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Holiday Effects in Indian Manufacturing Series

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Moving holidays are known to deeply impact economic data, and can often be modeled through fixed regressors computed from a window of time pertaining to the festival in question. However, determining the width of this time window-corresponding to heightened economic activity in time periods antecedent or subsequent to the festival dates-can be difficult in cases where the holiday's impact is new. We study the impact of Navaratri and Diwali on Indian manufacturing data, and determine the most appropriate window sizes by systematically comparing p-values of various holiday Wald statistics. This method is demonstrated on one of the manufacturing series with a large holiday effect, where the Navaratri and Diwali windows determined empirically to begin 12 and 10 days respectively before the festival dates, yielding an improved model of the data.

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Page Last Revised - October 28, 2021
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