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Census at the 2013 Joint Statistical Meetings

JSM (the Joint Statistical Meetings) is the largest annual gathering of statisticians held in North America. It is held jointly with the American Statistical Association, the International Biometric Society(ENAR and WNAR), the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, the Statistical Society of Canada, the International Chinese Statistical Association, and the International Indian Statistical Association. Census Bureau staff were at JSM to exchange the latest research findings with colleagues from throughout the world. Census Bureau staff were at sessions throughout the 2013 JSM Link to a non-federal Web site:

Sunday, August 4

  • 2:00pm - The Undercount of Young Children in Official Statistics
    • Deborah H. Griffin, Chair
    • William P. O'Hare, Data on the Undercount of Young Children in the U.S. Decennial Census
    • Daniel Weinberg, Improving the Coverage of Children in the 2010 U.S. Census
    • Frank Anthony Vitrano, Looking Ahead - Early Thinking on 2020 Census Plans to Reduce Differential Undercoverage of Young Children
  • 2:00pm - Applications and Overviews of Record Linkage
    • Maria M. Garcia, Chair
    • William Winkler, Methods for Adjusting Statistical Analyses for Record Linkage Error
    • William Yancey, Methods of Computing Optimal Record Linkage Parameters
    • Mary Layne, Estimating Record Linkage Error Rates using Administrative Records Data
    • Joshua Tokle, Parameter Estimation for Record Linkage
  • 2:00pm - Seasonal Adjustment at Statistical Agencies
    • Tucker S McElroy, Chair
    • Brian C Monsell, Comparing Automatic Modeling Procedures for TRAMO+ and X-13ARIMA-SEATS
    • Kevin Tolliver, Comparing Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Generalized Prediction Problem Mean- Square Minimization Estimation on Time Series Data
  • 2:00pm - Health and Environmental Surveys in Developing Countries
    • Asaph Young Chun, Organizer
  • 2:00pm - Small Area Estimation: Theory and Applications
    • Aaron Gilary, Validity Testing for Coverage Properties of Small Area Models for Cell Proportions
    • Carolina Franco, An Empirical Artificial Population and Sampling Design for Small Area Model Evaluation
    • Carolina Franco, Applying Bivariate Binomial - Logit Normal Models for Small Area Estimation
  • 2:00pm - Modeling & Modelling Error
    • Jerry Maples, Improving Small Area Estimates of Disability: Combining the American Community Survey with the Survey of Income and Program Participation
  • 2:00pm - Evaluating Teachers and Teaching Methods
    • Lisa Blumerman, Chair
  • 4:00pm - Innovative Statistical Methods of Macro-Review of Economic or Establishment Data
    • Katherine Jenny Thompson, Chair
    • Gregory Cepluch, Revisions, Revisited: Data-Driven Approaches for Detection in Quarterly Financial Report Macro-Level Data
    • Nicole Czaplicki, Applicability of the Outlier Review Tool to Manufacturing, Mining and Construction Sectors of the Economic Census
  • 4:00pm - The 2013 CPS ASEC Field Test
    • Edward Welniak, Chair
    • Charles Adam Bee, An Evaluation of Retirement Income in the CPS ASEC Using IRS Form 1099-R Microdata
    • Joanne Pascale, Health Insurance Measurement in the Current Population Survey: Test Results and Next Steps for a Redesign
    • Jessica Semega, CPS ASEC Income Redesign Field Test
    • Carla Medalia, Health Insurance in the Current Population Survey: Now and Later?
  • 4:00pm - Data Analysis and Confidentiality
    • Bei Wang, Improving LP performance in Cell Suppression Process
    • Martin Klein, Noise Multiplication and Multiple Imputation as Alternatives to Top Coding for Statistical Disclosure Control: An Overview and Comparison

