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1890 Census Instructions to Enumerators

The below text is excerpted on pages 22 from Measuring America: The Decennial Censuses From 1790 to 2000.

1890 Questionnaire - The Plan of Enumeration in Institutions

(11 1/2″ X 18″, printed on both sides.)

Instructions to Enumerators

The statistics of population and other special data concerning persons residing in institutions will be taken by institution enumerators; that is, some official or other trustworthy person connected with the institution, who will be appointed specially for the purpose.

This plan of enumeration will not be extended to all institutions, but the appointment of special institution enumerators will be determined partly by the size of the institution and partly by its nature.

For those institutions where this plan of enumeration is to be carried out the enumerators for the districts in which such institutions are located will have no responsibility.

Each enumerator will receive in advance of the enumeration due notification from the supervisor for his district as to the institutions which are not to be taken by him. It should be the duty of the enumerator, however, if there is any institution in his district, whatever may be its size or character,  to satisfy himself by personal inquiry of the officer in charge whether a special institution enumerator has been appointed, and if not, to proceed to enumerate the population as in the case of all other houses visited by him. On the other hand, if a special institution enumerator has been appointed for it, then it has been withdrawn from his district, and he will leave it to be enumerated by the special institution enumerator.

Soldiers and Sailors

All soldiers of the United States Army, civilian employees, and other residents at posts or on military reservations, will be enumerated in the same manner as has been provided for institutions, by the appointment of a special resident enumerator; and in all such cases where the district enumerator has been so notified such posts or military reservations should not be included as a part of his district.

For posts not garrisoned, and any other posts not so withdrawn, the district enumerator will make the necessary inquiries, and if no special enumerator has been appointed he will include the residents of such posts as a part of his district equally with other elements of the population.

In a similar way all sailors and marines stationed on vessels, and at the United States navy yards, as well as resident officers, with their families, will be specially enumerated, and need not be taken by the district enumerator if, upon inquiry or by notification, he knows that such special provision has been made.

Special Enumeration of Indians

The law provides that the Superintendent of Census may employ special agents or other means to make an enumeration of all Indians living within the jurisdiction of the United States, with such information as to their condition as may be obtainable, classifying them as to Indians taxed and Indians not taxed.

By the phrase ‘‘Indians not taxed’’ is meant Indians living on reservations under the care of Government agents or roaming individually or in bands over unsettled tracts of country.

Indians not in tribal relations, whether full-bloods or halfbreeds, who are found mingled with the white population, residing in white families, engaged as servants or laborers, or living in huts or wigwams on the outskirts of towns or settlements, are to be regarded as a part of the ordinary population of the country, and are to be embraced by the enumeration.

The enumeration of Indians living on reservations will be made by special agents appointed directly from this office, and supervisors and enumerators will have no responsibility in this connection.

Many Indians, however, have voluntarily abandoned their tribal relations or have quit their reservations and now sustain themselves. When enumerators find Indians off of or living away from reservations, and in no [ways] dependent upon the agency or Government, such Indians, in addition to their enumeration on the population and supplemental schedules, in the same manner as for the population generally, should be noted on a special schedule [7-917] by name, tribe, sex, age, occupation, and whether taxed or not taxed.

The object of this is to obtain an accurate census of all Indians living within the jurisdiction of the United States and to prevent double enumeration of certain Indians.

Where Indians are temporarily absent from their reservations the census enumerators need not note them, as the special enumeration for Indian reservation will get their names.


The schedule adopted for the enumeration of the population is what is known as the family schedule; that is, a separate schedule for each family, without regard to the number of persons in the family. Three forms of this schedule are provided for the use of enumerators, according as the families to be enumerated are made up of a large or small number of persons.

The single-sheet schedules [7-566a] are provided for use in enumerating families containing from 1 to 10 persons, the double-sheet schedules [7-556b] for use in enumerating families containing more than 10 but not over 20 persons, and the additional sheets [7-556C] for use in enumerating families containing more than 20 persons. In the case of large families, boarding houses, lodging houses, hotels, institutions, schools, etc., containing more than 20 persons use the double sheet for 1 to 20 persons, and such number of the additional sheets as may be necessary. Wherever the additional sheets are used, be careful to write on each sheet, in the spaces provided therefor, the number of the supervisor’s district, enumeration district, dwelling house, and family, and also the name of the institution, school, etc., as the case may be. Also, at the heads of the columns in which the information concerning the several persons enumerated is entered, fill in the ‘‘tens’’ figures on the dotted lines preceding the printed unit figures, and continue to number the columns consecutively, as 21, 22, etc., until all persons in the family have been enumerated.

