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Time Series Methods for Survey Estimation

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Papers by Scott and Smith (1974) and Scott, Smith, and Jones (1977) suggested the use of signal extraction results from time series analysis to improve estimates in periodic surveys. If the covariance structure of the usual survey estimators and their sampling errors is known, these results produce the linear functions of the usual estimators that have minimum mean squared error as estimators of the population values. Thus, current and past data are used in estimating the population quantity at the current time. To apply these results in practice one would identify and estimate a time series model for the time series of usual survey estimators, and estimate the covariance structure of the sampling errors over time using knowledge of the survey design. The paper reviews the theory behind this work, obtains some theoretical results on this approach, discusses some considerations involved in applying this approach, and reports on results obtained to date regarding practical application of these results to Census Bureau surveys.

Page Last Revised - October 28, 2021
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