August 5

  • 8:30am - Time Series Signal Extraction
    • Brian C Monsell, Chair
    • Tucker S McElroy, An Appraisal of Multivariate Seasonal Adjustment
  • 8:30am - Recent Development in the Analysis of Repeated Survey Data
    • Ruth Ann Killion, Chair
    • Eric Victor Slud, Single-Stage Generalized Raking Weight Adjustments in the Current Population Survey
    • Ruth Ann Killion, Discussion
  • 8:30am - Statistical Practice in Developing Countries: Contributions and Challenges
    • Asaph Young Chun, Organizer
  • 8:30am - Disclosure Risk and Confidentiality Protection with Complex Survey Data
    • Bimal Sinha, Likelihood Based Finite Sample Inference Based On Synthetic Data
  • 8:30am - Advances in Methods for Causal Inference
    • Robert A. Kominski, Chair
  • 8:30am - Frames and Other Census Issues
    • Nancy Johnson, An Examination of Coverage Issues Associated with the US Census Bureau's National Address List
    • Bonnie Moore, Improving Coverage of New College Housing in the Group Quarters Frame for the Household Surveys
    • Ryan Janicki, Effects of Missing Data On Modeling Enumeration Status In The U. S. Census
    • Kathleen Kephart, Research Using Administrative Records for Address List Maintenance
    • John Boies, Model Based Targeted Address Canvassing: A Simulation Based on the 2009 Address Canvassing Program
    • Kevin M. Shaw, Nonresponse Followup Modeling and Microsimulation: Examining Cost-Benefit Tradeoffs for 2020
    • Bruce Webster, Constructing Tax Units from the American Community Survey
  • 10:30pm - Current Topics in Phone Surveys
    • Kristen Cyffka, Chair
    • Timothy Stewart, 2013 National Census Contact Test
  • 2:00pm - Topics in Sample Design and Data Collection
    • Matthew Thompson, Redesigning the Sample of the Company Organization Survey Using Predictive Modeling
  • 2:00pm - Strategic and Programmatic Changes - Applications in Government Organizations
    • Frank Anthony Vitrano, Chair
    • Nancy Potok, Strategic Change at the Census Bureau
    • Tiwanda M. Burse, Organizational Change within the Decennial Census Programs Directorate: Preparing for the Future
    • Sally Obenski, Program Level Organizational Change: Results of the American Community Survey Program Review
    • James Treat, Program-Level Organizational Change: American Community Survey Key Methods and Content Changes
  • 2:00pm - Graphical Approaches for Survey Data
    • Katherine Jenny Thompson, Dynamic Visualization of Economic Indicators