Upon one or the other of these forms of the population schedule, according to the size of the family to be enumerated, is to be entered the name of every man, woman, and child who on the 1st day of June, 1890, shall have his or her usual place of abode within the enumerator’s district. No child born between the 1st day of June, 1890, and the day of the enumerator’s visit (say June 5, June 15, etc., as the case may be) is to be entered upon the schedule. On the other hand, every person who was a resident of the district upon the 1st day of June, 1890, but between that date and the day of the enumerator’s visit shall have died, should be entered on the schedule precisely as if still living. The object of the schedule is to obtain a list of the inhabitants on the 1st of June, 1890, and all changes after that date, whether in the nature of gain or loss, are to be disregarded in the enumeration.

In answering the several inquiries on the population and other schedules the space provided for each answer should be filled by a definite statement or a symbol used to denote either that the inquiry is not applicable to the person for whom the answers are being made or that the information can not be obtained. In all cases where the inquiry is not applicable use the following symbol: (X). If for any reason it is not possible to obtain answers to inquiries which are applicable to the person enumerated, use the following symbol to denote this fact: (=). The enumerator must bear in mind, however, that where he has every reason to suppose that he can supply the answer himself it is better than the symbol; and in any case the symbol should not be used until he has made every effort to ascertain the proper answer from the persons in the family or in the neighborhood, as required by law.

Illustrative examples of the manner of filling the population and the use of these symbols are contained in printed sheets which are supplied to enumerators.

Supervisors' and Enumeration Districts

The first thing to be entered at the head of each schedule is the number of the supervisor’s district and of the enumeration district in which the work is performed. These numbers must be repeated for each family enumerated, and where additional sheets are used these numbers are to be carried to those sheets, as already stated.

Civil Divisions

Be careful to enter accurately the name of the city, town, township, precinct, etc., and distinguish carefully between the population of villages within townships and the remainder of such townships. The correct enumeration of the population of these minor civil divisions is especially important, and is of interest in the presentation in the printed reports of details concerning these small bodies of population. So far as possible, also, the population of small unincorporated villages and hamlets should be separately reported. Also enter at the head of each schedule, in the spaces provided therefor, the name of the county and State or Territory in which the minor subdivision is located. In cities the street, street number, and ward should be entered in the proper spaces, and in those cities where special sanitary districts have been established for the purposes of the census enumeration the letters used to designate them should be added in some convenient space at the head of each schedule and encircled thus: (A), (B), (C), etc., according to the special letters used to distinguish these sanitary districts.


Whenever an institution is to be enumerated, as, a hospital, asylum, almshouse, jail, or penitentiary, the full name and title of the institution should be entered, and all persons having their usual place of abode in such institution, whether officers, attendants, inmates, or persons in confinement, should then be entered consecutively on the schedules as one family. If, as sometimes may be the case, a sheriff, warden, or other prison official may live in one end of the prison building, but separated by a partition wall from the prison proper, his family (including himself as its head) should be returned on a separate schedule, and should not be returned on the schedule upon which the prisoners are entered. Where the officers or attendants, or any of them, do not reside in the institution buildings, but live with their families in detached dwellings, no matter whether the houses are owned by the institutions or located in the same grounds, they should be reported on separate schedules, but should be included as a part of the work of the special institution enumerator, where one is appointed, and should not be left to be taken by the district enumerator. It may happen also that some of the officers or attendants may reside wholly outside of the institution precincts, either in rented houses or houses owned by the institution, or by themselves, and in such cases they should be enumerated by the district enumerator and not by the special institution enumerator. The tour of duty of the special institution enumerator should not extend beyond the boundaries of the institution grounds, but should include all those persons and inmates whose usual places of abode are clearly within the territory controlled by the institutions.

Persons, Families, and Dwellings

A. Number of dwelling house in the order of visitation.

In the space against the inquiry marked A is to be entered the number of the dwelling house in the order of visitation. The object of this inquiry is to ascertain the total number of dwelling houses. A dwelling house for the purposes of the census means any building or place of abode, of whatever character, material, or structure, in which any person is living at the time of taking the census. It may be a room above a warehouse or factory, a loft above a stable, a wigwam on the outskirts of a settlement, or a dwelling house in the ordinary sense of that term. A tenement house, whether it contains two, three, or forty families, should be considered for the purposes of the census as one house. A building under one roof suited for two or more families, but with a dividing partition wall and separate front door for each part of the building, should be counted as two or more houses. A block of houses under one roof, but with separate front doors, should be considered as so many houses, without regard to the number of families in each separate house in the block. Wholly uninhabited dwellings are not to be counted.

B. Number of families in this dwelling house.

The inquiry marked B calls for the number of families, whether one or more, in each dwelling house. Where there is more than one family in a dwelling house, this inquiry should be answered only on the schedule for the first family enumerated and omitted on the schedules for the second and subsequent families enumerated in the same house, to avoid duplication of results; the space on the schedules for the second and subsequent families should be filled, however, by an X, as not being applicable. An example of this character is given on the printed sheets illustrative of the manner of filling schedules.

