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Decennial Census of Population and Housing Blog Posts

Decennial Census of Population and Housing Blog Posts

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Random Samplings Blog
The Post-Enumeration Survey: Measuring Coverage Error
Although we undertake extensive efforts to accurately count everyone in the decennial census, sometimes people are missed or duplicated.

Random Samplings Blog
Understanding the Count Question Resolution Operation
Since the 1990 Census, we’ve given tribal, state and local governments the opportunity to request a review of their once-a-decade census counts.

Random Samplings Blog
Using Demographic Benchmarks to Help Evaluate 2020 Census Results
One of the primary methods of evaluating the quality of a census is comparing the results to other population benchmarks.

Random Samplings Blog
Upcoming 2020 Census Data Products
We’ve now released the apportionment counts and redistricting data — the first two waves of 2020 Census results. But we’re just getting started.

Random Samplings Blog
Próximos productos de datos del Censo del 2020
Este blog describe los planes actuales para los productos de datos del Censo del 2020 y cómo proporcionar comentarios

Random Samplings Blog
Programa de Evaluaciones y Experimentos del Censo del 2020
Este blog describe la serie de evaluaciones formales que miden diferentes aspectos de las operaciones del censo y los desafíos.

Random Samplings Blog
2020 Census Program for Evaluations, Experiments, and Assessments
This blog describes the series of formal evaluations and assessments that measure different aspects of census operations and specific challenges.

Random Samplings Blog
2020 Census Operational Quality Metrics: Item Nonresponse Rates
These metrics show the rate some 2020 Census questions went unanswered.

Random Samplings Blog
Tasas de falta de respuesta por preguntas
Estas métricas muestran las tasas de algunas preguntas sin respuesta del Censo del 2020.

Random Samplings Blog
2020 Census Operational Quality Metrics: Sub-State Summaries
Sub-state summaries for each state show the local variation and spread in the operational quality metrics.

Random Samplings Blog
Métricas operacionales de calidad: niveles por debajo de los estados
Los resúmenes a niveles por debajo de los estados para cada estado muestran la variación local en las métricas operacionales de calidad.

Random Samplings Blog
The Census Geocoder - Group Quarters Assistance
People living in group quarters, such as nursing homes, military barracks, and college/university student housing, are among the unique populations counted in the 2020 Census.

Random Samplings Blog
Medición de la diversidad racial y étnica para el Censo del 2020
Más adelante este mes, la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. planea publicar los primeros resultados del Censo del 2020 sobre raza y origen étnico.

Random Samplings Blog
Measuring Racial and Ethnic Diversity for the 2020 Census
Later this month, the U.S. Census Bureau plans to release the first results from the 2020 Census on race and ethnicity.

Random Samplings Blog
Improvements to the 2020 Census Race and Hispanic Origin Question Designs, Data Processing, and Coding Procedures
This blog discusses how we improved the census questions on race and Hispanic origin, also known as ethnicity, between 2010 and 2020.

Random Samplings Blog
Improvements to the 2020 Census Race and Hispanic Origin Question Designs, Data Processing, and Coding Procedures
This blog discusses how we improved the census questions on race and Hispanic origin, also known as ethnicity, between 2010 and 2020.

Random Samplings Blog
How We Complete the Census When Demographic and Housing Characteristics Are Missing
Although we strive to obtain all demographic and housing data from every individual in the census, missing data are part of every census process.

Random Samplings Blog
Resources Available to Prepare for the 2020 Census Redistricting Data Release
In a few weeks, we’ll release the 2020 Census redistricting data in our legacy summary file format. And a few weeks after that, we’ll release the same data in an easier-to-use format.

Random Samplings Blog
Recursos disponibles para para la redistribución legislativa
In a few weeks, we’ll release the 2020 Census redistricting data in our legacy summary file format. And a few weeks after that, we’ll release the same data in an easier-to-use format.

Director's Blog
Redistricting Data: What to Expect and When
Since releasing the apportionment results in April, we’ve had several teams working hard on the next set of 2020 Census data — the redistricting data.

Director's Blog
Datos para la redistribución legislativa: qué esperar y cuándo
Hemos tenido varios equipos trabajando arduamente en el próximo conjunto de datos del Censo 2020 : los datos de redistritación.

Random Samplings Blog
Censo del 2020: Métricas de calidad, Publicación 2
Este blog proporciona datos destacados del segundo grupo de métricas operacionales de calidad del Censo del 2020.

Random Samplings Blog
2020 Census Operational Quality Metrics: Release 2
Today we released the second round of 2020 Census operational quality metrics.

Director's Blog
The 2020 Census: Our Growing Nation
The U.S. Census Bureau released results from the 2020 Census, marking the 24th time the nation’s population has been counted.

Random Samplings Blog
Apportionment Population Counts and What to Expect on Release Day
Here at the U.S. Census Bureau, we’re excited to be nearing the important milestone of delivering the first results from the 2020 Census — the apportionment population counts.

Random Samplings Blog
Examining Operational Quality Metrics
The Census Bureau is taking a multifaceted approach to studying the quality of the 2020 Census, so as to produce a more complete and informative picture.

Random Samplings Blog
Comparisons to Benchmarks as a Measure of Quality
Data quality is multidimensional and so approaching it from multiple angles produces a more insightful and holistic picture of a dataset.

Random Samplings Blog
How Apportionment is Calculated
In this blog, we will talk about how we calculate the apportionment of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Random Samplings Blog
How We Unduplicated Responses in the 2020 Census
Today, we’ll talk through situations where that can happen and how we resolve duplicates in the 2020 Census.

Random Samplings Blog
2020 Census Data Review
For the 2020 Census, we are conducting one of the most comprehensive reviews in recent census history.

Random Samplings Blog
Revisión de los datos del Censo del 2020
En este blog hablamos sobre cómo estamos realizando una de las revisiones de datos más completas en la historia reciente del censo, para el Censo del 2020.

Random Samplings Blog
Cómo completamos el censo cuando los hogares no responden
Mientras continuamos procesando las respuestas al Censo del 2020, las personas han preguntado qué sucede cuando no obtenemos una respuesta de una dirección.

Random Samplings Blog
Completing the Census When Households or Group Quarters Don't Respond
As we continue to process 2020 Census responses, people have asked what happens when we don’t get a response from an address.

Random Samplings Blog
Administrative Records and the 2020 Census
Each decade we are asked, “Why don’t you just use the information the government already has about me for the census? Why ask me again?”

Random Samplings Blog
Los registros administrativos y el Censo del 2020
Este blog describe cómo el Censo del 2020 usó los registros administrativos para contar a las personas que no respondieron.

Random Samplings Blog
Introduction to Quality Indicators: Operational Metrics
In the coming weeks, the U.S. Census Bureau will release the first set of results from the 2020 Census. Our goal for every census is to count everyone once, only once, and in the right place.

Page Last Revised - November 23, 2021
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