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Census Household Panel

Census Household Panel


The Census Household Panel is national survey panel by the U.S. Census Bureau (Census). The purpose of the panel is to collect information on topics such as food and nutrition, transportation, employment, and education and to gather data that can be used to improve and inform future surveys. The panel will consist of individuals and households living across the U.S. that have agreed to be contacted and invited to participate in surveys.

How was I selected to be in this survey?

Your address is one of more than 75,000 addresses across the U.S. that was randomly selected to participate. In order for the Census Household Panel to be successful, it is important to have participants that represent the nation as a whole. Your household was contacted to see if someone who lives there may be eligible to participate in the Census Household Panel.

How do I know my information is safe? Can I be identified by my responses?

Your privacy is protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. Section 552a). There are a limited number of uses of your data that are permitted under the Privacy Act. You can find a list of these uses in the System of Records Notice (SORN). For this survey, the SORNs are named:  COMMERCE/Census -3, Demographic Survey Collection (Census Bureau Sampling Frame) and COMMERCE/CENSUS-5, Decennial Census Programs. All survey responses will be combined with the answers of many others and reported in a summary form. Our interest is only in the combination of all responses and not anyone’s individual answers. Your name and any other identifying information will never be associated with the answers you provide on surveys – this information is only collected for contact purposes so that we may send you invitations to future surveys. 

By law, the Census Bureau is required to keep your answers confidential. All information to be collected is protected under the confidentiality provisions of Title 13 U.S.C.

Who is conducting this survey? How will my responses be used?

The U.S. Census Bureau is the primary sponsor of the Panel. The U.S. Census Bureau is conducting this study under the authority of 13 U.S.C. Sections 141, 182, and 193. Other federal agencies may contribute funding and sponsor surveys for the Census Household Panel.

All information that you provide is used only to create accurate and relevant statistics about the nation’s people, places, and economy. These statistics help inform officials and policymakers about communities and individuals across the United States.

How can I verify that the person contacting me is from the Census Bureau?

If you received an e-mail and/or text message requesting you to participate in the survey, a Census Bureau employee may contact you to remind you to complete the survey and answer any questions you may have. You can also verify the legitimacy of an e-mail, text, or phone call from the Census Bureau by visiting:


Is participation mandatory?

Although this is a voluntary panel, your participation is essential to ensure the results of each survey is comprehensive, accurate, and timely. As a token of our appreciation, people who qualify to be a panel member will receive $20 for completing their initial enrollment survey and will be eligible for $10 for each monthly survey completed as a panel member.

What if I have additional questions or issues that I need resolved?

Please contact the U.S. Census Bureau at 1-888-595-1334 if you have any questions about the survey. We are also available to answer your questions via e-mail at addp.household.panel@census.gov.

If you have comments or concerns about the survey content, the status of your survey responses or suggestions for improving this collection, please e-mail: addp.household.panel@census.gov.

What is the legal authority for conducting this survey?

The U.S. Census Bureau is conducting this study under the authority of 13 U.S.C. Sections 131, 141, 182, 193, and 196.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved this survey. The OMB control number is 0607-1025 and the approval expiration date for the collection is 6/30/2026.

Page Last Revised - July 16, 2024
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