C. Number of persons in this dwelling house.

The inquiry marked C calls for the number of persons in each dwelling house, and where there is more than one family in the house the answer should represent the total number of persons included in the several families occupying the same house. Where there is but a single family to a house, the answer to this inquiry should be the same as for Inquiry E. Where there is more than one family in a dwelling house, this inquiry, as in the case of Inquiry B, should be answered only on the schedule for the first family enumerated.

D. Number of family in the order of visitation.

In answer to the inquiry marked D enter the number, in the order of visitation, of each family residing in the district. The fact that more than one family is often found in a house makes the family number exceed, necessarily, the house number, as called for by Inquiry A.

The word family, for the purposes of the census, includes persons living alone, as well as families in the ordinary sense of that term, and also all larger aggregations of people having only the tie of a common roof and table. A hotel, with all its inmates, constitutes but one family within the meaning of this term. A hospital, a prison, an asylum is equally a family for the purposes of the census. On the other hand, the solitary inmate of a cabin, a loft, or a room finished off above a store, and indeed, all individuals living out of families, constitute a family in the meaning of the census act.

By ‘‘individuals living out of families’’ is meant all persons occupying lofts in public buildings, above stores, warehouses, factories, and stables, having no other usual place of abode; persons living solitary in cabins, huts, or tents; persons sleeping on river boats, canal boats, barges, etc., having no other usual place of abode, and persons in police stations having no homes. Of the classes just mentioned the most important numerically, is the first viz: Those persons, chiefly in cities, who occupy rooms in public buildings, or above stores, warehouses, factories, and stables. In order to reach such persons, the enumerator will need not only to keep his eyes open to all indications of such casual residence in his enumeration district, but to make inquiry both of the parties occupying the business portion of such buildings and also of the police. In the case, however, of tenement houses and of the so-called ‘‘flats’’ of the great cities as many families are to be recorded as there are separate tables.

A person’s home is where he sleeps. There are many people who lodge in one place and board in another. All such persons should be returned as members of that family with which they lodge.

E. Number of persons in this family.

The answer to this inquiry should correspond to the number of columns filled on each schedule, and care should be taken to have all the members of the family included in this statement and a column filled for each person in the family, including servants, boarders, lodgers, etc. Be sure that the person answering the inquiries thoroughly understands the question, and does not omit any person who should be counted as a member of the family.

Names, Relationship to Head of Family, and Whether Survivors of the War of the Rebellion

1. Christian name in full, initial of middle name, and surname.

Opposite to the inquiry numbered 1 on the schedule are to be entered the names of all persons whose usual place of abode on the 1st day of June, 1890, was in the family enumerated.

The census law furnishes no definitions of the phrase ‘‘usual place of abode;’’ and it is difficult, under the American system of protracted enumeration, to afford administrative directions which will wholly obviate the danger that some persons will be reported in two places and others not reported at all. Much must be left to the judgment of the enumerator, who can, if he will take the pains, in the great majority of instances satisfy himself as to the propriety of including or not including doubtful cases in his enumeration of any given family. In the cases of boarders at hotels or students at schools or colleges the enumerator can by one or two well directed inquiries ascertain whether the person concerning whom the question may arise has at the time any other place of abode within another district at which he is likely to be reported. Seafaring men are to be reported at their land homes, no matter how long they may have been absent, if they are supposed to be still alive. Hence, sailors temporarily at a sailors’ boarding or lodging house, if they acknowledge any other home within the United States, are not to be included in the family of the lodging or boarding house. Persons engaged in internal transportation, canal men, expressmen, railroad men, etc., if they habitually return to their homes in the intervals of their occupations, will be reported as of their families, and not where they may be temporarily staying on the 1st of June, 1890.

In entering the members of a family the name of the father, mother, or other ostensible head of the family (in the case of hotels, jails, etc., the landlord, jailor, etc.) is to be entered in the first column. It is desirable that the wife should be enumerated in the second column, and the children of the family proper should follow in the order of their ages, as will naturally be the case. The names of all other persons in the family, whether relatives, boarders, lodgers, or servants, should be entered successively in subsequent columns.

The Christian name in full and initial of middle name of each person should be first entered and the surname immediately thereunder, as shown in the illustrative example.

2. Whether a soldier, sailor, or marine during the civil war (United States or Confederate), or widow of such person.

Write ‘‘Sol’’ for soldier, ‘‘Sail’’ for sailor, and ‘‘Ma’’ for marine. If the person served in the United States forces add ‘‘U.S.’’ in parentheses, and if in the Confederate forces add ‘‘Conf.’’ in parentheses, thus: Sol (U.S.); Sail (U.S.); Sol (Conf.), etc. In the case of a widow of a deceased soldier, sailor, or marine, use the letter ‘‘W’’ in addition to the above designations, as W. Sol (U.S.), W. Sol (Conf.), and so on.

