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Decennial Census of Population and Housing News

Decennial Census of Population and Housing News

Here you will find news and updates related to (name of Topic, or name of survey/program). Visit the Newsroom for the complete archive of news releases published by the Census Bureau.

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Random Samplings Blog
The Post-Enumeration Survey: Measuring Coverage Error
Although we undertake extensive efforts to accurately count everyone in the decennial census, sometimes people are missed or duplicated.

Press Release
Biwo Resansman an Bay Enfòmasyon sou Rezolisyon Kesyon Konte a
Jodi a Biwo Resansman Etazini voye bay fonksyonè gouvènman elijib yo yon imel ak enfòmasyon sou pran pa nan Operasyon Rezolisyon Kesyon Konte Resansman 2020 an.

Press Release
Census Bureau Provides Information to Government Officials on the Count Question Resolution Operation
The U.S. Census Bureau today emailed eligible government officials information about participating in the 2020 Census Count Question Resolution (CQR) Operation.

Press Release
Cục Thống Kê Dân Số cung cấp thông tin về Giải quyết Câu hỏi Thống kê
Hôm nay, Cục Thống Kê Dân Số Hoa Kỳ gửi email quan chức chính quyền đủ điều kiện về việc tham gia Hoạt động Giải quyết Câu hỏi Thống kê về Thống Kê Dân Số 2020.

Press Release
Impormasyon ng Kawanihan ng Senso Tungkol sa Count Question Resolution
Nag-email ngayon ang Kawanihan ng Senso ng U.S. sa kwalipikadong opisyal ng gobyerno tungkol sa paglahok sa Count Question Resolution Operation sa 2020 Senso.

Press Release
Informacje Urzędu Spisu Ludności nt. Rozwiązywania Pytań o Zliczenia
Urząd Spisu Ludności USA wysłał dziś mailem uprawnionym urzędnikom rządu informacje nt. udziału w Akcji Rozwiązywania Pytań o Zliczenia Spisu Ludności 2020.

Press Release
Informations sur la résolution des questions sur le décompte
Le Bureau de recensement a envoyé par e-mail, aux responsables gouvernementaux éligibles, les informations concernant l'opération CQR du Recensement 2020.

Press Release
Informações sobre a Resolução do Questionamento da Contagem do Censo
A Agência do Censo enviou hoje um e-mail a todos os oficiais governamentais qualificados com informações sobre como participar da Operação de Resolução do Quest

Press Release
La Oficina del Censo proporciona información a funcionarios gubernamen
La Oficina del Censo envió información por correo electrónico sobre la participación en la Operación CQR del Censo 2020 a los funcionarios del gobierno.

Random Samplings Blog
Understanding the Count Question Resolution Operation
Since the 1990 Census, we’ve given tribal, state and local governments the opportunity to request a review of their once-a-decade census counts.

Press Release
Бюро переписи предоставляет информацию о разрешении вопросов подсчета
Бюро переписи населения США отправило государственным должностным лицам информацию об операции по разрешению вопросов подсчета в рамках Переписи населения 2020.

Press Release
مكتب التعداد السكاني يقدم معلومات إلى المسؤولين الحكوميين بخصوص عملية حل أسئلة التعداد
أرسل مكتب التعداد السكاني الأمريكي اليوم إلى المسؤولين الحكوميين المؤهلين بريدًا إلكترونيًا يحتوي على معلومات بشأن المشاركة في عملية حل أسئلة تعداد 2020.

Press Release
美国人口普查局今天通过电子邮件向符合资格的政府官员发送了参与 2020 年人口普查人数问题解决运作的信息。

Press Release
美國人口普查局今天通過電子郵件向符合資格的政府官員發送了參與 2020 年人口普查人數問題解決運作的資訊。

Press Release

Press Release
인구조사국은 집계 질문 해결에 대한 정보를 제공합니다
미국 인구조사국은 오늘 자격이 되는 정부 공무원들에게 2020년 센서스 인구조사 집계 질문 해결 작업 참여에 관한 정보를 이메일로 보냈습니다.

