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Are you reporting the correct Country of Destination?

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When filing your shipment, it is very important to report the correct country of ultimate destination because this affects our monthly publication of the US export trade statistics. To report where your shipment is destined, you must provide the corresponding International Standards Organization (ISO) Country Classification Code for your country of ultimate destination. You can find these in the attached Appendix C, or by clicking here.

Because similarities exist between country codes, analysts have noticed that many country codes are being reported incorrectly.

AESDirect and AESPcLink came up with a solution to the misclassification problem for their users, and it came in the form of a drop-down menu. The application now provides users an easy way to select the country of ultimate destination. Before this, users had to manually look up and enter the two letter abbreviation from the ISO that stood for their country of ultimate destination.

AES to the Rescue: The Drop-Down Menu


To prevent confusion, the drop-down menu for the country of ultimate destination has been organized in alphabetical order. Users can now enter the first letter of their country to find it on the list. They can also navigate the menu by using the cursor to get to the first country listed for the letter entered. Then, simply select the correct country of ultimate destination for each shipment. The drop-down prevents users from second guessing their selection because each country is clearly listed and spelled out. The drop-down menu looks like the following below:

Now there’s no excuse to report an incorrect Country of Destination. Remember reporting false information can lead to penalties!

Page Last Revised - April 15, 2022
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