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1950 Census of Housing: Special Tabulations for Local Housing Authorities

Report Number HC-6

The reports in Series HC-6 were based on special tabulations of data from the 1950 Census, made on a reimbursable basis for local housing authorities. The reports were not issued as a single publication.

Prior to the 1950 Census, arrangements were made between the Bureau of the Census and the Public Housing Administration for the Census to provide local housing authorities with tabulations of population, housing, and income data in advance of the regular census publications. Tabulations were made of characteristics of families living in dwellng units defined as substandard by the Public Housing Administration. For most of the areas, the results were based on a sample of substandard dwelling units.

In order to provide the information as soon as possible, the Census field office staffs transcribed data from the 1950 Census schedules before shipping them to Washington. In the smaller places, a supplemental enumeration was made to obtain family income data for families not falling in the regular 1950 Census sample. A separate clerical unit was established in the Washington office to process the results of the transcriptions. In this way, for all except a few cities, the tabulations were completed and transmitted to the local housing authorities before the end of 1950.

A total of 224 areas, representing about 20 percent of the nonfarm dwelling units in the United States took advantage of the program. In addition to the tabulations sent directly to the local housing authorities, reports were published for practically all the areas; also, a summary report (HC-6, No. 220) presenting results for 214 of the areas was published. Excluded from the summary were St. Louis, Mo. (HC-6. No. 221) for which tabulations were made after the summary was prepared, and cities in Alaska, for which the criteria for "substandard" were different from those used in the United States. Because the number of substandard dwelling units was too small to provide detailed tabulations, no reports were published for Beaumont, CA, Fowler, CA, Shafter, CA, and Renton, WA. No report was published for Birmingham, AL because of a boundary problem.

District of Columbia

* These online documents are missing some content.

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A Note on Language

Census statistics date back to 1790 and reflect the growth and change of the United States. Past census reports contain some terms that today’s readers may consider obsolete and inappropriate. As part of our goal to be open and transparent with the public, we are improving access to all Census Bureau original publications and statistics, which serve as a guide to the nation's history.

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