the successor to the 2010 SF1.

For information about how specific tables and geographies differ from the 2010 Census, download the 2020 Census Data Product Planning Crosswalk. Navigate to the “S-DHC Crosswalk” tab to find the 2010 to 2020 comparison or the “S-DHC Tables” tab to view the 2020 table shells.

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The Demographic Profile may provide data in the format you need. Rather than multiple tables like other 2020 Census data products, the Demographic Profile presents an overview of demographic and housing characteristics for a specific geography, all in a single table.

Please note that the Demographic Profile provides less detailed data than the Detailed DHC-B, Detailed DHC-A, and DHC. Access the Demographic Profile.

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Access S-DHC Data

Each video below is accompanied by a PDF with step-by-step instructions.

Technical Documentation and Other Guidance

web View Technical Documentation
Information on data collection, confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, subject definitions, and guidance on using the data.
web View Additional Data Guidance
Information about how disclosure avoidance is applied to 2020 Census data products.

Understanding the Data: A Look at Coupled Households

Data Confidentiality

As with all Census Bureau data products, the data in today’s release use disclosure avoidance methods to protect respondent confidentiality. To ensure that no one can link the published data to a specific person or household with certainty, the Census Bureau added “statistical noise”— small, random additions or subtractions — to the S-DHC data.

To do so, the Census Bureau used an algorithm that allows the person and housing unit data to be joined and protected together. Because linked person and household data have higher disclosure risk than either person or household data alone, the algorithm adds a disclosure avoidance step that is not applied to other 2020 Census data products to protect the confidentiality of households’ characteristics. When the count of people in an enumerated household exceeds a certain size, the Census Bureau “truncates” the household, or removes individuals at random, until the household meets the size threshold.

Additionally, for the first time, the Census Bureau will publish credible intervals alongside the estimates on data.census.gov. The credible intervals represent a range of values that contain the truncated, confidential value with 90 percent probability. The credible intervals reflect the noise infused by disclosure avoidance and the impact of statistical postprocessing but not the impact of truncation or other sources of error, such as coverage error.

What to expect with the S-DHC:

Blog: Understanding the Supplemental DHC

How disclosure avoidance protections work on the S-DHC:

Disclosure Avoidance and the Supplemental DHC: How PHSafe Works

Press Kit

  • 2020 Census S-DHC Press Kit
Page Last Revised - September 19, 2024
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