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Summer at Census

Recognized scholars in the following and related fields applicable to censuses and large-scale sample surveys are invited for short-term visits (one to three days) primarily between May and September:

  • Statistics
  • Survey methodology
  • Data Science
  • Demography
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • Social and behavioral sciences
  • Computer science

Scholars engage in collaborative research with Census Bureau researchers and present a seminar based on their research.

Scholars are identified through an annual Census Bureau-wide solicitation by the Center for Statistical Research and Methodology.

Summer at Census Seminars

  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014
  • 2013
  • 2012
  • 2011
  • 2010
  • 2009



Data [29, 30]

Data Privacy [7, 34]

Demographic Analysis [8, 9, 10, 11]

Interviewer Research [38, 39, 40, 41, 42]

Machine Learning [1, 32, 41]

Measurement of Labor Force [2, 12, 15, 19]

Measurement of Wages [22, 33]

Population Estimation [20]

Questionnaire Design [25, 26, 27, 28]

Record Linkage and Entity Resolution [37]

Sampling and Estimation [3, 16, 17, 21]

Small Area Estimation [18]

Statistical Modeling [4, 6, 23, 24, 35, 36]

Survey Methodology / Data Collection [5, 13]

Usability / Human Computer Interaction [14, 31]


[1] Jian-Guo Liu/Duke University (May 14-16)
“Analysis of Some Machine Learning Algorithms: Stochastic Gradient Descent and Online PCA”
Hosts: Demographic Statistical Methods Division (Cheng); Center for Statistical Research and Methodology (Slud)

[2] Yihren Wu/Hofstra University (May 23-25)
“A Jump-Diffusion Process for Asset Price with Non-Independent Jumps”
Hosts: Demographic Statistical Methods Division (Cheng, Trundell)

[3] Jerzy Wieczorek/Carnegie Mellon University/Colby College (May 29-30)
“Using the R Package ‘Ranking Project‘ to Make Simple Visualizations for Comparing Populations: Demographic Edition”
“Using the R Package ‘Ranking Project‘ to Make Simple Visualizations for Comparing Populations: Economic Edition”
Hosts: Center for Statistical Research and Methodology (Wright, Klein)

[4] Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan/McMaster University (May 29-31)
“Cure Models”
Hosts: Center for Statistical Research and Methodology (Morris, Sellers)


[5] Jared Jobe/Independent Consultant (June 4-5)
“Self Report Research in Health Surveys, Epidemiology, and Clinical Trials”
Host: Center for Survey Measurement (Beatty)

[6] Huixia Wang/The George Washington University (June 6-7)
“Quantile Regression and Probabilistic Prediction”
Hosts: Center for Statistical Research and Methodology (Nayak, Raim, Wright)

[7] Rachel Cummings/Georgia Tech University (June 11-13)
“Differential Privacy for Growing Databases”
Hosts: Research & Methodology Directorate (Abowd); Center for Statistical Research and Methodology (Wright)

[8] Richard Alba/City University of New York (June 13-15)
“The Rise of Ethno-Racially Mixed Parentage: Making Sense of the Projected Majority-Minority America”
Hosts: Population Division (Jensen, Ramirez, Jones)

[9] Irma Elo/University of Pennsylvania (June 13-15)
“Immigration and Longevity in the United States”
Hosts: Population Division (Jensen, Schachter, Sabo)

[10] Janna Johnson/University of Minnesota (June 13-15)
“The U.S. Census Undercount of Native-Born Children: Estimates, Correlates, and Implications”
Hosts: Population Division (Jensen, Devine)

[11] Carolyn Liebler/University of Minnesota (June 13-15)
“Patterns in the Race Responses for Young Children of All Intermarriages in the U.S. 1960 - 2010”
Hosts: Population Division (Jensen); Center for Administrative Records Research and Applications (Porter)

[12] Alexis Santos/The Pennsylvania State University (June 18-20)
“Revisiting the Demography of Disaster: Population Estimates after Hurricane Maria”
Hosts: Population Division (Vespa); Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division (Laughlin, Montalvo)

[13] Johannis Schouten/Utrecht University (June 18-19)
“Using Mobile Devices to Collect Household Survey Data”
Host: Center for Adaptive Design (Tolliver)

[14] Michael Wiklund/Tufts University (June 19-21)
“Lessons Learned from Applying Human Factors Engineering to Medical Technology”
Host: Center for Survey Measurement (Wang)

[15] Marlese Durr/Wright State University (June 25-27)
“Braiding, Slicing, and Dicing: The African American Woman‘s Home as a Site of Work”
Hosts: Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division (Anderson, Laughlin)

[16] Bikas Sinha/Indian Statistical Institute (Retired Prof. of Statistics) (June 25-27)
“Block Total Response Techniques for Sensitive Quantitative Features”
Host: Center for Statistical Research and Methodology (Wright)

[17] Richard Valliant/University of Michigan and University of Maryland (Research Prof. Emeritus) (June 26-27)
“Computing Alternatives for Estimation from Nonprobability Samples”
Hosts: Center for Statistical Research and Methodology (Wright, Slud)


[18] Malay Ghosh/University of Florida (July 9-11)
“Global-Local Shrinkage Priors for Small Area Estimation”
Hosts: Research & Methodology Directorate (Bell); Center for Statistical Research and Methodology (Maples, Franco, Datta)

[19] David Wiczer/Stony Brook University (July 9-11)
“Network Search: Climbing the Job Ladder Faster”
Hosts: Center for Economic Studies (Warren, Hyatt, Janicki)

[20] Becky Pettit/University of Texas, Austin (July 10-12)
“Invisible Men: Mass Incarceration and the Myth of Black Progress”
Host: Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division (Monte)

