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2010 Census of Puerto Rico Assessment Report

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2010 Census Planning Memo No. 238

Executive Summary

The 2010 Census of Puerto Rico Assessment gathers the detailed information necessary to analyze the quality of the integration of Puerto Rico operations into the stateside census. It documents the results of the 2010 Census of Puerto Rico including the workload, production rates, cost, improvement of the Puerto Rico Master Address File, and other major findings and lessons learned for all decennial operations conducted in Puerto Rico. This report also covers the planning, coordination, development, data collection, data capture and data processing phases. This analysis identifies what aspects of the 2010 Census of Puerto Rico worked well, what needs improvement, and what issues affected the operations. It also documents improvements and recommendations that will aid stakeholders and Census management with 2020 Census planning for Puerto Rico.   

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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