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Frequently Occurring Surnames from the 2010 Census

NOTE: This presentation of data focuses on summarized aggregates of counts and characteristics associated with surnames, and the data do not in any way identify any specific individuals.

Tabulations of all surnames occurring 100 or more times in the 2010 Census returns are provided in the files listed below. The first link explains the methodology used for identifying and editing names data. The second link provides an Excel file of the top 1,000 surnames. The third link provides zipped Excel and CSV (comma separated) files of the complete list of 162,253 names. The top ten surnames are:

Name Number Of Occurrences
Smith 2,442,977
Johnson 1,932,812
Williams 1,625,252
Brown 1,437,026
Jones 1,425,470
Garcia 1,166,120
Miller 1,161,437
Davis 1,116,357
Rodriguez 1,094,924
Martinez 1,060,159

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Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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