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Data-Driven Business Decisions Begin Here

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The U.S. Census Bureau is the leading source of data on America’s people and economy, providing a wide range of data that, among other things, can help businesses grow and succeed in your community.

In addition to the decennial census, we conduct the Economic Census, Census of Governments, American Community Survey (ACS) and many other surveys, collecting and releasing not just demographic information but also data on various sectors of the economy like construction, manufacturing, and wholesale and retail trade.

As you know, we typically focus on international trade in our Global Reach blogs. But today we want to share some tools and resources available to help you explore and understand our data. 

America Counts

America Counts tells the stories behind our numbers, providing articles that draw on data to explain what is taking place in the nation, specifically in our economy and population.

We’re eager for you to explore America Counts stories on our website and see what we have to offer! 

Infographics and Visualizations

In many cases, we develop short visuals to make it easier for both new and advanced data users to understand our data. Check out our latest infographics and visualizations, including a suite of infographics covering monthly retail sales, renewable power and workforce indicators.

YouTube Channel

All video content that the Census Bureau creates is available on our YouTube channel.  Subscribe to our channel to stay up to date on new content and share with other members of the trade, business and local community.

Census Academy

Want to know when the next training session on the trade application programming interface (API) is being held? Or perhaps you missed a seminar you were hoping to catch and want to know when the next one is scheduled. No problem. You can access all our upcoming webinars, previously recorded webinars, and other data tools and tidbits at <https://www.census.gov/data/academy.html>.

There are many topics to choose from including Automated Export System, Foreign Trade Regulations, classifications, trade, financing, construction, transportation, education and more.

Courses and Resources

Course offerings range from our AES Export Filing System Walkthrough Series (on creating a filing, commodities, amending a shipment) to Census Bureau data table formatting, analyzing Census Bureau data, and reviewing hierarchical charts all provided in video or PDFs for viewing at your leisure.

Data Gems

Interested in improving your ability to navigate our website and using our various data tools or learning new tips and tricks? Check out some of our favorite data gems on how to access and use Census Bureau data from our collection of how-to videos for data users looking for an easy and quick way to enhance their knowledge of Census Bureau data.

For more information, contact us at <census.academy@census.gov> or join our online community.

As you can see, we provide a wide range of information beyond international trade. Search <www.census.gov> to learn more!

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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