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Search data, events, resources, and more

Bring your classroom to life with real world data. Select an activity that supplements what you are currently teaching in subjects including English, Math, Geography and History.
Increase the data literacy of your students with resources that display data in fun ways. Choose from monthly Fun Facts, 5-Minute Challenge warm-up activities, maps, videos and more.
Statistics in Schools activities are based on relevant education standards and guidelines that outline the foundational knowledge and skills students should have at certain levels.
Statistics in Schools is a free Census Bureau program that uses the data to create resources for K-12 students in a variety of subjects.

Recognizing Mathematics and Statistics, Earth Day and More!

Recognizing Mathematics and Statistics, Earth Day and More!

This April, improve students’ statistical and civic literacy skills by sharing Statistics in Schools (SIS) resources related to Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month, Earth Day; National Zoo Lover’s Day; National Pet Day; and more. With these resources students can learn about data that include the total number of zoos and botanical gardens, establishments in the veterinarian and animal care fields and people who bike to work. Our tools and activities are a great way to celebrate the many events taking place this month!

Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month

Use SIS activities and tools to help K-12 students gauge the importance of mathematics and statistics. They will explore the latest Census Bureau data on topics like commuting, educational attainment and population growth, giving them a sense of the true value of statistics and how they can be applied to everyday life.

Learn More Kahoot! Game: Springtime, Sunshine and Statistics!

Spring brings beautiful weather and time outdoors. Curious how many people in the United States biked to work in 2022? Students can discover the answer to this and more while playing our spring-themed Kahoot! game, which tests their knowledge on this and other spring-related Census Bureau data.

National Zoo Lover’s Day – April 8

In 2021, there were 711 zoos and botanical gardens in the United States, up from 587 in 2010. Share our State Facts for Students data tool in your classrooms, and unlock a treasure of Census Bureau stats like the total number of zoos and botanical gardens in each state.

National Pet Day – April 11

Happy National Pet Day! Did you know there were 32,110 veterinary service businesses in the United States in 2020 with 397,362 paid employees? Interact with your students using the National Pet Day warm-up activity. Discover cool data like veterinary and other animal care careers. Keep the discussion going by asking students what job they would choose if they worked in the animal caretaker field?

Earth Day – April 22

It’s Earth Day! Celebrate with your students using our Earth Day Fun Facts that include such environmental data as the different ways U.S. homes are heated; the average commute time; and renewable energy sources. Once students have reviewed the facts they can work together to complete one of the teaching guide activity suggestions, like creating social media posts, to honor the day.

Activity of the Month

SIS has a variety of standards-based activities for all grade levels. In this section of our newsletter, an SIS staff member has handpicked one of their favorites for you to explore.

Play It Safe!

Discover how the U.S. Census Bureau helps emergency responders provide support during natural disasters. Share this geography activity with elementary school students and learn which coastline counties were most frequently hit by hurricanes from 1960 to 2017. As part of this activity, students can analyze the effects of environmental hazards on people; explore how people prepare and respond to environmental dangers; and determine what items are needed to prepare for natural disasters in their community..

Page Last Revised - April 4, 2024
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