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2012 NAICS

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Frequently requested statistics for: Caddo Parish, Louisiana...websites. What's New & FAQs QuickFacts Caddo Parish, Louisiana QuickFacts provides statistics...& Poverty Businesses Geography https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/caddoparishlouisiana

...100,000+ Total Population Ascension Parish, LA Person Results [<1.0 MB] Housing...Housing Unit Results [<1.0 MB] Bossier Parish, LA Person Results [<1.0 MB] Housing...

Area The Kowa-Comanche-Ft Sill Apache-Caddo-Wichita-Delaware Oklahoma joint use...Record Type C, Entity Type I in the Caddo County (FIPS code 40015) and Grady...

...blank 65675 65675 Errata Note 27: Caddo Parish, Louisiana (FIPS Code 22017) Some...Some voting district names for Caddo Parish, Louisiana (22017) are incorrect in...

... 123, and 124. Errata Note 16: Caddo Parish, Louisiana (FIPS code 22017) Some...Some voting district names for Caddo Parish, Louisiana (22017) are incorrect in...

...governments are officially desig- nated as “parish” governments, and the “borough” gov-...Governments—Individual State Descriptions LOUISIANA PARISH GOVERNMENTS In Louisiana, the county...

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