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Report of Organization FAQs

How do I start reporting for the Report of Organization?

For information on how to complete your survey, go to Information for Respondents and review the section for "Ready to Report or Need Assistance?" or go directly to the How Do I Get Started? FAQs.
For help with the reporting instrument go to How to use the online instrument FAQs or How-To Videos.

What locations are listed on the NC-99001(L) Report of Organization form in Item 5A for an Economic Census year?

Taxpaying entities classified in the following industries that are out-of-scope to the Census Bureau’s economic programs are not included in Economic Census sampling unless they are part of a multi-establishment enterprise engaged in other activities that are in-scope to the Census Bureau's economic programs:  


  • NAICS 11 - Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting, EXCEPT NAICS 1151 and 1152.
  • NAICS 482 - Rail transportation.
  • Part of NAICS 491 - The U.S. Postal Service.
  • NAICS 481111 - Certificated passenger air carriers.
  • NAICS 6111 and 6113 - Schools: Elementary and secondary schools (NAICS 6111), colleges and universities (NAICS 6113).
  • NAICS 81393 - Labor organizations.
  • NAICS 81394 - Political organizations.
  • NAICS 8131 - Religious organizations.
  • NAICS 92 - Public administration.


Locations with the above industrial classifications, or that are not physically located in the U.S., but pay U.S. wages to employees, will be included on the Report of Organization's Item 5A question, and will ask employment and payroll data.


Is this survey mandatory?

Yes, your response is required by law. Title 13 United States Code, Sections 131 and 182, authorizes this collection. Sections 224 and 225 require your response. The U.S. Census Bureau is required by Section 9 of the same law to keep your information confidential and can use your responses only to produce statistics. The Census Bureau is not permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify your business, organization, or institution. Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protected from cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that transmit your data.

What is the penalty for not responding?

Title 13 (Section 224) and the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 (18, U.S.C. 3559 and 3571) allow for possible prosecution of responsible officials and penalties up to $5,000 (and a response is still required).  

Who uses the data?

  • The Bureau of Economic Analysis uses the data for the Nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) estimates and in developing the national accounts' input-output tables.
  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics uses the data as input to its producer price indices and in developing productivity measurements.
  • Trade and professional organizations use the data to analyze industry trends and benchmark their own statistical programs, develop forecasts, and evaluate regulatory requirements.
  • The media use the data for news reports and background information.
  • Private businesses use the data to measure market share, analyze business potential, and plan investments.

My establishment is no longer in business. What should I do?

Complete the survey with data for any period of time during the current reporting year that the establishment was in operation. If the location ceased operation or sold or leased to another operator before the survey year, please select “Ceased Operation” or “Sold or leased to another operator” and select a date for each Pre-listed location. If the location did operate in any part of the survey year, we require a response for the portion of the survey year in which your location was in operation.

Why don't you get the information you need from the IRS?

The Census Bureau uses Internal Revenue Service administrative data whenever possible. However, the Internal Revenue Service data does not provide the level of detail needed in most Census Bureau surveys, or does not have certain items available (e.g., e-commerce).

Can I report on a fiscal year basis?

Calendar year data are preferred. If it is not available, please report for the fiscal year that includes at least six months of data for the calendar year being requested. First quarter payroll should still be reported for the pay period that includes March 12 of the survey calendar year.

Besides reporting electronically, are there any other ways to report?

Electronic reporting is the only way to provide data for this survey. If you are unable to report data electronically, please Contact Us.

How can I compile my data before reporting online?

Gather a list of all establishments for your company. For each establishment, the survey will ask for the physical address, Employer Identification Number, operational status at the end of the reporting year, number of employees for the pay period that includes March 12, first quarter wages, and annual wages. The sum of payroll reported for individual establishments for an EIN should equal the taxable Medicare wages and tips reported on your organization’s IRS Form(s) 941, Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return plus the spread on stock options that are taxable to the employees. Also included, questions regarding ownership and control of the company.

How long will it take to complete this report?

We estimate the NC-99001 will take an average of 0.4 hours to complete, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

I need more time. Can I obtain an extension?

You may obtain a time extension by signing into your Census Bureau account (or refer to your letter for instructions on how to create an account), clicking on "Options" and then "Request Extension."  You may choose any date allowed in the calendar drop down.

Are estimates acceptable?

Yes, carefully prepared estimates are acceptable if book figures are not readily available.

Why do you need to know if I own other establishments, or if another establishment owns mine?

We do not want to duplicate data if you are affiliated with other establishments that may already be providing data on this survey, or in one of our other Census Bureau surveys.

Can I be paid for completing this report?

No. The law authorizing this report (Title 13, United States Code) does not authorize funds for payment.

Should I report for the establishment shown in the mailing label or should I report for the entire company?

Employment and payroll data should be reported by establishment. All other data should represent the consolidated data for your domestic operations including all establishments under common ownership of the location shown in the mailing label.

How was I selected for this report?

Your firm or EIN was chosen from a scientifically selected sample of businesses. Taking a sample is less costly than contacting every business in the country. Firms or EINs selected for the sample represent other similar businesses.

I am a very small business. Why do you want information from me?

Taken together, small businesses have a real impact on the economy. Your company or EIN was chosen from a scientifically selected sample of businesses and represents many other small businesses like yours.

Page Last Revised - December 12, 2022
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