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1992 Census of Governments: Volume 1, Government Organization

Report Number GC92(1)-1

A census of governments is taken at 5-year intervals as required by law under Title 13, United States Code, Section 161. This 1992 census, similar to those taken since 1957, covers four major subject fields—government organization, taxable property values, public employment, and government finances. Volume 1, Government Organization, is the first volume of the 1992 Census of Governments to be released. It contains two parts that encompass the organization of State and local governments, as follows: No. 1, Government Organization; and No. 2, Popularly Elected Officials. This report, No. 1, contains the official counts of the number of State and local governments. It also includes tabulations of governments by State, type of government, size, and county location.

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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