The enumeration of the survivors of the late war, including their names, organizations, length of service, and the widows of such as have died, is to be taken on a special schedule prepared for the purpose, as provided for by the act of March 1, 1889, and relates only to those persons, or widows of persons, who served in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of the United States in the late war. The inquiry concerning the survivors of both the United States and Confederate forces is made on the population schedule so as to ascertain the number now living and the number who have died and have left widows.

3. Relationship to head of family.

Designate the head of a family, whether a husband or father, widow or unmarried person of either sex, by the word ‘‘Head;’’ other members of a family by wife, mother, father, son, daughter, grandson, daughter-inlaw, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, servant, or other properly distinctive term, according to the particular relationship which the person bears to the head of the family. Distinguish between boarders, who sleep and board in one place, and lodgers, who room in one place and board in another. If an inmate of an institution or school, write inmate, pupil, patient, prisoner,or some equivalent term which will clearly distinguish inmates from the officers and employees and their families. But all officers and employees of an institution who reside in the institution building are to be accounted, for census purposes, as one family, the head of which is the superintendent, matron, or other officer in charge. If more than one family resides in the institution building, group the members together and distinguish them in some intelligible way. In addition to defining their natural relationship to the head of the institution or of their own immediate family, their official position in the institution, if any, should be also noted, thus: Superintendent, clerk, teacher, watchman, nurse, etc.

Color, Sex, and Age

4. Whether white, black, mulatto, quadroon, octoroon, Chinese, Japanese, or Indian.

Write white, black, mulatto, quadroon, octoroon, Chinese, Japanese, or Indian, according to the color or race of the person enumerated. Be particularly careful to distinguish between blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, and octoroons. The word ‘‘black’’ should be used to describe those persons who have three-fourths or more black blood; ‘‘mulatto,’’ those persons who have from three-eighths to five-eighths black blood; ‘‘quadroon,’’ those persons who have one-fourth black blood; and ‘‘octoroon,’’ those persons who have oneeighth or any trace of black blood.

5. Sex.

Write male or female, as the case may be.

6. Age at nearest birthday. If under one year, give age in months.

Write the age in figures at nearest birthday in whole years, omitting months and days, for each person of one year of age or over. For children who on the 1st of June, 1890, were less than one year of age, give the age in months, or twelfths of a year, thus: 3/12, 7/12, 10/12. For a child less than one month old, state the age as follows: 0/12. The exact years of age for all persons one year old or over should be given whenever it can be obtained. In any event, do not accept the answer ‘‘Don’t know,’’ but ascertain as nearly as possible the approximate age of each person. The general tendency of persons in giving their ages is to use the round numbers, as 20, 25, 30, 25, 40, etc. If the age is given as ‘‘about 25,’’ determine, if possible, whether the age should be entered as 24, 25, or 26. Particular attention should be paid to this, otherwise it will be found when the results are aggregated in this office that a much more than normal number of persons have been reported as 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, etc., years of age , and a much less than normal at 19, 21, 24, 26, 29, 31, etc.

Conjugal Condition and Children and Children Living

7. Whether single married, widow, or divorced.

Write single, married, widowed, or divorced, according to the conjugal condition of the person enumerated. No matter how young the person may be, the conjugal condition, if ‘‘single,’’ should be always stated.

8. Whether married during the census year (June 1,1889, to May 31, 1890).

Write yes or no, as the case may be.

9. Mother of how many children, and number of these children living.

This inquiry is to be made concerning all women who are or have been married, including those widowed or divorced. The answers should be given in figures, as follows: 6 5; that is, mother of six (6) children, of which five (5) are living. If a woman who is or has been married has had no children, or if none are living, state the fact thus: 0 0 or 3 0, as the case may be.

Place of Birth and Parent Nativity

10. Place of birth.

Give the place of birth of the person whose name appears at the head of the column opposite inquiry 1, and for whom the entries are being made.

11. Place of birth of father.

Give the place of birth of the father of the person for whom the entries are being made.

12. Place of birth of mother.

Give the place of birth of the mother of the person for whom the entries are being made. If the person (inquiry 10), or father (inquiry 11), or mother (inquiry 12) were born in the United States, name the state or territory, or if of foreign birth name the country. The names of countries, and not of cities, are wanted. In naming the country of foreign birth, however, do not write, for instance, ‘‘Great Britain,’’ but give the particular country, as England, Scotland, or Wales.

If the person, or father, or mother were born in a foreign country of American parents, write the name of the country and also the words ‘‘American citizen.’’ If born at sea write the words ‘‘At sea;’’ if in the case of the father or mother the words ‘‘At sea’’ be used, add the nationality of the father’s father or mother’s father.

