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Census Geocoder Documentation

The Census Geocoder is an address look-up tool that allows the user to submit a single address, batch of up to 10,000 addresses, or location coordinates for geocoding. Geocoding results are derived from address ranges within the Master Address File/Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) database. Address ranges within TIGER include all possible structure numbers even though actual structures may not exist. Geocoding results are returned if the address range match score meets or exceeds the threshold for single address geocoding. Coordinate results are interpolated, or approximated, based on the physical location that the address geocoded on the TIGER address ranges. The geocoder is available as a web interface and as an API (Representational State Transfer - REST - web-based service).

The overall goal of the Census Geocoder is to provide the public with the capability to geocode an address efficiently and accurately. There are multiple options that a user can select to geocode an address with the Geocoder. For further information on use of the Census Geocoder, please refer to the User Guide or Frequently Asked Questions documents found below in the Documentation section.



Contact Information

Please send any questions or comments to geo.geocoding.services@census.gov.

Page Last Revised - May 20, 2024
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