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Bring your classroom to life with real world data. Select an activity that supplements what you are currently teaching in subjects including English, Math, Geography and History.
Increase the data literacy of your students with resources that display data in fun ways. Choose from monthly Fun Facts, 5-Minute Challenge warm-up activities, maps, videos and more.
Statistics in Schools activities are based on relevant education standards and guidelines that outline the foundational knowledge and skills students should have at certain levels.
Statistics in Schools is a free Census Bureau program that uses the data to create resources for K-12 students in a variety of subjects.

Teach About American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage, Thanksgiving, and More with Census Bureau Statistics

Teach About American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage, Thanksgiving, and More with Census Bureau Statistics

Did you know that November is American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage (AIAN) Month? Celebrate the culture and learn more about this population with our AIAN Fun Facts. In addition, our Thanksgiving Fun Facts is sure to get students’ excited for the traditional big meal. There are also resources to highlight National Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)/Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) Day.

American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month

Did you know that there were 574 federally recognized Indian tribes in the United States in 2022? Learn interesting facts like these with our American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Fun Facts. Students will have the chance to review data related to this observance such as educational attainment, AIAN-owned businesses, and more. There is an accompanying teaching guide that shares various ways to engage students in conversation about the data. For example, you can look at the AIAN population in your state or research federally recognized Indian tribes.

Do you know which state had the largest percentage of AIAN residents in 2022? To add to the fun, test students’ knowledge on the AIAN population with our interactive Kahoot! game. They can use information they learned in the Fun Facts handout like the total AIAN population in the United States, which state had the fastest-growing AIAN population in the nation, and more to see who can get #1 on the podium.

National STEM/STEAM Day – November 8

November 8 is National STEM/STEAM Day. Help prepare students who might show an interest in a future career in this field with our 5-minute warm-up challenge, From College to Jobs: Pathways in STEM. This short activity has students explore an interactive data visualization that illustrates the dynamic relationship between college major and jobs, with a special focus on STEM workers. Then, they look at the characteristics and educational attainment level of STEM-related and non-STEM workers to compare.

Would you be surprised to find out that the most common STEM occupation is software developer? We have a Kahoot! game that shares cool facts like this and more to help students learn more about STEM careers as they prepare for their future after high school.

Thanksgiving Fun Facts

What’s the sleepiest thing at the Thanksgiving table? Napkins!

Discover the history of giving thanks and more with our Thanksgiving Fun Facts. This handout covers data from the number of places across the United States named after turkey and cranberry to which states were forecasted to raise the most turkeys in 2023. The accompanying teaching guide gives grade relevant ideas on how to incorporate the data into your classroom. Some examples include creative writing exercises and discovering why some states produce more cranberries than others through environmental analysis.

Plan ahead. Check out our Holiday Season and Wreaths Across America Day (December 16) resources for teachers to plan for next month!

Page Last Revised - November 15, 2023
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