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Bring your classroom to life with real world data. Select an activity that supplements what you are currently teaching in subjects including English, Math, Geography and History.
Increase the data literacy of your students with resources that display data in fun ways. Choose from monthly Fun Facts, 5-Minute Challenge warm-up activities, maps, videos and more.
Statistics in Schools activities are based on relevant education standards and guidelines that outline the foundational knowledge and skills students should have at certain levels.
Statistics in Schools is a free Census Bureau program that uses the data to create resources for K-12 students in a variety of subjects.

Distance Learning with Statistics in Schools

Can you believe that it’s already May? As we all continue to navigate through this new world of distance learning, the Statistics in Schools program is here to help you! This month’s newsletter will highlight resources that can easily be utilized by parents and caregivers while children are at home.

Home and Distance Learning Activities

Are you looking for new ways to keep your students engaged and expand their knowledge about their country, state, and local community? Take a look at our new Home and Distance Learning page, where we have selected a variety of easy-to-use resources for all grade levels. We are sure you can find something great to share with your students and parents while they are at home!

Parent and Caregiver Toolkits

We have also prepared Parent and Caregiver Toolkits for pre-k, elementary, middle, and high school filled with information to help make the adjustment to our current learning environment as simple as possible. The toolkits provide an extensive list of activities and resources along with at-home tips that parents and caregivers can apply asneeded. Also included is a helpful list of best practices to support at-home learning such as:

 1. Finding a good learning spot
 2. Making a schedule
 3. Preparing materials in advance
 4. Being part of the fun
 5. Connecting with others

Coloring Fun For the Little One

Dr. Seuss supports the 2020 Census! Check out the new coloring pages to help children understand that every person counts, no matter how small.

Armed Forces Day

Did you know that Saturday, May 16 is Armed Forces Day? Pay tribute to the men and women who serve in our military with our 5-minute challenge, Honoring Those Who Served. Students will identify states with the largest and smallest percentages of veterans and analyze the data for trends. To further extend the conversation, have students make a list of family members or friends that have served inour armed forces.

In Case You Missed It: Mother’s Day Fun Facts

It’s not too late to celebrate! Check out our newly updated Mother’s Day Fun Facts and accompanying teaching guide. Students can learn mother-related statistics on educational achievements, child birth figures, business data linked to Mother’s Day, and more! Look at the facts and have children brainstorm a listof items they think would be good Mother’s Day gifts or even pretend to be a greeting card publisher and create a card!

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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