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Bring your classroom to life with real world data. Select an activity that supplements what you are currently teaching in subjects including English, Math, Geography and History.
Increase the data literacy of your students with resources that display data in fun ways. Choose from monthly Fun Facts, 5-Minute Challenge warm-up activities, maps, videos and more.
Statistics in Schools activities are based on relevant education standards and guidelines that outline the foundational knowledge and skills students should have at certain levels.
Statistics in Schools is a free Census Bureau program that uses the data to create resources for K-12 students in a variety of subjects.

Parent/Caregiver Toolkits

Parent/Caregiver Toolkits

To help parents and caregivers support students with distance learning, the Statistics in Schools program has developed four toolkits that provide tips, best practices, and instruction on how to use and adapt our activities and resources for at-home use. Each toolkit describes two types of materials — Quick and Easy Resources and Activities — so parents and caregivers can easily choose those appropriate for their preschool, elementary, middle and high school children. The toolkits contain everything you need to get started, including a teaching guide, student worksheet, a list of materials, and an estimate of how long each lesson takes.

Pre-K Toolkit


This toolkit provides instruction on using fun and interactive resources and activities with counting, coloring, and animal themes to help young children with early learning skills. Through a storybook, song and videos, kids also learn why it’s important to count everyone – especially children – in a census.

Elementary School Toolkit


This toolkit provides instruction on using resources and activities that build skills in subjects like history, math, geography, and English. With these activities, your elementary school children will interact with data tools, maps, and videos while learning the value of census statistics and why it's important for everyone to be counted in a census.

Middle School Toolkit


This toolkit provides instruction on using resources and activities that enhance and invigorate learning across multiple subjects—while increasing statistical literacy and data-finding skills. With these activities, your middle school children will analyze historical data, use maps, and learn how population data affects congressional districts. They will also get a better understanding of how the data collected in the 2020 Census will impact their community.

High School Toolkit


This toolkit provides instruction on using resources and activities specially designed to engage and prepare high school students for a data-driven world. With these activities, your teen will use data tools, maps, infographics and other resources to help them understand how data informs decision-making—from learning about reapportionment to examining career statistics. Each activity also explores the importance of a complete census count.

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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