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Workshop on Advancing Research on Race, Ethnicity and Inequality

Workshop on Advancing Research on Race, Ethnicity and Inequality

On November 14 and 15, 2023, The U.S. Census Bureau convened a virtual Workshop on Advancing Research on Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality. This event was designed to bring together new perspectives on how data resources can be better leveraged to both measure the dimensions of race and ethnicity within the U.S. population, and to investigate how systemic inequalities by race/ethnicity can be identified within U.S. society.

The two-day event featured opening remarks by Census Bureau Director Robert Santos, and a keynote address by Meeta Anand, Senior Program Director for Census and Data Equity at the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, followed by a program of social science research presentations and discussions.

Presented research examined racial and ethnic inequalities in health, employment, education, and housing, as well as issues related to theory on racial and ethnic identities, measurement of race, ethnicity, and different dimensions of social and economic experiences and inequalities. Presenting researchers came from academia, government, and independent research centers.  

Recordings of the two days’ events can be viewed at the links below. For reference, the two days’ programs, and start times for each section within them, are listed below.

Day 1 Recording *

Day 2 Recording *

* Any opinions, conclusions, or questions expressed at the Workshop are those of the participants and do not represent the views of the U.S. Census Bureau or its employees. No endorsement should be inferred.


Day 1:  November 14


8:30-8:45am - Welcome

Karen Battle, Division Chief, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau



8:45-9:00am - Opening Remarks

Robert L. Santos, Director, U.S. Census Bureau



9:00-9:40am - Keynote Remarks and Q & A

Meeta Anand, Senior Program Director for Census and Data Equity, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

Remarks [00:19:05]

Q & A [00:58:35]


9:45-11:15am - Session 1:  Racial and Ethnic Inequalities in Health

Chair: Nicole Perales, Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau

Discussant: Kelvin Choi, National Institutes of Health

Session starts [01:16:41]

Discussant remarks [02:20:00]

Q & A [02:37:40]

Note that there some audio issues during the Q&A portion of this session



“The Effect of Medicaid Expansion on the Take-up of Disability Benefits by Race and Ethnicity”

Becky Staiger, Madeline S. Helfer, and Jessica Van Parys

Presenting author: Madeline Helfer, NBER



“State Medicaid Expansions in 2020 and AI/AN Health Insurance Access”

Isaiah O’Rear, National Council on Urban Indian Health



“The Gift of a Lifetime: The Hospital, Modern Medicine, and Mortality”

Alex Hollingsworth, Krzysztof Karbownik, Melissa A. Thomasson, and Anthony Wray

Presenting author: Krzysztof Karbownik, Emory University



“Differential Exposure to Discrimination Stress as a Mediator Between Racial Identity and Health Among Hispanic/Latino Individuals”

Rachel A. Zajdel, Erik J. Rodriquez, Jordan J. Juarez, Linda C. Gallo, Krista M. Perreira, Martha L. Daviglus, Amber Pirzada, Shakira F. Suglia, Earle C. Chambers, and Eliseo J. Pérez-Stable

Presenting author: Rachel Zajdel, National Institutes of Health



11:15-11:25 am - 10 minute break


11:25am-12:25pm - Session 2: Theorizing Racial and Ethnic Identities and Measurement

Chair: Rachel Marks, Population Division U.S. Census Bureau

Discussant: Mary E. Campbell, Texas A&M University

Session starts [02:47:40]

Discussant remarks [03:22:12]

Q & A [03:34:56]



“An Ethnoracial Ontology for the Study of Race and Ethnicity: The Case of African Americans and Black Immigrants in the United States”

Mosi Adesina Ifatunji, University of Wisconsin, Madison



“Using Quantitative Intersectionality to Identify Adult Populations with High Potential for Literacy and Numeracy Skill Acquisition”

Christopher Erwin, Gemma Piercy, Arianna Nisa-Waller, William Cochrane, and Nancy López

Presenting author: Christopher Erwin, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand



12:25-1:00pm - Lunch Break


1:00-2:15pm - Session 3: Effects of Measurement of Race and Ethnicity on Measures of Racial and Ethnic Inequality  

Chair: Jessica E. Peña, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau

Discussant: Jenifer Bratter, Rice University

Session starts [03:48:01]

Discussant remarks [04:35:43]

