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Monthly Wholesale Trade Historical Data

Time Series Data (Prior to NAICS)

The following excel files present the final time series estimates from the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system (based on the 1987 SIC manual). The two files below include sales estimates from January 1967 - March 2001 and inventories and inventories/sales ratios estimates from December 1980 - March 2001. For comparisons between the SIC and NAICS classification systems, please see the Concordances Table in the list below:

Archived Historical Monthly Wholesale Trade Releases (Prior to NAICS)

Each zip file below contains all of the monthly releases available for that specific decade. Historic releases for the years 1963, 1967-1970, 1975-1977 are not available in PDF form. Certain years may also be missing months because the data is not available in PDF form. For details on missing months/years, please email us or call us at 301-763-6856.

ZIP File icon   2000-2001  
ZIP File icon   1990-1999  
ZIP File icon   1980-1989  
ZIP File icon   1970-1979  
ZIP File icon   1960-1966  
ZIP File icon   1950-1959  
ZIP File icon   1940-1949  
ZIP File icon   1936-1939  
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