If born in Canada or Newfoundland, write the word ‘‘English’’ or ‘‘French’’ after the particular place of birth, so as to distinguish between persons born in any part of British America of French and English extraction respectively. This is a most important requirement, and must be closely observed in each case and the distinction carefully made.


Inquiries 13, 14, and 15 should be made concerning only those adult males of foreign birth who are 21 years of age or over.

13. Number of years in the United States.

Give the answer in figures as 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, etc., according to the number of years such person (as stated above) may have resided in the United States.

14. Whether naturalized.

Write ‘‘Yes’’ or ‘‘No,’’ as the case may be.

15. Whether naturalization papers have been taken out.

If naturalized (Inquiry 14), use the symbol X; if not naturalized (Inquiry 14), write ‘‘Yes’’ or ‘‘No,’’ as the case may be, in answers to this inquiry (15).

Profession, Trade, or Occupation, and Months Employed

16. Profession, trade, or occupation.

This is a most important inquiry. Study these instructions closely, and in reporting occupations avoid the use of unmeaning terms. A person’s occupation is the profession, trade, or branch of work upon which he chiefly depends for support, and in which he would ordinarily be engaged during the larger part of the year. General or indefinite terms which do not indicate the kind of work done by each person must not be used. You are under no obligation to give a person’s occupation just as he expresses it. If he can not tell intelligibly what he is, find out what he does, and describe his occupation accordingly. The name of the place worked in or article made or worked upon should not be used as the sole basis of the statement of a person’s occupation. Endeavor to ascertain always the character of the service rendered or kind of work done, and so state it.

The illustrations given under each of the general classes of occupations show the nature of the answers which should be made to this inquiry. They are not intended to cover all occupations, but are indicative of the character of the answers desired in order to secure, for each person enumerated, properly descriptive designations of service rendered or work done by way of occupation and as the means of gaining a livelihood.

AGRICULTURAL PURSUITS.—Be careful to distinguish between the farm laborer, the farmer, and farm overseer; also between the plantation laborer, the planter, and plantation overseer. These three classes must be kept distinct, and each occupation separately returned.

Do not confuse the agricultural laborer, who works on the farm or plantation, with the general or day laborer, who works on the road or at odd jobs in the village or town. Distinguish also between woodchoppers at work regularly in the woods or forests and the laborer, who takes a job occasionally at chopping wood.

Make a separate return for farmers and planters who own, hire, or carry on a farm or plantation, and for gardeners, fruit growers, nurserymen, florists, vine growers, etc., who are engaged in raising vegetables for market or in cultivation of fruit, flowers, seeds, nursery products, etc. In the latter case, if a man combines two or more of these occupations, be careful to so state it, as florist, nurseryman, and seed grower.

Avoid the confusion of the garden laborer, nursery laborer, etc., who hires out his services, with the proprietor gardener, florist, nurseryman, etc., who carries on the business himself or employs others to assist him.

Return as dairymen or dairywoman those persons whose occupation in connection with the farm has to do chiefly with the dairy. Do not confuse them with employees of butter and cheese or condensed milk factories, who should be separately returned by some distinctive term.

Return stock herders and stock drovers separately from stock raisers.

Do not include lumbermen, raftsmen, log drivers, etc., engaged in hauling or transporting lumber (generally by water) from the forest to the mill, with the employees of lumber yards or lumber mills.

FISHING.—For fishermen and oystermen describe the occupation as accurately as possible. Be careful to avoid the return of fishermen on vessels as sailors. If they gain their living by fishing, they should be returned as ‘‘fishermen,’’ and not as sailors.

MINING AND QUARRYING.—Make a careful distinction between the coal miners and miners of ores; also between miners generally and quarrymen. State the kind of ore mined or stone quarried.

Do not return proprietors or officials of mining or quarrying companies as miners or quarrymen, but state their business or official position accurately.

PROFESSIONAL PURSUITS.—This class includes actors, artists and teachers of art, clergymen, dentists, designers, draftsmen, engravers, civil engineers, and surveyors, mechanical and mining engineers, government clerks and officials, journalists, lawyers, musicians and teachers of music, physicians, surgeons, professors (in colleges and universities), teachers (in schools), and other pursuits of a professional nature. Specify each profession in detail, according to the fact. These are cited simply as illustrations of these classes of pursuits.

Distinguish between actors, theatrical managers, and showmen.

Make a separate return for government clerks occupying positions under the National, State, county, city, or town governments from clerks in offices, stores, manufacturing establishments, etc.; also distinguish government officials.

Return veterinary surgeons separately from other surgeons.

Distinguish journalists, editors, and reporters from authors and other literary persons who do not follow journalism as a distinct profession.

