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About the Business and Owner Demographic Characteristics


The Business and Owner Demographic Characteristics page serves as a hub of information on selected economic and demographic characteristics from the Annual Business Survey (ABS), Nonemployer Statistics by Demographics (NES-D) and historical surveys including the Survey of Business Owners (SBO) and the Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs (ASE). This page provides users with access to historical and current data for businesses and business owners by demographics from one place. Data from the Annual Business Survey and Nonemployer Statistics by Demographics program are sourced from a combination of survey data and administrative records and are released annually. The survey is collected from employer businesses on the ABS and the nonemployer data are compiled from administrative records and published through NES-D.

Starting with reference year 2017, the ABS and NES-D programs replaced the historical SBO and supplemental ASE.

Employer firms include U.S firms with paid employees at any point in the reference year, while Nonemployer firms include U.S. firms with no paid employment and no payroll.

Page Last Revised - April 28, 2023
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