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Center for Economic Studies (CES) Working Paper Series

This series features research in economics and other social sciences, by Census Bureau and FSRDC researchers, using restricted-use Census Bureau microdata.

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  • 1988

Working Paper
Employee Capitalism or Corporate Socialism? Broad-Based Employee Stock Ownership

Working Paper
IT for Information-Based Partnerships: Empirical Analysis of Environmental Contingencies to Value Co-Creation

Working Paper
The Impact of Plant-Level Resource Reallocations and Technical Progress on U.S. Macroeconomic Growth

Working Paper
A Concordance Between Ten-Digit U.S. Harmonized System Codes and SIC/NAICS Product Classes and Industries

Working Paper
A Formal Test of Assortative Matching in the Labor Market

Working Paper
Information Technology, Capabilities and Asset Ownership: Evidence from Taxicab Fleets

Working Paper
Clusters of Entrepreneurship

Working Paper
Plant-Level Responses to Antidumping Duties: Evidence from U.S. Manufacturers

Working Paper
The Center for Economic Studies 1982-2007: A Brief History

Working Paper
The Effect of Wage Insurance on Labor Supply: A Test for Income Effects

Working Paper
Discretionary Disclosure in Financial Reporting: An Examination Comparing Internal Firm Data to Externally Reported Segment Data

Working Paper
Earnings Inequality and Coordination Costs: Evidence from U.S. Law Firms

Working Paper
Entrepreneurship and Japanese Industrialization in Historical Perspective

Working Paper
Entry, Exit, and the Determinants of Market Structure

Working Paper
Health Insurance and Productivity: Evidence from the Manufacturing Sector

Working Paper
Mom-and-Pop Meet Big-Box: Complements or Substitutes?

Working Paper
On Spatial Heterogeneity in Environmental Compliance Costs

Working Paper
Recent Trends in Top Income Shares in the USA: Reconciling Estimates from March CPS and IRS Tax Return Data

Working Paper
Resolving the Tension Between Access and Confidentiality: Past Experience and Future Plans at the U.S. Census Bureau

Working Paper
U.S. Trade in Toxics: The Case of Chlorodifluoromethane (HCFC-22)

Working Paper
Who Leaves, Where to, and Why Worrry? Employee Mobility, Employee Entrepreneurship, and Effects on Source Firm Performance

Working Paper
Why Do Firms Own Production Chains?

Working Paper
Concentration Levels in the U.S. Advertising and Marketing Services Industry: Myth vs. Reality

Working Paper
Did Vietnam Veterans Get Sicker in the 1990s? The Complicated Effects of Military Service on Self-Reported Health

Working Paper
Economic Factors Underlying the Unbundling of Advertising Agency Services

Working Paper
Long Term Effects of Military Service on the Distribution of Earnings

Working Paper
Multi-Product Firms and Trade Liberalization

Working Paper
Testing for Factor Price Equality in the Presence of Unobserved Factor Quality Diferences

Working Paper
The Margins of U.S. Trade (Long Version)

Working Paper
Understanding Earnings Instability: How Important are Employment Fluctuations and Job Changes?

Working Paper
Estimating the "True" Cost of Job Loss: Evidence Using Matched Data from Califormia 1991-2000

Working Paper
Concording U.S. Harmonized System Categories Over Time

Working Paper
Firms' Exporting Behavior under Quality Constraints

Working Paper
The Micro-Dynamics of Skill Mix Changes in a Dual Labor Market: The Spanish Manufacturing Experience

Working Paper
Complex Survey Questions and the Impact of Enumeration Procedures: Census/American Community Survey Disability Questions

Working Paper
Credit Market Competition and the Nature of Firms

Page Last Revised - September 28, 2023
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