Return separately chemists, assayers, metallurgists, and other scientific persons.

DOMESTIC AND PERSONAL SERVICE.—Among this class of occupations are comprised hotel keepers, boarding-house keepers, restaurant keepers, saloon keepers, and bartenders; housekeepers, cooks, and servants (in hotels, boarding houses, hospitals, institutions, private families, etc.); barbers and hairdressers; city, town, and general day laborers; janitors, sextons, and undertakers; nurses and midwives; watchmen, policemen, and detectives. Specify each occupation or kind of service rendered in detail, according to the fact. The above are given only as examples of the occupations which would naturally be included under this general class of work.

Distinguish carefully between housekeepers, or women who receive a stated wage or salary for their services, and housewives, or women who keep house for their own families or for themselves, without any gainful occupation. The occupation of grown daughters who assist in the household duties without fixed remuneration should be returned as ‘‘Housework—without pay.’’

As stated under agricultural pursuits, do not confuse day laborers, at work for the city, town, or at odd jobs, with agricultural laborer, at work on the farm or plantation or in the employ of gardeners, nurserymen, etc. State specifically the kind of work done in every instance.

Clerks in hotels, restaurants, and saloons should be so described and carefully distinguished from bartenders. In many instances bartenders will state their occupation as ‘‘clerk’’ in wine store, etc., but the character of the service rendered by such persons will readily determine whether they should be classed as ‘‘bartenders’’ or not.

Stationary engineers and firemen should be carefully distinguished from engineers and firemen employed on locomotives, steamboats, etc.

Soldiers, sailors, and marines enlisted in the service of the United States should be so returned. Distinguish between officers and enlisted men, and for civilian employees return the kind of service performed by them.

PURSUITS OF TRADE AND TRANSPORTATION.—Distinguish carefully between real estate agents, insurance agents, claim agents, commission agents, etc. If a person is a real estate agent and also an auctioneer, as is often the case, return his occupation as real estate agent and auctioneer.

Return accountants, bookkeepers, clerks, cashiers, etc., separately, and state the kind of service rendered, as accountant—insurance; bookkeeper—wholesale dry goods; clerk—gas company; cashier—music store.

Do not confound a clerk with a salesman, as is often done, especially in dry goods stores, grocery stores, and provision stores. Generally speaking, the persons so employed are to be considered as salesmen, unless the bulk of their service is in the office on the books and accounts; otherwise they should be returned as salesman—dry goods; salesman—groceries, etc.

Stenographers and typewriters should be reported separately, and should not be described simply as ‘‘clerks.’’ Distinguish carefully between bank clerks, cashiers in banks, and bank officials, describing the particular position filled in each case. In no case should a bank cashier be confounded with cashiers in stores, etc.

Distinguish between foremen and overseers, packers and shippers, porters and helpers, and errand, office, and messenger boys in stores, etc., and state in each case the character of the duties performed by them, as foreman wholesale wool house; packer—crockery; porter—rubber goods; errand boy—dry goods; messenger boy—telegraph.

State the kind of merchants and dealers, as dry goods merchant, wood and coal dealer, etc. Whenever a single word will express the business carried on, as grocer, it should be so stated.

In the case of hucksters and peddlers also state the kind of goods sold, as peddler—tinware.

Distinguish traveling salesmen from salesmen in stores, and state the kind of goods sold by them.

Return boarding and livery stable keepers separately from the hostlers and other stable employees.

Distinguish also between expressmen, teamsters, draymen,and carriage and hack drivers.

Steam railroad employees should be reported separately, according to the nature of their work, as baggagemen, brakemen, conductors, laborers on railroad, locomotive engineers, locomotive firemen, switchmen, yardmen, etc.

Officials of railroad, telegraph express, and other companies should be separately returned and carefully distinguished from the employees of such companies.

Boatmen, canal men, pilots, longshoremen, stevedores, and sailors (on steam or sailing vessels) should be separately returned.

Telegraph operators, telephone operators, telegraph linemen, telephone linemen, electric-light men, etc., should be kept distinct, and a separate return made for each class.

MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL PURSUITS.—In reporting occupations pertaining to manufactures there are many difficulties in the way of showing the kind of work done rather than the article made or the place worked in. The nature of certain occupations is such that it is well nigh impossible to find properly descriptive terms without the use of some expression relating to the article made or place in which the work is carried on.

Do not accept ‘‘maker’’ of an article or ‘‘works in’’ mill, shop, or factory, but strive always to find out the particular work done.

Distinguish between persons who tend machines and the unskilled workman or laborer in mills, factories, and workshops.

Describe the proprietor of the establishment as a ‘‘manufacturer,’’ and specify the branch of manufacture, as cotton manufacturer, etc. In no case should a manufacturer be returned as a ‘‘maker’’ of an article.

