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Center for Economic Studies (CES) Working Paper Series

This series features research in economics and other social sciences, by Census Bureau and FSRDC researchers, using restricted-use Census Bureau microdata.

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  • 2002
  • 2001
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  • 1995
  • 1994
  • 1993
  • 1992
  • 1991
  • 1990
  • 1989
  • 1988

Working Paper
Maternal Labor Dynamics: Participation, Earnings, and Employer Changes

Working Paper
Nonemployer Statistics by Demographics (NES-D): Exploring Longitudinal Consistency and Sub-national Estimates

Working Paper
Founding Teams and Startup Performance

Working Paper
What Do Establishments Do When Wages Increase? Evidence from Minimum Wages in the United States

Working Paper
Human Capital, Parent Size and the Destination Industry of Spinouts

Working Paper
Who Gains from Creative Destruction? Evidence from High-Quality Entrepreneurship in the United States

Working Paper
A Task-based Approach to Constructing Occupational Categories with Implications for Empirical Research in Labor Economics

Working Paper
Addressing Data Gaps: Four New Lines of Inquiry in the 2017 Economic Census

Working Paper
Did Timing Matter? Life Cycle Differences in Effects of Exposure to the Great Recession

Working Paper
Gender Differences in Self-employment Duration: the Case of Opportunity and Necessity Entrepreneurs

Working Paper
High Labor Force Attachment, but Few Social Ties? Life-Course Predictors of Women’s Receipt of Childcare Subsidies

Working Paper
Automating Response Evaluation For Franchising Questions On The 2017 Economic Census

Working Paper
Demographic Origins of the Startup Deficit

Working Paper
Pay, Employment, and Dynamics of Young Firms

Working Paper
Re-engineering Key National Economic Indicators

Working Paper
Foreign vs. U.S. Graduate Degrees: The Impact on Earnings Assimilation and Return Migration for the Foreign Born

Working Paper
Predicting the Effect of Adding a Citizenship Question to the 2020 Census

Working Paper
Property Rights, Place-Based Policies, and Economic Development

Working Paper
The Two-Income Trap: Are Two-Earner Households More Financially Vulnerable?

Working Paper
Managing Trade: Evidence from China and the US

Working Paper
Releasing Earnings Distributions using Differential Privacy: Disclosure Avoidance System For Post Secondary Employment Outcomes (PSEO)

Working Paper
Statistics on the Small Business Administration’s Scale-Up America Program

Working Paper
The Antipoverty Impact of the EITC: New Estimates from Survey and Administrative Tax Records

Working Paper
Fraudulent Financial Reporting and the Consequences for Employees

Working Paper
Immigrants' Earnings Growth and Return Migration from the U.S.: Examining their Determinants using Linked Survey and Administrative Data

Working Paper
Optimal Probabilistic Record Linkage: Best Practice for Linking Employers in Survey and Administrative Data

Working Paper
Why the Economics Profession Must Actively Participate in the Privacy Protection Debate

Working Paper
Do Institutions Determine Economic Geography? Evidence from the Concentration of Foreign Suppliers

Working Paper
Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity in the United States: New Evidence from Worker-Firm Linked Data

Working Paper
Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Innovation in the U.S. High Tech Sector

Working Paper
The Effect of Child Support on Selection into Marriage and Fertility

Working Paper
Why are employer-sponsored health insurance premiums higher in the public sector than in the private sector?

Working Paper
Nonemployer Statistics by Demographics (NES-D): Using Administrative and Census Records Data in Business Statistics

Working Paper
Predictive Analytics and Organizational Architecture: Plant-Level Evidence from Census Data

Page Last Revised - September 28, 2023
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