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Stories from the Real Export Emergencies: Episode 1

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Red and White Emergency Sign --- Image by © Lawrence Manning/Corbis

Stories from the Real Export Emergencies:

Episode 1 “Please…save my shipment!”

Scene: A very concerned filer walks into the doctor’s office distraught about his very ill shipment. The Filers eyes are filed with tears as he says to the doctor…

Filer: Can you please save my shipment?

Nurse: What seems to be the problem?

Narrator: The Dr. looks at the filer then the sick shipment and says; Nurse! I think we need to call a specialist… then screams call AES!!

AES-911: Hello, A-E-S how may I assist you? I see… I see…ok, I think your shipment is sick with a fatal error. Get it here as soon as possible!

Narrator: At the hospital Dr. AES examines the shipment, the filer waits patiently in the lobby.

Dr. AES: Looks like your shipment is sick with Fatal Error 122 (carrier code outdated) this is a very common illness. Furthermore, it is easy to get rid of…simply contact the carrier and let him know that he needs to update his membership with National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA). In the meantime you can use the unknown carrier code prescription.

  • 99M — Unknown Mexican Trucker
  • 99C — Unknown Canadian Air Carrier
  • 99F — Unknown Foreign Air Carrier
  • 99U — Unknown U.S. Air Carrier
  • UNKN — Unknown Carrier: Ocean, Rail and Truck Modes of Transport Only
  • 99O — Aircraft Moving Under Its Own Power (“Flyaway Aircraft”)

Please Note: Entering the unknown carrier code for a carrier that is not registered with the NMFTA is acceptable, however, entering “unknown” or any version thereof , as the carrier name will most likely cause shipping delays.

Narrator: Another shipment saved…tune in next time for “Real Export Emergencies”

How to Diagnose and Cure your own Fatal Errors

The above is a dramatization to put the filing process in perspective when a fatal error has been received. If you are unclear why you have received a rejection and no matter what you change the rejected shipment does not get accepted, don’t get frustrated simply seek the proper guidance. In this situation, some decide to cancel the rejected shipment and hope that by filing a new one, the rejected shipment will go away. Sadly that is not the case. That shipment will only reappear on your next Fatal Error Report.

For a list of Fatal Errors and how to fix them look to the Commodity Filing Response Messages from www.cbp.gov. Follow the instructions to resolve the error and resubmit the shipment successfully.

Remember it’s the law!

Based on FTR 30.9(b) fatal errors must be corrected and resubmitted prior to exportation for shipments filed predeparture and as soon as possible but no later than 10 calendar days for postdeparture filings.

Page Last Revised - April 14, 2022
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