[21] Zhuoqiong He/University of Missouri-Columbia (July 16-18)
“Non-informative Priors for Multinomial and Capture-recapture Data”
Hosts: Demographic Statistical Methods Division (Cheng); Economic Methods Statistical Division (Tran)

[22] Chinhui Juhn/University of Houston (July 16-17)
“Coordinated Work Schedules and the Gender Wage Gap”
Host: Center for Economic Studies (McCue)

[23] Dongchu Sun/University of Missouri-Columbia (July 16-18)
“An Objective Prior for Hyper-parameters in Normal Hierarchical Models”
Hosts: Center for Statistical Research and Methodology (Slud); Demographic Statistical Methods Division (Cheng)

[24] Victor de Oliveira/University of Texas, San Antonio (July 23-25)
“Gaussian Copula Models for Geostatistical Count Data”
Hosts: Center for Statistical Research and Methodology (Slud); Research & Methodology Directorate (McElroy)

[25] Allyson Holbrook/University of Illinois-Chicago (July 23-24)
“Self-Reported Voter Turnout and Over-Reporting: Social Desirability, Memory Errors, and Alternative Question Wording”
Hosts: Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division (File, Bauman); Research & Methodology Directorate (Miller); Center for Survey Measurement (Krosnick)

[26] Michael McDonald/University of Florida (July 23-24)
“Item Non-Response and Over-Report Bias in the Current Population Survey Voting and Registration Supplement”
Hosts: Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division (File, Bauman); Research & Methodology Directorate (Miller); Center for Survey Measurement (Krosnick)

[27] Stanley Presser/University of Maryland, College Park (July 23-24)
“The Link Between Nonresponse and Social Participation: Implications for Weighting”
Hosts: Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division (File, Bauman); Research & Methodology Directorate (Miller); Center for Survey Measurement (Krosnick)

[28] Michael Traugott/University of Michigan (July 23-24)
“The Role of Rotation Group Bias in Overestimating Turnout in the Current Population Survey”
Hosts: Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division (File, Bauman); Research & Methodology Directorate (Miller); Center for Survey Measurement (Krosnick)

[29] Barbara Entwisle/University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (July 30-31)
“Behavioral and Social Science Insights for Big Data Research”
Hosts: Center for Survey Measurement (Beatty); Research & Methodology Directorate (Eltinge)


[30] Nick Sinai/Harvard University (August 7)
“Simplifying the Census: Focus on the Data”
Hosts: Decennial Information Technology Division (Chestnut, Whitman)

[31] Xiuying Qian/Zhejiang University (August 7-9)
“Profiling Psychological Needs for Mobile App Usage Through Big Data Analytics”
Host: Center for Survey Measurement (Wang)

[32] Rahul Mazumder/MIT (August 13-15)
“Mining Events with Declassified Diplomatic Documents”
Host: Center for Statistical Research and Methodology (Ben-David)

[33] Kala Krishna/The Pennsylvania State University (August 15-17)
“Trade and Minimum Wages in General Equilibrium: Theory and Evidence”
Hosts: CES (Tello-Trillo, Kamal, Zolas)

[34] Ricardo Moura/Portuguese Naval Academy (August 20-22)
“Singly Imputed Synthetic Datasets as SDC under MLR: The Feasibility of its Analysis”
Hosts: Center for Statistical Research and Methodology (Klein, Sinha)

[35] Yingchun Zhou/East China Normal University (August 21-23)
“Functional Multiple-Outcome Model in Application to Multivariate Growth Curves of Infant Data”
Hosts: DSMD (Cheng); Center for Statistical Research and Methodology (Wright)

[36] Zhen-Qing Chen/University of Washington (August 22-24)
“Anomalous Diffusions and Fractional Order Differential Equations”
Hosts: Demographic Statistical Methods Division (Cheng); Center for Survey Measurement (Wang)


[37] Jeff Jonas/Senzing (Founder and CEO) (September 6)
“Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Entity Resolution 2.0”
Hosts: Information Technology (Naik); Center for Statistical Research and Methodology (Wright)

[38] Robert Belli/University of Nebraska-Lincoln (September 10)
“Interviewer-Respondent Interactions and Data Quality in Flexible Timeline Interviewing”
Hosts: Center for Survey Measurement (Ellis); Associate Director for Demographic Programs (Fields); Research & Methodology Directorate (Bates)

[39] Kristen Olsen/University of Nebraska-Lincoln (September 10)
“How Do Interviewers Do What Interviewers Do and What Does That Tell us about Questionnaire Design and Survey Practice?” (Joint with Smyth)
Hosts: Center for Survey Measurement (Ellis); Research & Methodology Directorate (Bates)

[40] Jolene Smyth/University of Nebraska-Lincoln (September 10)
“How Do Interviewers Do What Interviewers Do and What Does That Tell us about Questionnaire Design and Survey Practice?” (Joint with Olsen)
Hosts: Center for Survey Measurement (Ellis); Research & Methodology Directorate (Bates)

[41] Leen-Kiat Soh/University of Nebraska-Lincoln (September 10)
“Understanding Interview and Respondent Behaviors in a CATI, Web-based ATUS Instrument”
Hosts: Center for Survey Measurement (Ellis); Research & Methodology Directorate (Bates)

[42] Adam Eck/Oberlin College (September 10)
“Sample Frame Construction from Image Data (and Other Applications of Deep Learning for Survey Research)”
Hosts: Center for Survey Measurement (Ellis); Research & Methodology Directorate (Bates); Center for Statistical Research and Methodology (Wright)

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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