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Statistics in Schools Helps Teachers Plan Virtual and In-Class Lessons

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Many educators have been teaching remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic but the need for resources and interactive lessons is not letting up even as more schools  reopen and students return to classrooms across the country.

This year, Teacher Appreciation Week is recognized May 3-7 and the U.S. Census Bureau’s Statistics in Schools (SIS) program is highlighting its many free resources and ready-made lesson plans designed to aid  teachers seeking different and challenging student activities.

One of the most important aspects of Teacher Appreciation Week is recognizing the contributions our teachers make to the education of our children

Whether teaching in the classroom, remotely or on a hybrid schedule, educators can find interesting and interactive lessons on the Statistics in Schools page.

SIS Resources for Every Grade

The SIS page includes timely lessons tied to events from Earth Day to National Pet Day, including 5-Minute Challenges like the following one to engage students. Try it to get a taste of what we have to offer.



Other quick challenges are designed to inspire discussions on different topics at different grade levels, like the one below on voter participation since 1980.

The challenge: Look at the census data presented in a line graph below, interpret the results and answer the questions.



Teachers, parents and caregivers can also “pin” useful activities for their students straight from the Statistics in Schools Pinterest page.

More SIS Resources for Teachers

  • Videos for Every Age. Each video explains the value of census data and why it's important for everyone to be counted. It also features engaging and interactive content that can be used to support other Statistics in Schools activities.
  • “Everyone Counts” Story and Activity Book. This playful activity-filled book will keep preschoolers engaged while explaining the importance of counting everyone (available in English and Spanish).
  • Fun Facts. These student-friendly handouts tie Census Bureau statistics to holidays, anniversaries and other observances. They can be used at varying grade levels and subjects.
  • Monthly Highlights Page. This new page provides educators with activities for various national days and observances in one, easy-to-find location. Last month, it showcased Earth Day and National Pet Day.
  • Home and Distance Learning Activities. SIS has over 200 free pre-K through 12th grade learning activities and resources for use in the classroom or at home.

Showcasing Teacher Successes

One of the most important aspects of Teacher Appreciation Week is recognizing the contributions our teachers make to the education of our children.

Recent Census Bureau data from the American Community Survey showcase the increase in educational attainment. The visualization below shows college attainment across the regions of the United States.



A hearty thank you to all the teachers who have embraced the challenge of education even during the pandemic.


Adam Grundy is a supervisory statistician in the Census Bureau’s Economic Management Division.


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Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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