Q & A [04:47:18]



“Enhancing Race and Ethnicity Information in Medicaid Data: The Role of Census Bureau Data”

Aubrey Limburg, Adam Kurczewski, and Victoria Udalova

Presenting author: Aubrey Limburg, Enhancing Health Data (EHealth) Program, U.S. Census Bureau



“Building Fully Representative Data from State Administrative Sources”

Elizabeth Pelletier, Jennifer Romich, Tess Abrahamson-Richards, Santino G. Camacho, and Sofia G. Ayala

Presenting author: Elizabeth Pelletier, University of Washington



“Regulatory Arbitrage or Random Errors? Implications of Race Prediction Algorithms in Fair Lending Analysis”

Sabrina Howell, Daniel L. Greenwald, Cangyuan Li, and Emmanuel Yimfor

Presenting author: Sabrina Howell, New York University Stern School of Business & NBER



2:15-3:30pm - Session 4:  Social Policy and Racial and Ethnic Inequality

Chair: Liana E. Fox, Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division, U.S. Census Bureau

Discussant: Christal Hamilton, University of Connecticut

Session starts [05:02:55]

Discussant remarks [05:55:00]

Q & A [06:06:34]



“The Child Tax Credit and Income Inequality”

Charles Hokayem and Bradley Hardy

Presenting author: Charles Hokayem, Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau



“BOND Implementation and Evaluation: Insights on Racial and Ethnic Equity”

Hassan Enayati, Judy Geyer, Michelle Wood, and Amanda Grittner

Presenting author: Hassan Enayati, Abt Associates



“Variations by Race and Ethnicity in the Extent of Financial Need for TANF Cash Assistance”

Linda Giannarelli and Joyce Morton

Presenting author: Linda Giannarelli, Urban Institute



3:30-3:40pm - 10 minute break


3:40-4:55pm - Session 5: The Relationship of Place to Racial and Ethnic Inequalities / Place-Based Inequality Measures

Chair: Yerís H. Mayol-García, Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau

Discussant: Brad Foster, Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau

Session starts [6:19:55]

Discussant remarks [07:08:28]

Q & A [7:22:30]



“Institutional Drift, Property Rights, and Economic Development: Evidence from Historical Treaties”

Rob Gillezeau, Donn L. Feier, and Maggie E.C. Jones

Presenting author: Rob Gillezeau, University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management



“Utilizing the Community Resilience Estimates Framework to Better Understand Social Vulnerability for Underserved Racial and Ethnic Communities”

R. Chase Sawyer, Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division, U.S. Census Bureau



“Using Machine Learning to Estimate Wealth at the Local Level”

Aaron R. Williams, Mingli Zhong, and Breno Braga

Presenting author: Aaron R. Williams, Urban Institute



4:55-5:10pm - Day 1 Closing Remarks

Nicholas A. Jones, Director of Race/Ethnicity Research and Outreach, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau



Day 2:  November 15


9:00-9:15am - Welcome

Dave Waddington, Division Chief, Social, Economic and Housing Statistics Division, U.S. Census Bureau



9:15-10:30am - Session 1: Racial and Ethnic Inequality in Employment and the Labor Market

Chair: Ashley Erceg, Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau

Discussant: Maggie R. Jones, Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau

Session starts [00:12:31]

Discussant remarks [00:58:43]

Q & A [01:14:06]



“Unequal Treatment or Unequal Opportunity? Employer and Location Effects in the Racial Earnings Gaps in the U.S.”

Briana Sullivan, Itzik Fadlon, and Vedant Vohra

Presenting author: Itzik Fadlon, University of California, San Diego & NBER



“The Evolution of Labor Market Disparities between Hispanic and non-Hispanic Men: 1970-2019”

Ioannis Kospentaris and Leslie S. Stratton

Presenting author: Leslie S. Stratton, Virginia Commonwealth University



“U.S. Long-Term Earnings Outcomes by Sex, Race, Ethnicity, and Place of Birth”

Kevin McKinney, John M. Abowd, and Hubert P. Janicki

Presenting author: Kevin L. McKinney, Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau



10:30-11:45am - Session 2: Measuring Within-Group Diversity of Experience 

Chair: Nicholas Jones, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau

Discussant: Neil Ruiz, Pew Research Center

Session starts [01:23:42]

Discussant remarks [02:14:25]

Q & A [02:27:32]



“Data Equity for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders: The Creation and Deployment of Amplify AAPI, the first AANHPI Probability Panel in the U.S.”

