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Summary Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010

Report Number: CPH-1


Data from the 2010 Census for the United States and Puerto Rico are presented in two printed report series and a single report for American Indians and Alaska Natives by tribe1

1. CPH-1, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics

2. CPH-2, Population and Housing Unit Counts

3. CPH-3, Characteristics of American Indians and Alaska Natives by Tribe 1

The data from the 2010 Census were derived from a limited number of basic questions asked of the entire population and about every housing unit. Appendix D (see Selected Appendixes report at <www.census .gov/prod/cen2010/cph-1-a.pdf>) presents a facsimile of the questionnaire pages used to collect the data included in this report. Note that the "long form" data included in previous censuses are not included in the 2010 Census.

The CPH-1, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics, report series provides data based on age, Hispanic or Latino origin, household relationship, race, sex, tenure (owner- or renter-occupied), and vacancy characteristics. Land area measurements and population density also are provided. This series is similar to the Census 2000 PHC-1 series.

The CPH-2, Population and Housing Unit Counts, report series provides 2010 Census and historical comparisons of the population and housing unit counts. It also provides area measurements and density. The user notes section documents geographic changes over the past decade. This series is similar to the Census 2000 PHC-3 series.

In each series, there is one report for each state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, plus a United States summary report. Many tables in the United States summary reports include data for Puerto Rico.

The CPH-3, Characteristics of American Indians and Alaska Natives by Tribe, report provides population and housing information for selected American Indian and Alaska Native tribes. This report is similar to the Census 2000 PHC-5 report. This is a single report covering the entire United States. 1

1 Resource limitations necessitate the cancellation of this product.

Page Last Revised - December 7, 2021
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