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My Account Administrator is on vacation!

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At the last minute, you log into AESDirect to file a shipment and somehow, you’re locked out. Your Account Administrator is on vacation so you rush to technical support and explain the situation. The representative responds that the only way they can reset the account is with your administrator’s signature. What to do?


Well, here at AES, we like to encourage preventive action. If you are reading this post, and you do not know who your User Manager(s) is… Find out! Or request the Account Administrator create a User Manager for the company. Also, make sure that you have your own account. I think sharing is great, but not when it comes to AESDirect accounts. What if you have a coworker who keeps attempting to log in because he can’t read his own handwriting and locks himself out? Then you are stuck with a shipment that needs to be filed and no access to the website.

Another preventive measure is to set your account for automatic online password retrieval. Read Rosanna’s blog post on updates to AESDirect for more information on how Online Password Retrieval works. This process does not require your Account Administrator to do anything.

No matter the size of your company, make sure you have a backup User Manager account or at least a backup filing account. Take 10 minutes to read the Account Administrator User Guide and create those backup accounts. It will save you time and prevent future headaches.

Page Last Revised - April 15, 2022
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