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America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers

We feature stories on various topics such as families, housing, employment, business, education, the economy, emergency management, and population.


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114 Results
Income and Poverty
Showing 36 Results

Income and Poverty
Majority of Older Adults in Poverty in 2021 Lived Alone
New Census Bureau report explores demographic characteristics, living arrangements and income sources of older adults living in poverty.
Broadband Access in Tribal Areas Lags Rest of the Nation
Residents in tribal areas had a 6-point gap in broadband access compared to non-tribal residents in 2021, but the digital divide is narrowing.
Income and Poverty
Fresh Insights on Income Mobility From 2005 to 2019
Mobility, Opportunity, and Volatility Statistics (MOVS) project shows income dynamics of working-age adults across socio-economic and geographic groups.
Income and Poverty
Wealth by Race of Householder
Households with a Black householder were less likely than those with a White householder to have home equity, retirement accounts, stocks and mutual funds.
Exploring Undercount of Young Children in 2020 Census by County
New experimental analysis and visualization shows a relationship between poverty and the undercount of young children.
Bridge Collapse Could Affect Over a Million People in Baltimore Area
The Community Resilience Estimates show that 21.7% of residents in the combined areas of Baltimore city and County are considered socially vulnerable.
How Does Diversity in Social Networks Impact Survey Response?
Census Bureau research shows that areas where people have more diverse social connections also have higher data quality in the American Community Survey.
Income and Poverty
Nearly 327,000 in U.S. Lived in Emergency and Transitional Shelters
The American Community Survey 5-year estimates provides a demographic profile of the population experiencing homelessness who lived in shelters.
Income and Poverty
Is the Gender Wage Gap the Same at Different Education Levels?
New data linking higher education attainment and wage records enables research showing that gender wage gap channels vary by education level.
Census Operations
Income Inequality Linked to Social Vulnerability to Disasters
The Community Resilience Estimates Equity Supplement shows a connection between income inequality and social vulnerability to disasters.
The Stories U.S. Census Bureau Data Told in 2023
A look at a year of significant transformation in the U.S. population, from growing diversity and aging to how and where we live and work.
Income and Poverty
Education Does Not Resolve Gender Wage Gap
A new Census Bureau table package on men’s and women’s median annual earnings by detailed field of degree shows the gender pay gap in all fields of study.
Income and Poverty
How County Poverty Rates Changed From 2013-2017 to 2018-2022
The poverty rate significantly decreased in more than one-third of U.S. counties, according to the recently released American Community Survey 5-year estimates.
Income and Poverty
U.S. Poverty Rate Varies by Age Groups
The poverty rate for the nation’s oldest populations was lower than for the youngest but increased in 2022 while child poverty decreased.
Families and Living Arrangements
Most Parents Don’t Have Any Formal Child Care Arrangements
The Household Pulse Survey shows that 1 in 5 parents relied on a relative for child care.
Income and Poverty
2022 Income Inequality Decreased for First Time Since 2007
U.S. Census Bureau income data released today show declines in real income at the middle and top of the income distribution from 2021 to 2022.
Income and Poverty
Black Individuals Had Record Low Official Poverty Rate in 2022
New U.S. Census Bureau data show the official poverty rate for Black individuals and Black children hit record lows in 2022.
Income and Poverty
Median Household Income After Taxes Fell 8.8% in 2022
The expiration of expansions to federal programs during COVID-19 resulted in lower post-tax household income and higher poverty rates.
Income and Poverty
Supplemental Poverty Measure in 2022 Higher Than Pre-Pandemic Level
The Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) that accounts for government assistance increased from 7.8% in 2021 to 12.4% in 2022.
Almost a Quarter of U.S. Population Vulnerable to Rising Heat
Climate-focused data product finds that social factors contribute to low resilience to extreme heat exposure for almost 1 in 4 individuals in the United States.
Owning or Renting the American Dream
In recognition of American Housing Month and National Homeownership Month, we explore housing data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Families and Living Arrangements
U.S. Adults Provided $17.5 Billion in Support to Parents in 2020
Almost as many U.S. adults voluntarily provided financial support to parents as those who paid mandatory child support.
How Socially Vulnerable Is Puerto Rico to Disasters?
All municipios and 87% of census tracts in Puerto Rico showed higher social vulnerability than the United States.
¿Cuánta vulnerabilidad social ante desastres tiene Puerto Rico?
Todos los municipios y el 87 % de los sectores censales en Puerto Rico muestran una mayor vulnerabilidad social que los Estados Unidos.
Income and Poverty
Persistent Poverty: Identifying Areas With Long-Term High Poverty
U.S. Census Bureau research introduces a proposed expanded definition of persistent poverty at subcounty levels.
How Long Does It Take Renters to Find a Place?
The 2021 American Housing Survey shows that 58.5% of renters who moved between 2019 and 2021 found a new place to live in less than a month.
Examining Equity in COVID-19 Stimulus Payments
New research by the Census Bureau, Treasury, and IRS examines variation in receipt of payments across race and ethnic groups.
Income and Poverty
Opportunities for Marriage, Partnership Shape Women’s Family Incomes
White women were more likely than Black women of the same economic background to have access to more income from spouses and partners.
Income and Poverty
Impact of the End of Extra SNAP Benefits
About 1 in 4 households in states that gave SNAP emergency benefits during the pandemic report not having enough to eat now that extra funding has ended.
More People in All Race/Ethnic Groups Worked From Home 2019-2021
The number of White, Black, Asian and Hispanic home-based workers more than doubled.
Income and Poverty
Coastal and Large Counties More Distressed Than Other U.S. Areas
Two government measures of communities’ distress, based on different social and economic factors, show which counties are most vulnerable when disasters hit.
Low-Income Renters Spent Larger Share of Income on Rent in 2021
The percentage of household income spent on rent plus utilities increased from 2019 to 2021 and renters with the lowest annual income saw the largest spikes.
Income and Poverty
How Have State Official Poverty Rates Changed Over 10 Years?
A new Census Bureau historical table shows that 40 states and the District of Columbia had lower official poverty rates in 2019-2021 than in 2009-2011.
Volunteering in America: New U.S. Census Bureau, AmeriCorps Research
A Census Bureau and AmeriCorps survey provides the most comprehensive data on volunteering and civic engagement by state and within the largest 12 metro areas.
Income and Poverty
Nearly One in Three Mississippians Eligible for Food Assistance
An updated visualization shows characteristics of those who receive or are eligible for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in counties in several states.
The Stories U.S. Census Bureau Data Told in 2022
A look at some of the America Counts stories that revealed shifts in our population, from growing diversity and declining poverty to where and how we live.
Page Last Revised - April 14, 2023
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