August 6

  • 8:30am - Recent Research on Interviewer Observations in Household Surveys
    • Peter Miller, Developing Interviewer Observations of the Neighborhood and Sample Unit for the National Health Interview Survey
    • Rachael Walsh, Assessing Interviewer Observations in the NHIS
    • Chandra Erdman, Evaluating Interviewer Observations on the National Health Interview Survey: Associations with Response Propensity and Key Survey Variables
    • Thomas Louis, Discussion
  • 10:30am - Measuring Relationships in U.S. Federal Household Surveys
    • Robert A. Kominski, Chair
    • Jamie Lewis Thomas, Panelist
  • 10:30am - Daily Predictions of Key Estimates and Models to Detect Nonsampling Errors in Census Bureau Household Surveys
    • Reid Rottach, Challenges Faced in the Daily Modeling of Survey Responses
    • Norilsa Toribio, Monitoring Key Estimates and Costs from the National Health Interview Survey throughout the Realignment of Census Bureau Regional Offices
    • Lindsay Longsine, The Effect of the U.S. Census Bureau Realignment on the National Crime Victimization Survey and the Consumer Expenditure Quarterly Interview Survey
    • Lindsay McMillan, Applications of Statistical Models that Detect Daily Changes Using Key Estimates from the American Community Survey Due to the U.S. Census Bureau Regional Office Restructure
    • André Harper, Demographic Data Monitoring System: Technology Used to Track Survey Quality
  • 10:30am - Advances in Missing Data Imputation
    • Sarah McMillan, Comparison of Imputation Techniques for Item Missing Data in the Survey of Income and Program Participation
    • George Carter, Evaluating And Redesigning Imputation Methodologies For The 2015 American Housing Survey
  • 10:30am - Topics in Complex Survey Data Analysis
    • Mary Mulry, Setting M-estimation Parameters for Detection and Treatment of Influential Values
  • 10:30am - Contributed Oral Poster Presentations: Section on Bayesian Statistical Science
    • Patrick M. Joyce, Flexible Multivariate Imputation Modeling Based on Copulas and Dirichlet Processes
  • 2:00pm - Painting a Picture of Life in the United States
    • Howard Hogan, The Statistical Atlas of the 1870 Census & Other Early Census Visualization
    • Eric C Newburger, From Tables to Tableaus - Changing the Analytical Culture of a Large Organization
    • Michael R. Ratcliffe, Mapping the United States
  • 2:00pm - Current Research and Evaluation Topics in the American Community Survey
    • Alfredo Navarro, Chair
    • Richard Griffin, Using Publically Available Administrative Data to Improve Direct Estimates of Income and Poverty from the American Community Survey
    • Michael Beaghen, Coverage of American Indian and Alaska Native Persons and of the Population in American Indian and Alaska Native Areas in the American Community Survey
    • Sirius Fuller, Investigation of Anomalies in Derived Standard Errors for Estimates from the American Community Survey Public Use Microdata File
    • Kristen Cyffka, Several Approaches to Modeling the Characteristics of Undeliverable-As-Addressed Addresses in the American Community Survey
    • Don Keathley, Sample Representivity in the American Community Survey
  • 2:00pm - Measuring Poverty - Challenges and New Solutions
    • Kathleen Short, The Supplemental Poverty Measure in the Survey of Income and Program Participation
    • Wesley Basel, Small Domain Estimation with Limitations on the Direct Estimate
    • Jasen A Taciak, Spatial Modeling for Small Area Poverty Analysis
  • 2:00pm - Contributed Oral Poster Presentations: Survey Research Methods Section
    • Khandaker Mansur, Explore Possible Alternative AK Composite Estimators in the Current Population Survey

