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Live and recorded classes led by Census Bureau instructors on a variety of topics.

Win Grants with LODES Data: Success Stories and Shortcuts from Texas’ Largest Community College System


The U.S. Census Bureau and the Local Employment Dynamics (LED) Partnership in collaboration with the Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) and the Labor Market Information (LMI) Institute, welcomes Camille Gilchriest, as she presents, “Win Grants with LODES Data: Success Stories and Shortcuts from Texas’ Largest Community College System.” Winning grants is a foundational component of regional economic development initiatives, but it can be difficult to quickly craft compelling, data-driven narratives that respond to major funding opportunities. In this presentation, the Dallas College Labor Market Intelligence Center (LMIC) will present case studies that showcase how to utilize the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics (LODES) data to support a variety of economic development activities, such as campus planning, relationship building with external partners, and grant development from project design to post-award implementation.

This presentation will also introduce the open-source Python codebase and SQLite database developed by the LMIC that facilitates rapid spatial analysis and visualization of LODES data using arbitrary custom geographies.

About the Presenter

Camille Gilchriest is Director of GIS and Data Visualization in the Dallas College LMIC. Her work has included quantifying the impact of eviction filings on students and their communities, helping Dallas College faculty, students, and staff understand the spatial arrangement of the Dallas-Ft. Worth economy, and automating internal analysis workflows with Python. Gilchriest earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Geography from the University of Chicago.

Webinar Materials

This is part of the Local Employment Dynamics (LED) Webinar Series.

Page Last Revised - August 22, 2024
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