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Center for Economic Studies (CES) Working Paper Series

This series features research in economics and other social sciences, by Census Bureau and FSRDC researchers, using restricted-use Census Bureau microdata.

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Working Paper
An Analysis of Sample Selection and the Reliability of Using Short-term Earnings Averages in SIPP-SSA Matched Data

Working Paper
Black-White Differences in Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the U.S.

Working Paper
Entry Costs and Increasing Trade

Working Paper
Export Prices of U.S. Firms

Working Paper
Firm Market Power and the Earnings Distribution

Working Paper
LEHD Data Documentation LEHD-OVERVIEW-S2008-rev1

Working Paper
Changes in Firm Pension Policy: Trends Away from Traditional Defined Benefit Plans

Working Paper
Further Evidence from Census 2000 About Earnings by Detailed Occupation for Men and Women: The Role of Race and Hispanic Origin

Working Paper
Acquiring Labor

Working Paper
Cheaper by the Dozen: Using Sibling Discounts at Catholic Schools to Estimate the Price Elasticity of Private School Attendance

Working Paper
Long-Run Earnings Volatility and Health Insurance Coverage: Evidence from the SIPP Gold Standard File

Working Paper
Migration and Dispersal of Hispanic and Asian Groups: An Analysis of the 2006-2008 Multiyear American Community Survey

Working Paper
Who Works for Startups? The Relation between Firm Age, Employee Age, and Growth

Working Paper
A Guide to the MEPS-IC Government List Sample Microdata

Working Paper
Job Displacement And The Duration Of Joblessness: The Role Of Spatial Mismatch

Working Paper
Modeling Single Establishment Firm Returns to the 2007 Economic Census

Working Paper
Nature Versus Nurture in the Origins of Highly Productive Businesses: An Exploratory Analysis of U.S. Manufacturing Establishments

Working Paper
Newly Recovered Microdata on U.S. Manufacturing Plants from the 1950s and 1960s: Some Early Glimpses

Working Paper
Productivity Dispersion and Plant Selection in the Ready-Mix Concrete Industry

Working Paper
Management Challenges of the 2010 U.S. Census

Working Paper
The Productivity Advantage and Global Scope of U.S. Multinational Firms

Working Paper
Wage Dynamics along the Life-Cycle of Manufacturing Plants

Working Paper
Estimating Measurement Error in SIPP Annual Job Earnings: A Comparison of Census Bureau Survey and SSA Administrative Data

Working Paper
Impacts of Central Business District Location: A Hedonic Analysis of Legal Service Establishments

Working Paper
Using the Survey of Plant Capacity to Measure Capital Utilization

Working Paper
The Case of the Missing Ethnicity: Indians without Tribes in the 21st Century

Working Paper
The Emergence of Wage Discrimination in U.S. Manufacturing

Working Paper
Raising the Barcode Scanner: Technology and Productivity in the Retail Sector

Working Paper
The Cyclicality of Productivity Dispersion

Working Paper
Do Market Leaders Lead in Business Process Innovation? The Case(s) of E-Business Adoption

Working Paper
Errors in Survey Reporting and Imputation and Their Effects on Estimates of Food Stamp Program Participation

Working Paper
LEHD Infrastructure Files in the Census RDC: Overview of S2004 Snapshot

Working Paper
Parental Earnings and Children's Well-Being and Future Success: An Analysis of the SIPP Matched to SSA Earnings Data

Working Paper
Post-Merger Restructuring and the Boundaries of the Firm

Working Paper
Does the Retirement Consumption Puzzle Differ Across the Distribution?

Working Paper
How Does Size Matter? Investigating the Relationships Among Plant Size, Industrial Structure, and Manufacturing Productivity

Page Last Revised - September 28, 2023
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