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Center for Economic Studies (CES) Working Paper Series

This series features research in economics and other social sciences, by Census Bureau and FSRDC researchers, using restricted-use Census Bureau microdata.

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Working Paper
Antidumping Duties and Plant-Level Restructuring

Working Paper
Income Packaging and Economic Disconnection: Do Sources of Support Differ from Other Low-Income Women?

Working Paper
The Role of Agents and Brokers in the Market for Health Insurance

Working Paper
The Surprisingly Swift Decline of U.S. Manufacturing Employment

Working Paper
When It Rains It Pours: Under What Circumstances Does Job Loss Lead to Divorce

Working Paper
Disentangling Labor Supply and Demand Shifts Using Spatial Wage Dispersion: The Case of Oil Price Shocks

Working Paper
Talent Recruitment and Firm Performance: The Business of Major League Sports

Working Paper
Declining Migration wihin the US: The Role of the Labor Market

Working Paper
Financial Frictions and Investment Dynamics in Multi-Plant Firms

Working Paper
A Comparison Of Person-Reported Industry To Employer-Reported Industry In Survey And Administrative Data

Working Paper
An ‘Algorithmic Links With Probabilities’ Concordance For Trademarks: For Disaggregated Analysis Of Trademark & Economic Data

Working Paper
Don't Quit Your Day Job: Using Wage and Salary Earnings to Support a New Business

Working Paper
Earnings Adjustment Frictions: Evidence From Social Security Earnings Test

Working Paper
Environmental Regulation, Abatement, and Productivity: A Frontier Analysis

Working Paper
Every Breath You Take, Every Dollar You'll Make: The Long-Term Consequences of the Clean Air Act of 1970

Working Paper
Factoryless Goods Producers in the US

Working Paper
Comparing Methods For Imputing Employer Health Insurance Contributions In The Current Population Survey

Working Paper
Do EPA Regulations Affect Labor Demand? Evidence From the Pulp and Paper Industry

Working Paper
Falling House Prices And Labor Mobility: Evidence From Matched Employer-Employee Data

Working Paper
Measuring “Factoryless” Manufacturing: Evidence From U.S. Surveys

Working Paper
Reallocation In The Great Recession: Cleansing Or Not?

Working Paper
The Bright Side Of Corporate Diversification: Evidence From Internal Labor Markets

Working Paper
The Racial and Ethnic Composition of Local Government Employees in Large Metro Areas, 1960-2010

Working Paper
Environmental Regulation And Industry Employment: A Reassessment

Working Paper
Human Capital Loss In Corporate Bankruptcy

Working Paper
Estimating the Impact of Low-Income Universal Service Programs

Working Paper
How Firms Respond to Business Cycles: The Role of Firm Age and Firm Size

Working Paper
Human Capital Traps? Enclave Effects Using Linked Employer-Household Data

Working Paper
Importing, Exporting And Firm-Level Employment Volatility

Working Paper
Industrial Concentration of Ethnic Minority- and Women-Owned Businesses in the United States

Working Paper
Why Immigrants Leave New Destinations And Where Do They Go?

Working Paper
A Method Of Correcting For Misreporting Applied To The Food Stamp Program

Working Paper
Internal Labor Markets And Investment In Conglomerates

Working Paper
Misclassification In Binary Choice Models

Working Paper
Capital And Labor Reallocation Inside Firms

Working Paper
Community Determinants Of Immigrant Self-Employment: Human Capital Spillovers And Ethnic Enclaves

Page Last Revised - September 28, 2023
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