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Center for Economic Studies (CES) Working Paper Series

This series features research in economics and other social sciences, by Census Bureau and FSRDC researchers, using restricted-use Census Bureau microdata.

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  • 1988

Working Paper
Employer-Sim Microsimulation Model: Model Development and Application to Estimation of Tax Subsidies to Health Insurance

Working Paper
The Margins Of Global Sourcing: Theory And Evidence From U.S. Firms

Working Paper
The Role of Industry Classification in the Estimation of Research and Development Expenditures

Working Paper
Buyer-Seller Relationships in International Trade: Do Your Neighbors Matter?

Working Paper
Design Comparison of LODES and ACS Commuting Data Products

Working Paper
Innovation Output Choices And Characteristics Of Firms In The U.S.

Working Paper
The Urban Density Premium Across Establishments

Working Paper
Unemployment Duration And Geographic Mobility: Do Movers Fare Better Than Stayers?

Working Paper
Using Imputation Techniques To Evaluate Stopping Rules In Adaptive Survey Design

Working Paper
Do Public Tuition Subsidies Promote College Enrollment? Evidence From Community College Taxing Districts In Texas

Working Paper
Hires, Separations, and the Job Tenure Distribution in Administrative Earnings Records

Working Paper
How Important Are Sectoral Shocks

Working Paper
International Patenting Strategies With Heterogeneous Firms

Working Paper
It's Where You Work: Increases In Earnings Dispersion Across Establishments And Individuals In The U.S.

Working Paper
Job-to-Job (J2J) Flows: New Labor Market Statistics From Linked Employer-Employee Data

Working Paper
Noise Infusion As A Confidentiality Protection Measure For Graph-Based Statistics

Working Paper
Non-Technological and Mixed Modes of Innovation in the United States. Evidence from the Business Research and Development and Innovation Survey, 2008-2011

Working Paper
Owner Characteristics And Firm Performance During The Great Recession

Working Paper
Recovering The Item-Level Edit And Imputation Flags In The 1977-1997 Censuses Of Manufactures

Working Paper
Enforcing Covenants Not To Compete: The Life-Cycle Impact On New Firms

Working Paper
LEHD Infrastructure files in the Census RDC - Overview

Working Paper
Firm Dynamics and Assortative Matching

Working Paper
Trade Liberalization And Labor Shares In China

Working Paper
Taken By Storm: Business Survival In The Aftermath Of Hurricane Katrina

Working Paper
The Aggregate Impact Of Online Retail

Working Paper
The Effect Of Employer Health Insurance Offering On The Growth And Survival Of Small Business Prior To The Affordable Care Act

Working Paper
Using The Pareto Distribution To Improve Estimates Of Topcoded Earnings

Working Paper
Examining The Long Term Mortality Effects Of Early Health Shocks

Working Paper
Firm Age And Size In The Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Data

Working Paper
Fluctuations In Uncertainty

Working Paper
Really Uncertain Business Cycles

Working Paper
The Tradability Of Services: Geographic Concentration And Trade Costs

Working Paper
"It's Not You, It's Me": Breakup In U.S.-China Trade Relationships

Working Paper
A First Step Towards A German SynlLBD: Constructing A German Longitudinal Business Database

Working Paper
Expanding The Role Of Synthetic Data At The U.S. Census Bureau

Working Paper
Fifty Years Of Family Planning: New Evidence On The Long-Run Effects Of Increasing Access To Contraception

Page Last Revised - September 28, 2023
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