Michael Dennis, David Dutwin, John Fries, and Angela Houghton

Presenting author: David Dutwin, NORC at the University of Chicago



“Examining Racial Identity Responses among People with Middle Eastern and North African Ancestry in the American Community Survey”

Sharon Ennis, Mehrgol Tiv, Leticia Fernandez, Renuka Bhaskar, and Sonya Porter

Presenting author: Mehrgol Tiv, Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau



“Centering Black Latinidad: A Profile of the U.S. Afro-Latinx Population and Complex Inequalities”

Misael Galdámez, Morís Gómez, Rocio Pérez, Lupe Renteria Salome, Julia Silver, Rodrigo Domínguez-Villegas, Jie Zong, and Nancy López

Presenting authors: Misael Galdámez, Nancy López and Julia Silver, UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute



11:45 -12:00 pm - 15 minute break


12:00pm-1:15pm - Session 3: Racial and Ethnic Inequality in Educational Experiences and Outcomes

Chair: Mike Martin, Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division, U.S. Census Bureau

Discussant: Andrew Penner, University of California, Irvine

Session starts [02:42:55]

Discussant remarks [03:31:15]

Q&A [03:45:50]



“COVID-19 and Academic Performance in Higher Education”

Núria Rodríguez-Planas and Mehlika Ozsoy

Presenting author: Mehlika Ozsoy, The Graduate Center, CUNY



“Could the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program Mitigate Racial Wealth Gaps?”

Gerald E. Daniels Jr., Sarena F. Goodman, Joanne W. Hsu, and Venoo Kakar

Presenting author: Venoo Kakar, San Francisco State University



“Income & Campus Disparities Among Hispanic-Identifying UC Applicants: Implications for Hispanic Serving Institution Designation”

Sonia Giebel, AJ Alvero, and Francis Pearman

Presenting author: AJ Alvero, University of Florida



1:15-1:45pm - Lunch break


1:45--3:15pm - Session 4: Racial and Ethnic Inequalities in Home Ownership

Chair:  Kyle Raze, Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau

Discussant: Michael Neal, Urban Institute

Session starts [03:57:01]

Discussant remarks [04:58:51]

Q&A [05:18:53]



“Returns to Homeownership and Inequality: Evidence from the First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit”

Marina Gindelsky, Jeremy Moulton, Kelly Wentland and Scott Wentland

Presenting author: Scott Wentland, Office of the Chief Economist, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis



“The Impact of Collateral Value on Mortgage Originations”

Brittany Almquist Lewis, Washington University in St. Louis



“Dreaming for Unveiling Housing Inequality: Examining Mortgage Lending Disparities, Market Dynamics, and Socioeconomic Impacts within the Heartland of America”

Inhwa Kim, Anheuser-Busch School of Business, Harris-Stowe State University



3:15-3:25 pm - 10 minute break


3:25-4:55pm - Session 5: Measuring and Conceptualizing Segregation in Schools, Neighborhoods, and the Labor Market

Chair: Sharon M. Stern, Social, Economic and Housing Statistics Division, U.S. Census Bureau

Discussant: Jennifer Candipan, Brown University

Session starts [05:28:27]

Discussant remarks [06:31:48]

Q&A [06:44:57]



“Separate and Unequal Options: Neighborhood Educational Access in the Era of School Choice”

Peter Rich and Christian Sprague

Presenting author: Peter Rich, Cornell University


“The Dissimilarity Index Was Never Compositionally Invariant”

Boris Barron, Matthew Hall, Peter Rich, Itai Cohen, and Tomás A. Arias

Presenting author: Boris Barron, Cornell University



“Measuring Racialized Labor Markets”

Zawadi Rucks-Ahidiana, Jacob Agwu, and Tawnee Crews

Presenting author: Zawadi Rucks-Ahidiana, University at Albany, State University of New York



“Job Title Segregation by Race and by Gender”

Ananda Martin-Caughey, Brown University



4:55-5:10pm - Day 2 Closing Remarks

Nicholas A. Jones, Director of Race/Ethnicity Research and Outreach, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau


Page Last Revised - August 6, 2024
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