August 7

  • 8:30am - Administrative Records Use for Health Insurance Research
    • Amy O'Hara, Chair
    • Leticia Fernandez, Evaluating Race and Ethnicity of Medicaid Participants Using Census Data
  • 8:30am - Disclosure Limitation of Tabular Data
    • Sam Hawala, Synthesizing Truncated Count Data For Confidentiality
  • 8:30am - Collection and Usage of Process, Motion and Other Non-Standard Data
    • Robyn Sirkis, Impact of the 2012 Computer Audio Recorded Interviewing Application on Survey of Income and Program Participation Event History Calendar Response Rates and Item Level Responses
    • Yang Cheng, Comparisons of CPS Unemployment Estimates by Rotation Panel
  • 8:30am - Statistical Challenges with Measurement, Complex Design & Missing Data Part 1
    • Matthew Brault, Reliability and Stability of the 6-question Disability Measure in the Survey of Income and Program Participation
  • 10:30am - Leveraging the American Community Survey as a Sampling Frame for the National Survey of College Graduates
    • Phyllis Singer, Evaluating the Consistency Between Responses to the 2010 NSCG and the 2009 ACS
    • Stephanie Coffey, Monitoring Methods for Adaptive Design in the National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG): A Retrospective Appraisal
    • Benjamin M Reist, The 2010 National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG) Weighting
  • 10:30am - Advances on Seasonal Adjustment
    • Demetra Lytras, Modeling Recessing Effects and the Consequences on Seasonal Adjustment
  • 10:30am - Administrative Records Quality, Coverage, and Applications for Surveys
    • Leticia Fernandez, Chair
    • Leah B. Marshall, Administrative Records and the 2010 U.S. Census Coverage Measurement Estimates: A Comparison
    • Benjamin Harris, Within and Across County Variation in SNAP Misreporting: Evidence from Linked ACS and Administrative Records
    • Megan Benetsky, Deciphering duplicity: characterizing persons with Multiple Protected Identification Keys (PIKS) in the National Change of Address (NCOA) database to facilitate migration research
  • 10:30am - Sampling Using Indirect and Non-Standard Frame Information
    • Patrick J. Cantwell, Examining Coverage in the 2010 U.S. Census by Census Operations and Other Characteristics
  • 10:30am - Nonresponse Issues
    • Yarissa Gonzalez, Producing Control Charts to Monitor Response Rates for Selected Business Surveys of the U.S. Census Bureau
    • Hubert Janicki, An Evaluation of Employer Sponsored Health Insurance Contributions in the Current Population Survey
  • 2:00pm - Coding, Editing & Other Post Data Collection Processing
    • Maria Garcia, Evaluation of Selective Editing for the Census Bureau Foreign Trade Data
    • Tommy Wright, A Visual Proof, A Test, and An Extension of a Simple Tool for Comparing Competing Estimates
    • Diane F. Barrett, Counting Persons Once and Only Once at the Right Loction in the Census: Techniques and Challenges Unduplicating People Experiencing Homelesness
    • Elizabeth Goldberg, Evaluation of a New Edit Methodology for the Common Core of Data Nonfiscal Surveys
    • Robert D. Sands, Simplified Census Edit and Imputation Based on Statistical Principles
    • Derek Young, Ratio Edits Based on Tolerance Intervals
  • 2:00pm - Would the Real Steve Fienberg Please Stand Up: Getting to Know a Population from Multiple Incomplete Files
    • Vincent Thomas Mule, Bayesian Record Linkage Models for Census Coverage Measurement Matching
  • 2:00pm - Record linkage Research and Applications
    • Amy O'Hara, The Limit of Linkage: What Happens When Records Lack PII

August 8

  • 8:30am - New Developments in Small Area Estimation
    • Gauri Sankar Datta, Small Area Estimation Method with Covariates Subject to Measurement Error
  • 8:30am - Theories and Applications of Paradata in a Mixed Mode Data Collection
    • Asaph Young Chun, Organizer
    • Howard Hogan, Chair
    • Kevin Zajac, Might a Social Integration Navigator Guide Response Propensity Models in Nonresponse Followup?
    • John Chesnut, Model-Based Mode of Data Collection Switching from Internet to Mail in the American Community Survey
  • 8:30pm - New Paradigms for Missing Data Methods in Social and Economic Surveys
    • Benjamin M Reist, Chair
    • Darcy Steeg Morris, A Study of Data Collection Rules Involving Real-Time Imputation for Adaptive Survey Design
    • Sharon O'Donnell, Extending Imputation Techniques to Fill Gaps in Longitudinal Surveys to Dynamic Imputation
    • Joanna Fane Lineback, Multivariate Linear Mixed-Effects Models for Missing Data Applied to a Business Survey
    • Yves Thibaudeau, Building a Complete History for Respondents in Longitudinal Surveys Through Imputation
  • 10:30pm - Advances in Time Series Analysis
    • David Findley, The First Order Seasonal Autoregressive Model as a Fundamental Model for Moving Seasonality and Model-Based Seasonal Adjustment
  • 10:30pm - Collection and Linkage Challenges in Data Acquisition
    • W. Kingkade, Self-Assessed Housing Values in the American Community Survey: An Exploratory Evaluation using Linked Real Estate Records
    • Jeongsoo Kim, Comparing Nonresponses in SIPP and SIPP-EHC Data:Participation in Government Social Safety Net Programs
  • 10:30pm - Analysis of Social Networks
    • James Treat, Chair
    • Taniecea Arceneaux, Link Prediction and the Effect of Missing Data on Social Networks
  • 10:30pm - Non-Response and Total Survey Error
    • Andrew Keller, Predicting Proxy Status in Nonresponse Followup Workload

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