In the case of apprentices, state the trade to which apprenticed, as apprentice-carpenter, etc.

Distinguish between butchers, whose business is to slaughter cattle, swine, etc., and provisions dealers, who sell meats only.

Distinguish also between glover, hatter, or furrier who actually make or make up in their own establishments all or part of the gloves, hats, or furs which they sell, and the person who simply deals in but does not make these articles.

Do not use the words ‘‘factory operative,’’ but specify in every instance the kind of work done, as cotton mill spinner; silk mill weaver, etc.

Do not describe a person in a printing office as a ‘‘printer ’where a more expressive term can be used, as compositor,pressman, press feeder, etc.

Make the proper distinction between a clock or watch ‘‘maker’’ and a clock or watch ‘‘repairer.’’ Do not apply the word ‘‘jeweler’’ to those who make watches, watch chains, or jewelry in large establishments.

Avoid in all cases the use of the word ‘‘mechanic,’’ and state whether a carpenter, mason, house painter, machinist, plumber, etc.

Do not say ‘‘finisher,’’ ‘‘molder,’’ ‘‘polisher,’’ etc., but state the article finished, molded, or polished, as brass finisher, iron molder, steel polisher, etc.

Distinguish between cloakmakers, dressmakers, seamstresses,tailoresses, etc. In the case of sewing-machine operators, specify the work done.

OTHER OCCUPATIONS.—When a lawyer, merchant, manufacturer, etc., has retired from practice or business, say retired lawyer, retired merchant, etc.

The distinction to be made between housewives, housekeepers, and those assisting in housework has already been stated under ‘‘Domestic and Personal Service.’’ For the large body of persons, particularly young women, who live at home and do nothing, make the return as ‘‘No occupation.’’ With respect to infants and children too young to take any part in production or to be engaged in any state occupation, distinguish between those at home and those attending school. For those too young to go to school, or who for some reason did not attend school during the census year, write the words ‘‘At home,’’ and for those who attended school during some part of the school year write the words, ‘‘At school—public,’’ or ‘‘At school—private,’’according to the kind of school. If taught by a governess or tutor, it should be so stated. The student at college or engaged in special studies should be reported separately from scholars in public or private schools.

The doing of domestic errands or family chores out of school hours, where a child regularly attends school, should not be considered an occupation. But if a boy or girl, whatever the age, is earning money regularly by labor, contributing to the family support, or appreciably assisting in mechanical or agricultural industry, the kind of work performed should be stated.

17. Months unemployed during the census year (June 1,1889, to May 31, 1890).

If a person having a gainful occupation was unemployed during any part of the census year it should be so stated in months and parts of months. If, as may often happen, a person was unemployed at his usual occupation for some time during the census year and yet found other temporary employment for some part or the whole of the time, this fact should be clearly stated. For instance, a person’s occupation may be that of ‘‘farm laborer,’’ at which he may have had no employment for three months during the census year. During two of these three months, however, he may have worked in a shoe shop, so that, so far as actual idleness is concerned, he was only out of work one month. In all such cases, where the nonemployment returned in answer to inquiry 17 does not represent actual idleness as regards the person’s usual actual occupation given in answer to inquiry 16, indicates the number of months unemployed at occupation by inserting the figures, in parenthesis, after the name of the occupation itself. In the case just cited, and as shown in the ‘‘illustrative example,’’the answer to inquiry 16 would appear as ‘‘Farm laborer (3)’’ and the answer to inquiry 17 as ‘‘1.’’ For all persons not engaged in gainful occupation the symbol ‘‘X’’ should be used.

School Attendance, Illiteracy, and Language Spoken

18. Attendance at school (in months) during the census year (June 1, 1889, to May 31, 1900).

For all persons between the ages of 5 and 17, inclusive, the attendance at school during the census year should be in all cases stated in months and parts of months. Where a person within the above ages did not attend school at all during the census year write ‘‘0,’’ and for all other persons to whom the inquiry is not applicable use the symbol ‘‘X.’’

Inquiries numbered 19 and 20 relate to illiteracy, and are to be made only of or concerning persons 10 years of age or over.

19. Able to read.

Write ‘‘Yes’’ or ‘‘No,’’ as the case may be.

20. Able to write.

Write ‘‘Yes’’ or ‘‘No,’’ as the case may be.

A person may not be able to read or write the English language, and yet may be able to read or write (or both) their native language, as French, Spanish, Italian, etc. If in such cases a person can read or write (or both) some language, the answer to Inquiry 19 and Inquiry 20 should be ‘‘Yes,’’ according to the fact. If not able to so read or write the answer should be ‘‘No.’’ For all persons under 10 years of age use the symbol ‘‘X.’’

