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Geographical Mobility: March 1975 to March 1976

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Report Number P20-305


According to estimates from the Current Population Survey, 17.1 percent of the 208,069,000 persons 1 year old and over living in the United States in March 1976 were living at a different address 1 year earlier, in March 1975. This 17.1 percent represents 35,645,000 persons. An additional 1, 148,000 persons moved to the United States during the 12 months prior to the survey.

Inclusion of the movers from abroad gives the United States a 1-year residential mobility rate of 17.7 percent for the 1975-76 period. Whether movers from abroad are included or excluded, the rate of residential mobility in the United States is high by international standards.1 It is not increasing, however. There is evidence that the 1-year rate of residential mobility has been gradually declining in the United States.

Data on residential mobility over a 1-year period were first collected in 1948 and on an annual basis until 1971.2 During this period the data showed few statistically significant year-to-year changes in the rate of moving. Combining the residential mobility data for several years increases the sample size sufficiently to produce statistically significant declines. For instance the average annual rate of residential mobility for the 4 years from 1968 to 1971 was less than the average annual rate of moving for the 4 years from 1958-61. The average annual rate of moving in 1958-61 was 20.1 percent, compared with 19.1 percent in 1968-71. The rate declined to 17.7 percent for the 12 months between March 1975 and March 1976. These rates include movers from abroad.


1 Larry H. Long and Celia G. Boertlein, "The Geographical Mobility of Americans: An International Comparison," Current Population Reports: Special Studies, Series P-23, No. 64. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Governrrent Printing Office, 1976.
2 U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-20, No. 235, "Mobility of the Population of the United States: March 1970 to March 1971." Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972.


Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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