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Congressional District Map File Naming Convention

State-based 109th - 112th Congressional District Wall Maps

110th Congressional District GIF Files: cd110_st13.gif for Georgia and cd110_st48.gif for Texas.

110th Congressional District PDF Files: cd110_st13.pdf for Georgia and cd110_st48.pdf for Texas.

109th Congressional District GIF Files: cd109_ss.gif, where ss is the state postal abbreviation.

109th Congressional District PDF Files: cd109_ss.pdf, where ss is the state postal abbreviation.

Individual 109th - 112th Congressional District Wall Maps

110th Congressional District GIF file naming convention: cd13##_110.gif for Georgia and cd13##_110.gif for Texas, where ## is the congressional district number.

110th Congressional District PDF file naming convention: cd13##_110.pdf for Georgia and cd48##_110.pdf for Texas, where ## is the congressional district number.

109th Congressional District Locator Maps: cd109_ss_loc.pdf, where ss is the state postal abbreviation.

109th Congressional District GIF files: cd109_ss##.gif, where ss is the state postal abbreviation and ## is the congressional district number.

109th Congressional District PDF files: cd109_ss##.pdf, where ss is the state postal abbreviation and ## is the congressional district number.

State-based 108th Congressional District Wall Maps

108th Congressional District GIF Files: cd108_ss.gif, where ss is the state postal abbreviation.

108th Congressional District PDF Files: cd108_ss.pdf, where ss is the state postal abbreviation.

Individual 108th Congressional District Wall Maps

108th Congressional District Locator Maps: ss_CDloc.pdf, where ss is the state postal abbreviation.

108th Congressional District GIF files: ss_CD##.gif, where ss is the state postal abbreviation and ## is the congressional district number.

108th Congressional District PDF files: ss_CD##.pdf, where ss is the state postal abbreviation and ## is the congressional district number and ## is the congressional district number.

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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