21. Able to speak English. If not, the language or dialect spoken.

This inquiry should also be made of or concerning every person 10 years of age or over. If the person is able to speak English so as to be understood in ordinary conversation, write ‘‘English;’’ otherwise, write the name of the language or dialect in which he usually expresses himself, as ‘‘German,’’ ‘‘Portuguese,’’‘‘ Canadian French,’’ ‘‘Pennsylvania Dutch,’’ etc. For all persons under 10 years of age use the symbol ‘‘X.’’

Mental and Physical Defects, etc.

22. Whether suffering from acute or chronic disease, with name of disease and length of time afflicted.

If a person is suffering from acute or chronic disease so as to be unable to attend to ordinary business or duties, give the name of the disease and the length of time that it has lasted.

23. Whether defective in mind, sight, hearing, or speech, or whether crippled, maimed, or deformed, with name of defect.

If a person is mentally or physically defective, state the nature of the defect.

24. Whether a prisoner, convict, homeless child, or pauper.

If the person is a prisoner, convict, homeless child, or pauper, be careful to so state, as ‘‘prisoner,’’ ‘‘pauper,’’ etc.

25. Supplemental schedule and page.

If answers are required to inquiries 22, 23, or 24, indicate in this space the number of the supplemental schedule and page of schedule on which the special inquiries relating to such person have been answered. (See instructions concerning supplemental schedules.)

Ownership of Homes and Farms

26. Is the home you live in hired, or is it owned by the head or by a member of the family?

If hired, say ‘‘Hired;’’ if owned, say ‘‘Owned,’’ and indicate whether owned by head, wife, son, daughter, or other member of family, as ‘‘Owned—head;’’ ‘‘Owned— wife;’’ ‘‘Owned—son,’’ etc. If there is more than one son or daughter in the family, and the home is owned by one of them, indicate which one by using the figure at the head of the column in which the name, etc., of the person is entered, as ‘‘Owned—son (4).’’

27. If owned by head or member of family, is the home free from mortgage encumbrance?

If free from encumbrance, say ‘‘Free;’’ if mortgaged, say ‘‘Mortgaged.’’

28. If the head of family is a farmer, is the farm which he cultivates hired, or is it owned by him or by a member of his family?

To be answered in the same manner as for inquiry 26.

29. If owned by head or member of family, is the farm free from mortgage encumbrance?

To be answered in the same manner as for inquiry 27.

30. If the home or farm is owned by head or member of family, and mortgaged, give the post-office address of owner.

In answer to this inquiry the post-office address of the owner of a mortgaged home or farm must be correctly stated; that is, the post office at which the owner (whether head of family, wife, son, daughter, etc.) usually receives his or her mail.

In all cases where it can not be definitely ascertained whether the home or farm is mortgaged or not return the post-office address of the owner, so that this office can communicate with such persons.

In connection with the definition of mortgage encumbrance it should be stated that judgment notes or confessions of judgment, as in Pennsylvania and Virginia, the deeds of trust of many States, deeds with vendor’s lien clause, bonds or contracts for title that are virtually mortgages, crop liens or mortgages upon crops, and all other legal instruments that partake of the nature of mortgages upon real estate, are to be regarded as such; but mechanics’ liens are not to be regarded as mortgage encumbrances upon homes or farms.

The enumerator should be careful to use the local name for the mortgage encumbrance when making the inquiries, and should not confine himself to the word ‘‘mortgage’’ when it will be misunderstood.

Some of the difficulties which will arise in connection with the prosecution of the inquiries concerning homes and farms, and how they are to be treated, may be mentioned, as follows:

1. A house is not necessarily to be considered as identical with a home and to be counted only once as a home. If it is occupied as a home by one or more tenants, or by owner and one or more tenants, it is to be regarded as a home to each family.

2. If a person owns and cultivates what has been two or more farms and lives on one, they are not to be taken as more than one farm.

3. If a person owns and cultivates what has been two or more farms and all are not mortgaged, the several farms are to be counted as one farm and as mortgaged.

4. If a person hires both the farm he cultivates and the home he lives in, or owns both, the home is to be considered as part of the farm.

5. If a person owns the home he lives in and hires the farm he cultivates, or owns the farm he cultivates and hires the home he lives in, both farm and home are to be entered upon the schedule, and separately.

6. If the tenant of a farm and its owner live upon it, either in the same house or in different houses, the owner is to be regarded as owning the home he lives in and the tenant as hiring the farm he cultivates. If the owner simply boards with the tenant, no account is to be made of the owner.

7. If the same person owns and cultivates one farm and hires and cultivates another farm, he is to be entered upon the schedule as owning the farm he cultivates.

8. The head of a family may own and cultivate a farm and his wife may own another farm which is let to tenant, perhaps to her husband. In such case only the farm which is owned by the head of the family is to be considered, but the rented farm is to be taken account of when its tenant’s family is visited.

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