Press Kit
American Indian/Alaska Native 2020 Census Press Kit
This press kit provides tools and resources to support coverage of the 2020 Census and outreach to the American Indian/Alaska Native audience.

Press Release
Census Bureau Releases 2021 Determinations for Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act
Today the U.S. Census Bureau released a list of 331 jurisdictions that are required to provide language assistance during elections.

Press Release
La Oficina del Censo publica determinaciones del 2021 para la Sección
La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. publicó una lista de 331 jurisdicciones que deben proporcionar asistencia con el idioma durante las elecciones.

Press Release
Census Bureau Announces Hartville, Missouri, as “Center of Population” for the United States
The U.S. Census Bureau has calculated the center of population for the United States based on the 2020 Census population of 331.4 million.

Press Release
Oficina del Censo anuncia que Hartville es el centro de la población
The U.S. Census Bureau has calculated the center of population for the United States based on the 2020 Census population of 331.4 million.

Random Samplings Blog
Using Demographic Benchmarks to Help Evaluate 2020 Census Results
One of the primary methods of evaluating the quality of a census is comparing the results to other population benchmarks.

Press Kit
2020 Census Non-English Language Support Press Kit
The U.S. Census Bureau offers more language support for the decennial census than ever before – online, by phone and by mail.

Press Release
Census Bureau Releases 2020 Census Population and Housing Unit Counts for Guam
As of April 1, 2020, Guam’s population was 153,836, representing a decrease of 3.5% from the 2010 Census population of 159,358.

Press Release
Census Bureau Releases 2020 Census Population and Housing Unit Counts for American Samoa
As of April 1, 2020, the American Samoa’s population was 49,710, representing a decrease of 10.5% from the 2010 Census population of 55,519.

Press Release
Census Bureau Releases 2020 Census Population and Housing Unit Counts for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
As of April 1, 2020, the Northern Mariana Islands’ population was 47,329 representing a decrease of 12.2% from the 2010 Census population of 53,883.

Press Release
Census Bureau Releases 2020 Census Population and Housing Unit Counts for the U.S. Virgin Islands
As of April 1, 2020, the U.S. Virgin Islands’ population was 87,146, representing a decrease of 18.1% from the 2010 Census population of 106,405.

Press Release
Conteos de población del Censo del 2020 para Guam
La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. publicó hoy los conteos de población y unidades de vivienda del Censo del 2020 para Guam.

Press Release
Conteos de población del Censo del 2020 para Samoa Americana
La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. publicó hoy los conteos de población y unidades de vivienda del Censo del 2020 para Samoa Americana.

Press Release
Conteos de población del Censo del 2020 para las Islas Vírgenes
La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. publicó hoy los conteos de población y unidades de vivienda del Censo del 2020 para las Islas Vírgenes.

Press Release
Conteos de población para las Islas Marianas del Norte
Censo 2020 de población y unidades de vivienda para la Commonwealth de las Islas Marianas del Norte.

Press Release
2020 年人口普查全国整合的交流活动最终报告
美国人口普查局近期发布了 2020 年人口普查全国整合的交流活动最终报告。

Press Release
2020 年人口普查統合交流活動最終報告
美國人口普查局近期發佈了 2020 年人口普查統合交流活動最終報告。

Press Release

Press Release
2020년 센서스 인구조사 통합 커뮤니케이션 캠페인에 대한 최종 보고서
미국 인구조사국은 최근 2020년 센서스 인구조사 통합 커뮤니케이션 캠페인에 대한 최종 보고서를 발표했습니다.

Press Release
Báo Cáo Cuối Cùng Về Chiến Dịch Truyền Thông Của Thống Kê Dân Số 2020
Cục Thống Kê Dân Số Hoa Kỳ gần đây đã công bố báo cáo cuối cùng về Chiến Dịch Truyền Thông Đầy Đủ của Thống Kê Dân Số 2020.

Page Last Revised - December 16, 2021
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